Hey guys, how’s your week going? I’m back with another round of SHN Moves where I share the ways I’ve been moving the past week (slash 3 weeks if it’s like today and it’s been awhile..).
Inspire Me Mondays Link-Up
Basically it’s all about inspiring people with what you do best! And then you can also be inspired by all of the talented linkers. Seriously, my mind is blown every time I’ve linked up, so I decided to hop on board.
Tips to Help You Eat a Little Healthier in Restaurants
You should never fear going out to eat! While it’s good to indulge every once in awhile, if you’re out to eat fairly often, you may need to have some of these handy tips in your arsenal. A certain holiday is also coming up..you know that romantic one involving roses and chocolates..and often a restaurant….
Fab Feb Frigidaire Giveaway
Hey friends! I have a crazy awesome giveaway for you all…one I really want to enter myself! This giveaway is so awesome because I’m partnering with a bunch of other bloggers to bring you a prize worth 375 big ones. Now this is my first group giveaway, so bear with me. And as always you…
Is it Possible To drink Too Much Water? #diduknowlink #13
Over-hydration is definitely a thing! Learn how much water you really need and what you can do to ensure you aren’t drinking too much water. This post may be a tad shorter than my usual 1000+ word posts, but that’s only because life happened. Life like that cute little kitten of mine gnawing on…
Fudgy Hot Cocoa Bars with Mini Mallows
What if you could have hot cocoa in the form of a fudgy hot cocoa bar? What if you could eat your hot cocoa? Well, thanks to a fun kitchen experiment conducted by yours truly, you can do just that!
To Date or Not To Date (your blog posts)
An idea I picked up from The Blog Maven is to remove the dates from blog posts and comments. I was intrigued at first, but I actually like doing it every once in awhile.
SHN Moves 1-26-15: Bringing it Back
Remember like two years ago when I did Monday Moves? Welp, we are bringing it back!
Souper Bowl 2015 Soup + Chili Cook Off Linky Party
I’m so excited to share this soup + chili link-up with you! If you are blogger, your posts will be shared with 18 different blogs (hello exposure!) plus pinned to the group Pinterest board (hello more amazing exposure!). Everyone will be able to benefit from all of the mouth-watering soup + chili cook off recipes linked.