I don’t know about you, but sometimes I need to focus on the happy things in my life. I have one of those weird brains that naturally seeks out the negative in pretty much any situation, but I think with practice (and with these types of posts) we can train our brains to focus on the GOOD.
5 Ways to Relax That Are Good for Your Health
Here are some easy ways to relax that are actually good for your health. As opposed to some that might not be as beneficial…like drowning your sorrows in booze, ice-cream and/or hours upon hours of Netflix. (Let’s be honest; we all do this on occasion.)
Merry Christmas + Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Dave and I!
Rolling with the Punches
I spent a lot of time worrying and stressing this weekend even though there were many marvelous things happening. I was somehow blinded by:what I wanted–right then and there,what wasn’t working,cleaning up messes,unanticipated shenanigans late into the night when I had articles due,a blog transfer that isn’t going so smoothly…mainly due to the fact that…
A Visit to The Chive (a dose of snark in poem form)
I’ve been thinking about a way to write about this all week, and this is what I came up with. I’m sorry if you like the Chive, I too was a fan…until I actually went to the site. This girl will no longer “chive on.” A Visit to the Chive Adapted (sort of) from…
Pin-teresting Motivational Quotes
You guys seriously crack me up. I wanted to do this post today to motivate myself (and you) and to get started on a positive note, but really, just go over to my Justin’s Peanut Butter Cup Giveaway and look at the comments! Were you aware that nearly every woman has a chocolate hiding spot?? …
Fizzy Fruity Summer Drinks
Fizzy fruity summer drinks are super easy! All you have to do is freeze fruit into icecubes and once those are frozen…pop them into some fizzy water!
{MIMM #21} Adventures in Moving
Hello Friends! So I was feeling pretty productive and patting myself on the back when I finished unpacking all of our boxes in two days AND finding a spot for almost everything. This included all of the new gadgets we bought. We could see the floor, dishes were put away and we were even able…
{MIMM #16} Blessed
Hello Friends!   I am sitting here in my dad’s basement Sunday evening at 11pm, very exhausted, waiting for my laundry to be done and thinking how blessed I am. And how seldom I believe myself to be so. I got to head to my hometown where I was surrounded by people all weekend. While…
{Fit Friday #5} Convenience
Hello Friends! I’m not gonna lie…many times I have planned on going to the gym but ended up “not having enough time,” or didn’t feel like getting all of my things together and making the 10 minute trip to the gym. But now…I kind of have no excuse. Sure, I’m busy, but I have at…