Hello Friends! Oh yes. Combining two wonderful things into one magnificent creation. Brownies + Cookie Dough = Death by Awesomeness. Gotta love math, right? Would you believe that this is a semi-healthy dessert? It is!I got the idea to make this from my friend Emily at our last baking day who is hosting a giveaway…
Thanksgiving 2012
Hello Friends! I took a surprisingly small amount of photos this holiday….okay I took some, but seriously, remember last Thanksgiving?? Lots of pictures…like this sweet one! My sis Rachel and I hung out the night before to do some baking and like last year…she didn’t really do much of anything except be a goofball. What…
{WIAW #47} Leftover Chili’s
Hello Friends! It’s Wednesday! Another WIAW! {What I Ate Wednesday} (More info here!) Food is like gold around my house these days. I will be moving to the city where I go to school soon, so this means that I will have to pay rent, utilities, buy all the little things that the Daddio bought…
{Recipe Round-Up} What to Take to Thanksgiving
Hello Friends! Are you a host or an invader? This is the question I overheard someone asking at school the other day while talking about Thanksgiving break. I’m assuming it was a cheeky way of saying “Are you having people over for Thanksgiving or going over to someone else’s house?” If you are a host,…
{WIAW #46} Semi-Healthy Weekend
This is how I balance life. I call it “semi-healthy.”
{WIAW #45} Five Guys Burger and Fries
Hello Friends! WIAW {What I Ate Wednesday} or WIBEL {What I’ve Been Eating Lately} (More of my WIAW here.) Yep, that was my intro. Here’s the food! Breakfast: On days I travel to school, this is exactly what my breakfast looks like. Crunchy peanut butter and jelly toast with my gummy vitamins and allergy meds…
{WIAW #43} Cupcake-arific Eats
Hello Friends! After a long day of driving and school (I left my lab notebook at home today…an hour away…le sigh), I am excited to shower off the rainy day and unwind looking at pretty pictures of my food. I present to you the 43rd edition of WIAW on this Semi-Healthy blog in the form…
{WIAW #42} Mexican Tacos and Dessert Fail
Hello Friends! Well it looks like my last post was actually LAST WIAW. (What is WIAW? Check out why I participate here.) This shows how much school (I’m looking at YOU Chemistry class) is taking over my life. (Or I’m just watching too much How I Met Your Mother and it takes me longer to…
{WIAW #41} Random Eats
Check out some of my random semi-healthy eats!
Banana Spiced Muffin Top Cookies
Hello Friends! Sometimes an accident can be a wonderful thing. Take these Banana Spiced Muffin Top Cookies, for example. I was going for cookies, but the texture and taste were so close to that of a banana muffin that I couldn’t just call them a cookie. And of course they don’t really look…