Hello Friends! Today is the day! Moving day! So I’m going to attempt to keep this short and sweet! I lost my fancy camera’s charger for awhile (yay for moving and finding it!) so I haven’t been able to take the best pictures of food…but I did discover an entire folder of food from May,…
{MIMM #20} Giveaway: Delicious Ezekiel Bread!
Hello Friends! Welp moving is officially underway! Who here likes moving? Playing Tetris with all of your possessions in order to move the fewest number of boxes? No? Even when you happen upon a ginormous chicken when you return the U-haul trailer? This was for my friend Sarah For some reason I thought I could…
{WIAW #65} Farm Food + Fun
Hello Friends! I would just like to start out by saying Wow. Thank you. To all of the people who wrote heart felt comments on my last post Should Your Workout Leave You Sore for DAYS? I am not used to that kind of response and I was struck by how much time it really…
{WIAW #64} Park City, Utah Food
Hello Friends! Yes, there still is more to share about the retreat I went on this weekend in the lovely Park City, Utah! For those of you who don’t know, most of the bloggers there were very into food. Some even call themselves foodies. So you can bet there was a whole lot of good…
{WIAW #63} Mall of America + NEWS!
Hello Friends! Wow where did the last week go? I seriously feel like I JUST wrote up a WIAW (or What. I. Ate. Wednesday.) post (and painstakingly watched as the bar crept along showing the status of the photo uploads…dang hotel internet!). Since these photos from the amazing Mall of America did not want to…
{MIMM #18} Banana Split Chobani Brownies + Raspberry Chobani Frosting
Hello Friends! I hope all of you Mothers had an amazing Mother’s Day! I was only able to text my mom this lame picture…but I will be seeing her soon and hopefully she likes the surprise I’m sending to her work! 🙂 I am still hanging out in the twin cities with Dave and we…
SHN Favorites 5-10-13
Happy Friday Friends! I failed to mention this in my half-marathon race recap post yesterday, but I made it to the great state of Minnesota! I road-tripped it all the way up from Nebraska! I got to stop and hang out with my blend Calee in Ames on the way up where she treated me…
{WIAW #62} Instagrammed
Hello Friends! So did I tell ya about my new phone? (Oh yeah, I attempted to do a post from my phone…that went alright lol) It’s an Android htc and my first touchscreen which is driving me bonkers (this old fashioned gal misses her Blackberry keyboard!), BUT since I switched to Android…I have FINALLY joined…
{Vegetarian Curious #8} Healthy, Simple Recipes
Okay friends, today I will be taking my last two finals…one in a nutrition class and one in Statistics. Wish me luck! Also get excited about the month of May! I have giveaways and reviews and recipes and nutrition and fitness posts that I’ve been dying to write, but I’ve needed to focus and trudge…
{WIAW #61} Dave Style
Good Morning, Friends! So I definitely intended to schedule this post last night, however I was running on two hours of sleep and 10pm hit and I fell into a sleep coma. I slept ten hours, hitting snooze on 3 alarms until they stopped going off. Wow. I am so excited that Dave actually sent…