I used to not share recipes because they weren’t “from scratch.” I would have never shared a recipe like this that had a pre-made crust and pre-made sauce. I thought in order to share a recipe it would have to be something that rivaled what Martha Stewart would come up with. I have changed that…
SHN Eats
WIAW #74: Intuitive Eating- Stop Battling with “Bad” Foods
Last week was Dave’s birthday so, as he requested, we headed to Chili’s with a friend! I even got to wear my new “t-shirt dress” (my word…it’s comfy like a t-shirt) that I got on sale at Target. Seriously, go check out the end of the season sales going on at my favorite store. I…
WIAW #73: Can’t Get Enough of These Eats
I had a strong urge to title this WIAW (What I Ate Wednesday) post with “What I’ve Been Eating Lately” but I get super annoyed when I see bloggers title their post “Lately.” There is one in particular that I swear every time I see a post it is titled “Lately.” If I demand a…
Most Popular What I Ate Wednesday Posts
I have now participated in 72 WIAW (What I Ate Wednesday) link-ups!
Here are the most popular posts to date!
{WIAW #72} Current Confessions
Hello Friends! I have a confession to make. Well, I have a lot of confessions I should probably make…like the fact that sometimes I make cookies solely to eat all the dough left in the bowl. That’s pretty normal though, right? I should also confess that in three days I had Starbucks three times. Once…
Fizzy Fruity Summer Drinks
Fizzy fruity summer drinks are super easy! All you have to do is freeze fruit into icecubes and once those are frozen…pop them into some fizzy water!
{WIAW} Dark Chocolate Coffee Butter Bark
Hello Friends! I sat down to type up my WIAW, only to remember…it’s not Wednesday. *sigh* Good thing Jenn is amazing and is going to add my link manually…a day late!! I might be a tad bit sleepy. You see Tuesday we made the trip to Nebraska so that Dave could go to a 7am…
{WIAW #68} Strawberry Creme Non-Dairy Milkshake + Giveaway Winner
Hello Friends! I’m happy to say I’ve kept up so far with my workout plan. Not that it is too hard or strict….it’s just a start in the right direction! Let’s jump right into the things I’ve been eating lately. (More information on WIAW or What I Ate Wednesday here.) {Breakfast} I tragically ran out…
{WIAW #67} Our Very Own Fridge
Hello Friends! It’s the little things, right? Having to share a fridge with a roommate is kind of a pain. Since you’re not sharing money…you’re not likely to share food when you just have a roommate. This means that you will probably have doubles of certain things…like bread, milk, eggs, salad, fruit, veggies, etc and…
{WIAW #66} Moving Day + Archive Eats
Hello Friends! Today is the day! Moving day! So I’m going to attempt to keep this short and sweet! I lost my fancy camera’s charger for awhile (yay for moving and finding it!) so I haven’t been able to take the best pictures of food…but I did discover an entire folder of food from May,…