Lower back pain can be caused by many things, but there are exercises and stretches that can help alleviate that pain!
{Monday Moves #2}: That Time I Got Attacked by a Bird {#MIMM}
Hello Friends! Just checking in with you lovely folks to share my moves from last week! And a little story. As usual, I was pretty far from the planned workouts. This is partly because my back was hurting so I switched to some back strengthening moves and stretches I learned when I hurt my back…
SHN Favorites 6-23-13
Hello Friends! Happy Friday weekend! Oops. (PS have you voted on my new header fonts?? It seems silly but I cannot. make. a. decision!) I seriously started writing out slash getting the pictures together for this post on Friday, but it got kind of crazy around here. I painted my nails for the…
What Say You? (Design Help!)
Hello Friends! Since I’ve been using different fonts in my graphics lately, the obsessive-compulsive designer in me (I know I’m not really a graphic designer) wanted to change the fonts on my header to be more cohesive. Fun right? Except I cannot figure out how to do it!! I need your help! Which one do…
{Thursday Thoughts} Religiocity: Part 2
Hello Friends! Recently I’ve been wrestling with what I believe…religion-wise. My faith in God and my savior will never waiver, however some of the religious details are a little fuzzy and often up for debate. I wrote my first “Religiocity” post when I was a little more emotional about moving in with Dave because…
{WIAW #68} Strawberry Creme Non-Dairy Milkshake + Giveaway Winner
Hello Friends! I’m happy to say I’ve kept up so far with my workout plan. Not that it is too hard or strict….it’s just a start in the right direction! Let’s jump right into the things I’ve been eating lately. (More information on WIAW or What I Ate Wednesday here.) {Breakfast} I tragically ran out…
Monday Moves: Accountability
Hello Friends! So it’s been about a month since my half-marathon. With that half-marathon there was a training plan set up by Hal Higdon. Although I barely stuck to my mileage, strength training or cross-training, it was nice to have a plan laid out before me so that I would have some idea of what…
{Thursday Thoughts} Religiocity: Part 1
Hello Friends! I am now living with my adorable boyfriend, Dave. While I’ve already written a post about my reasons/thoughts on this, I have still been faced with opposition, in particular, from Christians. Who believe they know what’s right for us. And that we don’t. ———- Early warning: these are MY opinions and feelings. Some…
{WIAW #67} Our Very Own Fridge
Hello Friends! It’s the little things, right? Having to share a fridge with a roommate is kind of a pain. Since you’re not sharing money…you’re not likely to share food when you just have a roommate. This means that you will probably have doubles of certain things…like bread, milk, eggs, salad, fruit, veggies, etc and…
{MIMM #21} Adventures in Moving
Hello Friends! So I was feeling pretty productive and patting myself on the back when I finished unpacking all of our boxes in two days AND finding a spot for almost everything. This included all of the new gadgets we bought. We could see the floor, dishes were put away and we were even able…