Hello Friends! I tend to avoid the blog when I’m in a particularly bad mood. I am one of those people that gets down and depressed sometimes and try to not be a debbie-downer in the blog world (especially since I already complained in my recent Foodie Penpals post and my last WIAW). This time…
Jazzed up Hamburger Helper
Hello Friends! I was sending BF Dave a picture of the yummy guacamole dip I made tonight (get excited!), I realized how much I miss making food for him or with him. He has been traveling a lot the past few months and I’ve felt pretty uninspired making meals just for myself. A couple of…
The Color Run Rant
Hello Friends! Okay you know how you get super excited about something and the closer it comes the more excited you get and the anticipation grows and grows and well, it’s not all that you had hoped for? This is how the Color Run was for me. So many amazingly cool pictures on the Color…
Success! Rice and Edamame 3 Ways
Hello Friends! I’ve been devouring this batch of edamame and rice I made last week for three days. That’s the beauty of cooking for yourself (and yourself only)…leftovers! I boiled a bag of frozen edamame in their shells and set it aside to cool. Then in the same pot, I prepared some boil-in-a-bag rice, which…
Study Break!
Happy Tuesday Friends! I have one last final tomorrow and then I am free. Free for the summer. From school, anyways. I am taking a quick study break to process today. (Although I’m excited to get back to it so I have an excuse to eat my yummy study snack!) That’s the beauty of…
{Friday Five Foodie Finds #18}
Happy Friday Friends! Well I was going to run 6 miles this morning. Then when my alarm clock went off I convinced myself I should just run after class…and therefore right before work. We will see how that goes huh? With warm temps and little time to run a distance that I’m not sure…
{Love Yourself February} You are Beautiful
Hello Friends! I hope you’ve chosen to take the 21 Day Challenge. It’s pretty informal, 21 Days of Loving Yourself, and you can decide what that looks like to you. Feel free to use the image below (with link love!) and blog about your experiences. {If you do and have an inspiring story about what…
New Series: Love Yourself February
Hello Friends! So I know it’s been February for about 7 days already, but I am asking you (yes YOU) to participate in this wonderful series that has been on my heart for awhile. I am calling it Love Yourself February.An appropriate month for love right? It sounds self-explanatory enough, but loving our body is…
How to Boil an Egg {or Egg Salad Delight}
Hello Friends! The last time I made hard-boiled eggs…there was a bit of a disaster. You would think that making a hard-boiled egg would be pretty basic, right? Isn’t this one of the first things one learns how to make? After mac n cheese and pb&j? I was in the mood for eggs today and…
Quick Tai Food at Home
Happy Friday Everyone! I knew the BF was coming over for a quick dinner before we headed out last night and it just so happened I was all stocked up from my grocery extravaganza that day. The Daddio gave me a giftcard for the grocery store and I took that as an opportunity to buy…