Hello Friends! Just a little empathy. That’s all we want right? When we complain..however dramatic..we really just want someone to say, “Oh that’s crazy!” or “How could she!” I suppose sometimes we want a solution, but a lot of times it feels GOOD to vent! And to have someone say, “I’m here for you!” or…
Almond Oatcakes
Hello Friends! Happy National Pancake Day! Well, two days early. I’ve been teasing you with the yummy Oatcake pictures on my MIMM post and SHN Favorites post…so I thought I’d finally share the recipe! Plus I’m sure you were wondering what you’d make for National Pancake Day! 😉 I took my Oatcakes recipe from last…
{MIMM #10} It’s Monday BUT
Hello Friends! Sometimes it takes me a bit to recover from the weekend. Specifically the sleeping schedule. I stay up late Sunday evening getting things unpacked (when I go back home..like this weekend) and getting ready for the week…then it takes time to unwind and have my bedtime tea and cereal. As a result, it…
SHN Favorites 2-22-13
Hello Friends! I know some people get upset when favorites are picked…but in this situation, it’s a good thing! I’ve been doing my Friday Five Foodie Finds for quite some time (check out my first one!). Since the blog was a little babe and didn’t know how to stand on it’s own, let alone walk. …
{Thursday Thoughts} What’s a Diet?
Hello Friends! I was going to do this post a few weeks ago, but needed time to think about it. (Slash I needed this awesome SNOW DAY to relax and write! Thank you all very much for doing your snow dances I requested in yesterday’s post!) This post has been edited several times, and the…
{WIAW #55} Show Me Your Snow Dance!!
Hey friends! The big snow is coming through Nebraska this week. And I desperately hope it is enough to push my third test for the week off…and of course it’s the Chemistry test. I also have a post for Thursday Thoughts that I’ve been wanting to write for weeks, but it requires attention and care….
{Friday Five Foodie Finds #27} Baking Itch
Hello Friends! I have the itch. The baking itch. I mean it hasn’t been that long since my last baking excursion…but a week is long enough! I am getting ready to head out for the weekend to hang out at the hotel that is Dave (the BF)’s home most of the time and I won’t…
Vegified Lasagna
Hello Friends! Hey it’s Valentine’s Day! I definitely should be studying for my Statistics test that’s today, but I’d much rather share a beloved recipe with you. I’m also on a bit of a runner’s high after covering nearly 6 miles last night with the roomie and a couple of new friends. It was the…
Refresh your Tunes
Hello Friends! I tried something today that I’d seen fellow students doing, but always thought of it as kind of a hassle to do myself. I listened to my ipod when I was walking to and from class. Not a monumental concept, but to recognize the change in attitude and perspective on life that I…
{#MIMM #9} Winning
Happy Monday! It’s another Marvelous Monday! Mondays tend to be a weekend recap as of late, so here was my weekend! Dave (the BF) and I had another fun-food-filled weekend back in my home town. (It’s so weird that I don’t live there anymore! 25 years of my life and I have to visit my…