When you take my favorite food in the world [ peanut butter ], combine it with a sweet, ripe banana and a handful of greens (you know, to make it semi-healthy and give it a pretty color), you have yourself a tasty breakfast, snack or post workout shake. Allow me to introduce you to the Peanut Butter Banana Green Protein Shake aka my new favorite drink.
Pumpkin Protein Pancakes with Peanut Butter Pumpkin Syrup
These pumpkin protein pancakes will fill you up with semi-healthy goodness and make you excited to get up in the morning. Plus the simple 3 ingredient syrup screams fall and won’t send you on a sugar high like most syrups.
Peanut Butter Oat Pumpkin Muffins with Streusel [GF]
Justin’s Nut Butter Raffle + Half Marathon Training Update
A couple of weeks ago I did a whole long, heart-felt post enlisting help to support Girls on the Run, a wonderful organization who’s mission is: “to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.” Well, I got a few thumbs-ups, but no gravy. Since…
A Peanut-Butter-Chocolatey Giveaway!
Yesterday I tricked myself again. I mean you’d think I would wise up to my own ways, but I haven’t. I went out for a walk that really turned into a good run-with-some-walking. I tricked myself by saying “it’s just a walk” and “you only have to go a mile.” These things make me all…
{WIAW #42} Mexican Tacos and Dessert Fail
Hello Friends! Well it looks like my last post was actually LAST WIAW. (What is WIAW? Check out why I participate here.) This shows how much school (I’m looking at YOU Chemistry class) is taking over my life. (Or I’m just watching too much How I Met Your Mother and it takes me longer to…
No Bake Party Treats
Check out these delicious no bake party treats! Perfect for any get together.
Peanutbutter Strawberry Time!
Hello Friends! I’m working at my favorite job today…babysitting the twins! The end table–one of their favorite toys! Poor girlie twin is a little sick today (weren’t they just sick??) so she has had a boogie nose all morning and woke up only half an hour after I put her down for their morning nap. …
{WIAW #25} A Typical May Day at Home
Hello Friends! I hope you are all having a great week! I am recovering from my crazy cold. Today my nose has been running like a faucet…along with the little kiddos’ noses! At least I know what they’re going through right?? I am out of classes for the summer… in case I haven’t mentioned it!! …
{WIAW #21} No Judgement Wednesday
Hello Friends! I had (and still have) no food in the fridge. Well, no fresh food. I had to get creative. Don’t judge. I did, however, still have the bread and peanutbutter that I took to the farm. Breakfast was a winner…the rest of the day…. No Judgement WIAW {What. I. Ate. Wednesday.} {Breakfast}:…