Well I have had a stressful morning trying to figure out classes for this next quarter/semester. Yep there is a next quarter AND a next semester because I am taking one class at the local community college (Chemistry..ekk) and at least one class at a University about an hour away (Anatomy…double ekk). Trying to figure out…
Friday Five Foodie Finds #3 {New Favorite Foodie Photographer}
Happy Friday everyone!! I hope your week has been good and productive and now you can be lazy over the weekend. 🙂 Mine was somewhat the opposite with my stinkin cold but good news..I am feeling better! Now I would like to share with you the thing I did get accomplished this week….blog surfing and good…
#Weightloss Wednesday: “Exercise Alternatives” by Mama Sue
Hello again everyone!Just got this post e-mailed to me from Mama Sue. As usual, I love her writing..so fun and honest! I also agree with her that exercise can come in many forms…just get up and move! {“Exercise Alternatives” by Mama Sue I almost entitled this, “Eighty-three degrees and a 95% chance of sweat”. It…
That’s a Wrap!
So I’ve been eating the same wrap for oh I dunno…2 weeks?And it’s a good thing I just ran out of tortillas because my tastebuds would eventually get bored…eventually…But for today my tastebuds and tummy are LOVIN my Chicken Tender BBQ Cottage Cheese Wrap.{It looks like I’ve gone through a similar chicken wrap phase in June.}I’ve…
SLEEP: It’s Good for the Soul (Part One: Environment)
Let me tell you, nothing bugs me more than time wasted!And I feel it is a big waste of time to lie in bed, staring at the ceiling for long periods of time, simply because I can’t get to sleep. I feel that there are things we can do to ensure falling asleep in a…
Friday Five Foodie Finds #2
Happy Friday Everyone! Seriously can’t believe it’s Friday, this week seems to have gone by so fast! Two tests, work, homework and a couple of lazy sicky days this week.. The BF brought me soup and sprite (which I mixed with orange juice and water) AND Happy Birthday to my little bro!! Lil bro! We tried…
College Students CAN be Healthy (Even with NO time!)
The first alarm goes off in the morning.I set the first alarm to radio because I tend to not hate the world so much when I hear KLove early in the AM. SNOOZE.Nine minutes later it goes off again. SNOOZE.One minute after that my second alarm goes off. The annoying beepbeepbeepBEEPBEEPBEEP (progressively louder) so now…
#WeightLoss Wednesday: “Keeping It Simple” by Mama Sue
Good Afternoon/Early Evening everyone!The amazing Mama Sue has sent me her post so all I have to do is share it with you all! This is quite a convenient thing since I’ve been a little under the weather and haven’t even cooked..at all (no new recipes) or worked out (except for a lil walk with…
Small-town Wedding Fun + Exciting News
Oh school, how you get in the way of all my fun!!This weekend we got to go hang out with the BF’s family in smalltownville,US. Okay that’s not really a place but it’s was a small town wedding and I honestly LOVED it. We stayed at the BF’s family farm again {check out my Labor…
Friday Five Foodie Finds: {Check out my sweet tooth this week…}
Hello friends! I know Friday Finds or Friday Favorites or Friday Follows isn’t new to the blogging world, but I am joining in the fun! I am constantly checking out other talented bloggers pages to find inspiration and to find delicious food/desserts to make. It’s hard to limit it down to just five, but I…