I’m so excited to share this soup + chili link-up with you! If you are blogger, your posts will be shared with 18 different blogs (hello exposure!) plus pinned to the group Pinterest board (hello more amazing exposure!). Everyone will be able to benefit from all of the mouth-watering soup + chili cook off recipes linked.
soup + chili
:: SHS Link-Up #2 :: Crockpot Taco Chili + Corn Muffins
The perfect spicy chili to warm you on the upcoming cold winter nights paired with slighty sweet corn-filled corn muffins. Also the perfect semi-healthy food for this week’s Semi-Healthy Saturday link-up!
WIAW #86 Chipotle Pepper Obsessed + Crockpot Chili Recipe
Check out this deliciously spicy chipotle crockpot chicken chili recipe to warm you up on a cold night!
{WIAW #42} Mexican Tacos and Dessert Fail
Hello Friends! Well it looks like my last post was actually LAST WIAW. (What is WIAW? Check out why I participate here.) This shows how much school (I’m looking at YOU Chemistry class) is taking over my life. (Or I’m just watching too much How I Met Your Mother and it takes me longer to…
{Friday Five Foodie Finds #25} Healthy Eats to Make
Happy Friday Friends! Wow I am surprised at this round-up. I actually picked healthy foods…I’m pretty sure the last couple of Friday Five Foodie Finds consisted of desserts. Semi-healthy desserts on the last one, but desserts nonetheless. I will probably be headed out to my cardio fitness class at school, listening to Chronicles of…
{WIAW #39} Sick Day Part Deux
Hello Friends! So I’ve been sick the past week yadayada boo-hoo. Like I said yesterday in my rant, I don’t wanna be too much of a Debbie-downer on this blog. But this was food I ate to help myself feel better when I was all icky sicky. Also, this is the second WIAW post entitled…
{Vegetarian Curious #4} Kelly: Dappling with Vegetarianism
Hello Friends! I have another Vegetarian Curious post for you today! This lovely lady attended Blend Retreat with me and has a very inspirational story to share with you all while I start my second week back to school. Good news! I SURVIVED week one! 🙂 ————— Hello, Semi-Health Nut readers! I’m excited to be…
Crockpot Chili
Hello Friends! I am a beginner cook. I am sure most of you have realized this. I am fascinated by all of these cooking blogs that I follow because each one makes me feel like I know even less about preparing a meal. (See my Friday Five Foodie Finds for recipes I drool over weekly.) …
{Friday Five Foodie Finds #17}
Hello Friends! How’s your day going? Mine feels busy, but it’s all relative right? TGIF! I had to get up early this morning to go babysit a cat before I headed out to school. Yes, babysit a cat. 😉 My friend is out enjoying some sweet oceanic views so I get to pretend to be…
{WIAW #16} Saturday Eating and Running
Happy February, Friends! I hope you are all having a wonderful week so far! As usual, I can’t believe it’s Wednesday (or February)..and if you’ve been reading my blog awhile, you know what Wednesdays mean! WIAW (What. I. Ate. Wednesday.) Never heard of WIAW? I got the idea from Jenn at Peas and Crayons and link…