I have an awesome 10 week half marathon training plan that is perfect for newbies who are short on time! Printable and customizable, too!
Half Marathon Training with Fall Allergies (training update 2015)
Hey friends! Let’s chat about how my 10 week half marathon training plan went. Spoiler alert: it did not go as planned.
Did You Know #17: Benefits of Compression Socks
There’s this fad nowadays in the fitness and running industry involving compression gear, more specifically, compression socks. But are they just fashionable or do they really serve a purpose?
Did You Know Link-Up #16: Fueling for Races
Let’s dig into proper fueling for races since this topic is on my mind (my half-marathon is in two days!!) and it’s Did You Know Friday!
Leprechaun Chase 10K Race 2015
I had the privilege of racing with sister Courtney at her first ever 10K race: The Nebraska Leprechaun Chase 10K. It’s a super fun race, but definitely not for those of us who don’t train very well.
SHN Moves 1-26-15: Bringing it Back
Remember like two years ago when I did Monday Moves? Welp, we are bringing it back!
5 Last Minute Gift Ideas + Giveaway
Check out these awesome last minute items that will be perfect for your favorite foodie or fitness enthusiast.
Should You Do a Fun Mud Run?
I will start out by saying I’ve only done two of these runs, but they were both with different companies, different people and different states, so I feel like all of those different variables helps round out my experiences. Meaning, I didn’t just do one run and base my opinions on that one run that could have been good or bad just depending on the day/people/place.
I’ve never done a serious competitive mud run like the Tough Mudder, which from what I’ve heard are much different than the fun runs I’ve done, so I want to make sure it’s clear that I’m talking about non-competitive fun mud runs.
Fall Running Style with Target® C9
Fall is one of those times where the weather is quite unpredictable. It might be 60 degrees but super windy (like it was in Nebraska for my 7 mile run-walk), or it might even be in the 40s and sunny.
It could even be snowing. I mean, this is Minnesota.
My solution: layers.
I know for a fact that I will have a couple of layers on for my upcoming race (half of my costume is that zebra running jacket!). I’m going to share with you some factors to take into account as well as some of my favorite Target® C9 running pieces.
Foodie Finds in Des Moines
A small group of bloggers decided that since the Healthy Living Summit got cancelled, we should still get together. It’s weird to think about if you don’t have internet friends (or blends..blog + friend = blend), but these gals are some of my closest friends. We met due to common interests and our personalities seem to meld really well. Plus we all love food and fitness. Thus the zillion food/drink stops AND a little dose of active fun.