Hello Friends! So, I’ve started this series called Vegetarian Curious (see the first post and second post) and for now it’s from the perspective of wonderful guest bloggers who are sharing their vegetarian recipes and stories of how and why they are vegetarian/vegan foodies. I decided I’d try a meat-less day and this is what…
All Studied Up and Smart and All
Hello Friends! Well I did it. Participated in the graduation ceremony for my associate’s degree. Did I want to go? Heck no! Daddio and I If you know me at all, the last thing I want to do is be around people I don’t know and walk on a stage in front of thousands of…
Study Break!
Happy Tuesday Friends! I have one last final tomorrow and then I am free. Free for the summer. From school, anyways. I am taking a quick study break to process today. (Although I’m excited to get back to it so I have an excuse to eat my yummy study snack!) That’s the beauty of…
Let’s Think
Hello Friends! Who else can’t believe that it’s Thursday?? This week has been a blur…not necessarily because it’s been so busy, but just a little tiring on my brain. Monday was a day filled with stress as I was determined to kick my Chemistry II. class’s butt and learn the 3 chapters that my former…
{Friday Five Foodie Finds #17}
Hello Friends! How’s your day going? Mine feels busy, but it’s all relative right? TGIF! I had to get up early this morning to go babysit a cat before I headed out to school. Yes, babysit a cat. 😉 My friend is out enjoying some sweet oceanic views so I get to pretend to be…
WIAW #19 Beautiful day…of homework
Hello Friends! Let me share a story with you… It was a lovely Saturday morning. I had a 4 mile run planned that day. And a lot of homework. You see, I take an online class that has a quiz due each Saturday. So naturally I wait until the last minute to finish my studying…
Thankful Thursday #30daysofthanks
Hello Friends!How is your week going? It is almost Friday! Woot! Any plans? I am planning on a run date with the BF and I am SO EXCITED because he’s been gone most of October and November. Then we are heading to small town, Iowa for a childhood friend’s wedding. So many weddings this year!…
Hey Good Lookin..Whatcha Been Cookin? {Leftovers 102}
Hello! I hope everyone had a great weekend! I spent most of mine stressing about a surprise Midterm paper for my art class. Got that done though! AND my Midterm is completed! But guess what?? The teacher made a booboo and it turns out there wasn’t supposed to even be a midterm paper…so now my midterm…
I Heart Cookies {Lemon Doodles}
I think I am an expert at one thing and one thing only..baking cookies to perfection. Seriously if I could have one dessert for the rest of my life it would be cookies. I LOVE COOKIES. The BF’s favorite cookie is a Snickerdoodle. So I have a special secret recipe that I make for him because…
Creative French Toast
Well I have had a stressful morning trying to figure out classes for this next quarter/semester. Yep there is a next quarter AND a next semester because I am taking one class at the local community college (Chemistry..ekk) and at least one class at a University about an hour away (Anatomy…double ekk). Trying to figure out…