Hello Friends! To start off this WIAW or What I Ate Wednesday, here is what I’m eating now: a big bowl of deliciosity. Or the delicious trifecta: Peanutbutter Cheerios (must try!), mini semi-sweet chocolate chips and one sliced banana. This is also what my room currently looks like: and that’s only half of it…which is…
SHN Favorites 3-22-13
Hello Friends! After yesterday’s post, some positivity is needed! I’m not gonna lie..doing all of that research on the topic got me pretty upset with humanity and I just wanted to lock my door and never leave (this hotel room?). I think the perfect thing to start out with for my SHN Favorites (Semi-Health Nut…
Almond Oatcakes
Hello Friends! Happy National Pancake Day! Well, two days early. I’ve been teasing you with the yummy Oatcake pictures on my MIMM post and SHN Favorites post…so I thought I’d finally share the recipe! Plus I’m sure you were wondering what you’d make for National Pancake Day! 😉 I took my Oatcakes recipe from last…
Semi-healthy Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins
Dear Friends, The post below is actually a post I had written over break, but not yet published. I was going to do Thankful Thursday yesterday, WIAW the day before and a Faithful Friday post today, but friends, it’s been a rough week. Speeding ticket Sunday on my way to church, a day of everything…
Brownie Cookie Dough Pie
Hello Friends! Oh yes. Combining two wonderful things into one magnificent creation. Brownies + Cookie Dough = Death by Awesomeness. Gotta love math, right? Would you believe that this is a semi-healthy dessert? It is!I got the idea to make this from my friend Emily at our last baking day who is hosting a giveaway…
{WIAW #45} Five Guys Burger and Fries
Hello Friends! WIAW {What I Ate Wednesday} or WIBEL {What I’ve Been Eating Lately} (More of my WIAW here.) Yep, that was my intro. Here’s the food! Breakfast: On days I travel to school, this is exactly what my breakfast looks like. Crunchy peanut butter and jelly toast with my gummy vitamins and allergy meds…
{WIAW #43} Cupcake-arific Eats
Hello Friends! After a long day of driving and school (I left my lab notebook at home today…an hour away…le sigh), I am excited to shower off the rainy day and unwind looking at pretty pictures of my food. I present to you the 43rd edition of WIAW on this Semi-Healthy blog in the form…
{WIAW #42} Mexican Tacos and Dessert Fail
Hello Friends! Well it looks like my last post was actually LAST WIAW. (What is WIAW? Check out why I participate here.) This shows how much school (I’m looking at YOU Chemistry class) is taking over my life. (Or I’m just watching too much How I Met Your Mother and it takes me longer to…
{WIAW #41} Random Eats
Check out some of my random semi-healthy eats!
Banana Spiced Muffin Top Cookies
Hello Friends! Sometimes an accident can be a wonderful thing. Take these Banana Spiced Muffin Top Cookies, for example. I was going for cookies, but the texture and taste were so close to that of a banana muffin that I couldn’t just call them a cookie. And of course they don’t really look…