A couple of weeks ago I did a whole long, heart-felt post enlisting help to support Girls on the Run, a wonderful organization who’s mission is: “to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.” Well, I got a few thumbs-ups, but no gravy. Since…
The Salted Skillet Cookie…. with Toffee and Chocolate
Thanks for the thoughtful comments on Sunday’s post. I am pretty sure I will always have seasons of self-doubt and anxiety in blogging, but it really helps to know I’m not alone! I found out that one thing I do like is having my posts done the night before I want them on the blog…
{WIAW} Dark Chocolate Coffee Butter Bark
Hello Friends! I sat down to type up my WIAW, only to remember…it’s not Wednesday. *sigh* Good thing Jenn is amazing and is going to add my link manually…a day late!! I might be a tad bit sleepy. You see Tuesday we made the trip to Nebraska so that Dave could go to a 7am…
{WIAW #68} Strawberry Creme Non-Dairy Milkshake + Giveaway Winner
Hello Friends! I’m happy to say I’ve kept up so far with my workout plan. Not that it is too hard or strict….it’s just a start in the right direction! Let’s jump right into the things I’ve been eating lately. (More information on WIAW or What I Ate Wednesday here.) {Breakfast} I tragically ran out…
{WIAW #67} Our Very Own Fridge
Hello Friends! It’s the little things, right? Having to share a fridge with a roommate is kind of a pain. Since you’re not sharing money…you’re not likely to share food when you just have a roommate. This means that you will probably have doubles of certain things…like bread, milk, eggs, salad, fruit, veggies, etc and…
{WIAW #66} Moving Day + Archive Eats
Hello Friends! Today is the day! Moving day! So I’m going to attempt to keep this short and sweet! I lost my fancy camera’s charger for awhile (yay for moving and finding it!) so I haven’t been able to take the best pictures of food…but I did discover an entire folder of food from May,…
{MIMM #20} Giveaway: Delicious Ezekiel Bread!
Hello Friends! Welp moving is officially underway! Who here likes moving? Playing Tetris with all of your possessions in order to move the fewest number of boxes? No? Even when you happen upon a ginormous chicken when you return the U-haul trailer? This was for my friend Sarah For some reason I thought I could…
{MIMM #18} Banana Split Chobani Brownies + Raspberry Chobani Frosting
Hello Friends! I hope all of you Mothers had an amazing Mother’s Day! I was only able to text my mom this lame picture…but I will be seeing her soon and hopefully she likes the surprise I’m sending to her work! 🙂 I am still hanging out in the twin cities with Dave and we…
{WIAW #62} Instagrammed
Hello Friends! So did I tell ya about my new phone? (Oh yeah, I attempted to do a post from my phone…that went alright lol) It’s an Android htc and my first touchscreen which is driving me bonkers (this old fashioned gal misses her Blackberry keyboard!), BUT since I switched to Android…I have FINALLY joined…
{Vegetarian Curious #8} Healthy, Simple Recipes
Okay friends, today I will be taking my last two finals…one in a nutrition class and one in Statistics. Wish me luck! Also get excited about the month of May! I have giveaways and reviews and recipes and nutrition and fitness posts that I’ve been dying to write, but I’ve needed to focus and trudge…