Hello Friends! I am training for my first ever half-marathon May 20th and am super nervous and super excited! I know I could learn more about running and even if you’ve been running awhile, you never really know it all. So I decided to have some guest posters on the blog to help me (and…
{WIAW #24} Need Mo Veggies
Hello Friends! Have you ever wondered what I eat every day? It’s okay if you haven’t…. If you are, however, looking for some quick food ideas and/or a yummy granola bar recipe, this is the post for you. Check out my WIAW {What. I. Ate. Wednesday.} today as well as my previous posts (also click…
Fruits ‘n Nuts Granola Bar
Hello Friends! I had the itch to bake again this weekend and I finally got to bake these savory and sweet bars on Monday. I already had two of these today, and two Monday…((pace yourself Amanda.)) These flavorful bars are semi-healthy, but you can make them healthier by substituting the butter for a banana. I…
What I Learned at my First 10K Race
Hello Friends! I got to participate in my very first 10K race on Saturday, Race for Grace. Not only did it help me meet my goal of completing a 10K race, but it was for a great cause and I had so much fun! I also got to meet a fellow blogger and fellow Christian,…
{Running for Newbies} Running Fuel
Hello Friends! I just finished my 10K race and it was amazing, but we gotta hurry up and race the tornadoes home…so I give you an amazing guest post from the experienced runner, my friend April. She is a new blogger over at April May June July so don’t forget to check out her blog…
{Friday Five Foodie Finds #19}
Hello Friends! I am excited to share some yummy Friday Five Foodie Finds with you this week! Don’t forget to grab a button if you were featured! I will have to make it brief as the kiddos I’m babysitting are eating breakfast and who knows how long I will have before they are ready to…
Easter Egg Wrap
Hello Friends! I took half a dozen colorful, hard-boiled eggs off my grandma K’s hands. I know, I’m such a sweetheart! I hadn’t had hard-boiled eggs since I flopped trying to make them (p.s. check out that post! Made me laugh looking at it today!), then perfected the skill a couple of months ago. But…
{WIAW #23} 5-Miler Fuel
Hello Friends! How’s your week going so far? I am back at the good ol’ hotel slash my second home, keeping the BF company while he works on the railroad in small town Nebraska. Looking back at what I ate the past couple of days makes me long for home…where I have a full sized…
It’s My Birthday and I’ll Run if I Want To
**Happy Easter!!** It was super weird being out of town on my birthday, not with my family. But it did fall on Easter weekend so of course we have to split up time equally with both families (me and the BF). First card is from my youngest sister Rachel. It says “Happy Birthday and Easter!” …
{Running for Newbies} Distance Running– Planning 101
Happy Easter Weekend, Friends! Since it’s my birthday (and I have homework to do), I’m taking the day “off” with an awesome guest post to kick off my Running for Newbies series (unofficially Running for Dummies…because this might be copyrighted and I don’t want everyone to feel like a dummy for reading it). I am…