Hello Friends! Did you know today is the first day of spring? It’s also my Grandma Rosalie’s birthday, which suits her well being a big gardener. Happy Birthday Grandma Rose!! It’s super rainy here…isn’t April supposed to be the rainy month? (*April Showers Bring May Flowers…But What Did the Mayflower Bring?*) It’s weird because…
Get Some Fruit in Your Life
Hello Friends! In most of my WIAWs I’ve said that I really need more fruit in my diet. I eat a banana or apple most days weeks, however I am not a big fan of berries. Something about the texture bugs me, not to mention the fact that they seem to go bad pretty quickly. …
{WIAW #20} Drooling all Day
Good Morning Friends! I hope everyone is having a great week so far! I cannot believe it’s Wednesday but I am so excited because I missed out on WIAW last week due to crazy stress and busyness. (More info on WIAW.) The food pictured was from a couple of weeks ago when I made my…
Crockpot Chili
Hello Friends! I am a beginner cook. I am sure most of you have realized this. I am fascinated by all of these cooking blogs that I follow because each one makes me feel like I know even less about preparing a meal. (See my Friday Five Foodie Finds for recipes I drool over weekly.) …
{Friday Five Foodie Finds #17}
Hello Friends! How’s your day going? Mine feels busy, but it’s all relative right? TGIF! I had to get up early this morning to go babysit a cat before I headed out to school. Yes, babysit a cat. 😉 My friend is out enjoying some sweet oceanic views so I get to pretend to be…
Happy Pancake Day! Oatcakes Recipe
Happy Pancake Day Friends! Little did I know when I was preparing and tweaking this recipe from Lee at Fit Foodie Finds that it would be on the very day of National Pancake Day! (Who thinks of these holidays? How can I get in on that?) I made the original recipe for the BF and…
{Friday Five Foodie Finds # 16} Here’s to Feeling Better!
Hello Friends! Well Friday is already half-over, but I’m sharing these lovely foodie finds with you just the same! I wasn’t feeling too hot this morning. I realized it was really bad when I could barely hobble over to my alarm clock(s) (that are positioned across the room to force me to get up.) I…
Lovingly Healthy Cookie Bars
Check out this amazing healthy cookie bar recipe! Make it for someone you care about.
{Friday Five Foodie Finds #15}
Happy Friday Friends! Time for another Friday Five Foodie Finds! If you’ve been here before, you probably aren’t surprised that there are mostly sweets on the line-up. I have a serious sweet tooth. I am also very into bars lately, as you can see by two of the picks as well as my Granookie Bars,…
For the Love of Pizza
Hello Friends! You like pizza right? But someone, somewhere may have told you it is a forbidden food. First of all, don’t have forbidden foods. As in don’t restrict yourself from eating any certain food. That can only lead to trouble in the form of secretly consuming large amounts of said forbidden food and then…