Hello Friends! How weird is the English language? I mean seriously, I feel bad for those who have to learn English as a second language. Love and Move look like words that should rhyme, but they don’t. It’s not loooohve to move or love to muhve… Okay that was not the point of this post. …
Enjoying Outdoor Running
Hello Friends! The thing I love about running outside is the scenery. Duh. I live in a neighborhood with a gazillion houses all smooshed together, but just outside of it, you can find nature…other than the yellowed lawns and potted plants. There is a section of land that apparently they have turned into hay-bale type…
Cow Pie Hike + Giveaway Winner
Hello Friends! Delicious title right? Well it was very fitting for the actual hike I took with Dave (the BF) at his family farm over the weekend. You see I have been training for this half-marathon, that I have yet to sign up for (commitment issues?). The training schedule I have is realistic, however when…
Gymboss Interval Timer Review and Giveaway
The Gymboss Interval Trainer is an excellent tool for all of your workouts including cardio and strength training exercises but especially HIIT training. Check out how much I love mine here!
Half-Marathon Training Plan
Hello Friends! So you want to run a half-marathon? Me too! I’ve tried a couple of times with obstacles blocking my completion and I am trying again! One of the fun things for me is planning out my training plan. I like to use a base plan such as a Hal Higdon training plan and…
{WIAW #34} Summer Staples
Hello Friends! So I wasn’t going to do WIAW, because that would involve visiting other blogs, which I’m temporarily giving up. I did decide to pop in on Jenn’s WIAW because she told me via Twitter that she had created an ACV concoction that she wouldn’t be sharing until today. (*sigh* I broke down…
Guess What? I’m Gonna Try Again!
Hello Friends! The half-marathon. The daunting 13.1 mile run. I’ve attempted training for it twice now. The first time, I hurt my back at work. Not only did I have to discontinue training, I was unable to work for a couple of months. That. Was. Awful. The last time I tried to train for the…
The Color Run Rant
Hello Friends! Okay you know how you get super excited about something and the closer it comes the more excited you get and the anticipation grows and grows and well, it’s not all that you had hoped for? This is how the Color Run was for me. So many amazingly cool pictures on the Color…
Motivation to Move
Do you need some motivation to move?? Look no further than this post with a great list of items to get you going!
Thank You Shape Magazine
Hello Friends! I hardly ever take time to sit down and read a magazine. This was evident in my mad cleaning fit that took over me on Monday. I found about 15 magazine issues (that I paid for!) that I still haven’t read…and I only subscribe to two monthly magazines and one magazine that comes…