Many people believe that a healthy weight is all about calories, so they exercise to compensate for bad eating. This is not really the healthy way to live.
The Art of Sleep
Hello friends! I’ve already written a couple of posts about sleep, but I’ve been slacking in the sleep department recently and thought I’d bring out a post I did for Janetha a few months back to help us review the art of sleep. 🙂 (It’s a little lengthy, just to warn ya, but that just…
Healing Depression and Anxiety // LOVE to MOVE
Hello Friends! How weird is the English language? I mean seriously, I feel bad for those who have to learn English as a second language. Love and Move look like words that should rhyme, but they don’t. It’s not loooohve to move or love to muhve… Okay that was not the point of this post. …
Thank You Shape Magazine
Hello Friends! I hardly ever take time to sit down and read a magazine. This was evident in my mad cleaning fit that took over me on Monday. I found about 15 magazine issues (that I paid for!) that I still haven’t read…and I only subscribe to two monthly magazines and one magazine that comes…
Homemade Scotchie Granola Bars
Hello Friends! Did you know today is the first day of spring? It’s also my Grandma Rosalie’s birthday, which suits her well being a big gardener. Happy Birthday Grandma Rose!! It’s super rainy here…isn’t April supposed to be the rainy month? (*April Showers Bring May Flowers…But What Did the Mayflower Bring?*) It’s weird because…
{Love Yourself February} {Guest Post} Tina Reale: The “Dream” Physique
Hello Friends! I have a wonderful post to share for you from Tina Reale who blogs over at Best Body Fitness. I started reading her blog a few months ago when she was at Faith, Fitness, Fun and I fell in love with her writing. She is so open and honest about her life and…
New Series: Love Yourself February
Hello Friends! So I know it’s been February for about 7 days already, but I am asking you (yes YOU) to participate in this wonderful series that has been on my heart for awhile. I am calling it Love Yourself February.An appropriate month for love right? It sounds self-explanatory enough, but loving our body is…
Happy New Year: 2012 Goals and Link-Up
**Happy New Year!!** (again…can you say it too many times??) I am so thrilled for 2012 and for the possibilities it brings.I feel it in my bones that this year will be a life-changing year. Yes, my bones are that perceptive. I have been working all day long on my New Year resolution list (after…
College Students CAN be Healthy (Even with NO time!)
The first alarm goes off in the morning.I set the first alarm to radio because I tend to not hate the world so much when I hear KLove early in the AM. SNOOZE.Nine minutes later it goes off again. SNOOZE.One minute after that my second alarm goes off. The annoying beepbeepbeepBEEPBEEPBEEP (progressively louder) so now…
My new fav breakfast :-)
Hello everyone! I just wanted to share a delicious AND healthy breakfast choice. It is similar to an Egg McMuffin, only you can make it at home and save a few calories! Ingredients: 2 eggs Oroweat Sandwich Thins Mexican Shredded Cheese As silly as it sounds, I microwave the eggs! I beat the eggs in…