These super simple homemade baked tortilla chips are a perfect spicy snack to toast up and bring to your next summer shindig. They’re even semi-healthy!
{WIAW #26} Almost Better
Hello Friends! It’s Wednesday yet again! And I have the day off! And it’s summer!! I worked over the long-weekend that everyone else had, so this is my little vacation. I’m feeling better, baring the phlem hanging around in my throat (tmi?), so instead of laying around, I might get up and do some cleaning…
Clean Out Yo Fridge Nachos
Hello Friends! Since I was out of town this weekend getting my booty kicked at Blend Retreat, I had a mostly empty fridge when I got back. Or the items in the fridge were going bad quickly and needed to be put to use. No need to waste produce! I decided to throw a bunch…
Semi-Healthy Nachos
Hello Friends! I am about to share with you a late night snack that I’ve been having for months. Not every night..but it is a great option for when cereal doesn’t sound so great. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. It is also an easy snack that could possibly be used for a…
Cantaloupe is now in *Season*!!
Hello! I am not very good about knowing when fruit is in season…but I did realize that over the winter, the cantaloupe that I got from my local grocery store was BLEH! I decided to try to buy some this week and MMMMMM the difference! I wanted a little snack today and even though my cantaloupe had…