I just tend to stress about eve-ry-thing.
To remind myself that life is good, I’m doing another Happy Things post.
The Grand Thankful Thursday Link-Up 2013
Thankful Thursday’s final link-up post. Share what you are thankful for and be inspired by others.
WIAW #76 Farmer’s Market Fun + #HLS Excitement
I have SO MUCH to do to prepare for #HLS13 (Healthy Living Summit 2013), plus I already posted my thoughts on 9-11, but when preparing for a blogging conference, one can’t help but think about their blog!!Or am I the only one? [If you are attending your first blogging conference and are a bit nervous,…
{WIAW #65} Farm Food + Fun
Hello Friends! I would just like to start out by saying Wow. Thank you. To all of the people who wrote heart felt comments on my last post Should Your Workout Leave You Sore for DAYS? I am not used to that kind of response and I was struck by how much time it really…
{MIMM #18} Banana Split Chobani Brownies + Raspberry Chobani Frosting
Hello Friends! I hope all of you Mothers had an amazing Mother’s Day! I was only able to text my mom this lame picture…but I will be seeing her soon and hopefully she likes the surprise I’m sending to her work! 🙂 I am still hanging out in the twin cities with Dave and we…
{WIAW #62} Instagrammed
Hello Friends! So did I tell ya about my new phone? (Oh yeah, I attempted to do a post from my phone…that went alright lol) It’s an Android htc and my first touchscreen which is driving me bonkers (this old fashioned gal misses her Blackberry keyboard!), BUT since I switched to Android…I have FINALLY joined…
{WIAW #61} Dave Style
Good Morning, Friends! So I definitely intended to schedule this post last night, however I was running on two hours of sleep and 10pm hit and I fell into a sleep coma. I slept ten hours, hitting snooze on 3 alarms until they stopped going off. Wow. I am so excited that Dave actually sent…
{MIMM #16} Blessed
Hello Friends! I am sitting here in my dad’s basement Sunday evening at 11pm, very exhausted, waiting for my laundry to be done and thinking how blessed I am. And how seldom I believe myself to be so. I got to head to my hometown where I was surrounded by people all weekend. While…
{MIMM #15} Birthday {Giveaway} + Chobani Freezing Tips
Hello Friends! Well, the KC trip went a little differently than I had imagined to say the least. It was fun, yes. It was also rough. I was kind of a train wreck of emotions the past five days to tell you the absolute truth. After the chaos of packing and getting the apartment cleaned…
{MIMM #11} At Least I had a Good Weekend?
Hello Friends! It’s always something. Does it seem like that to anyone else? Maybe it’s just one of those challenging phases of life.Where I learn a whole lot about myself and what really matters and how to operate under stress and deal with the loneliness that comes from moving to a new city…. Or maybe…