Another Blend Retreat bootcamp featuring hiking in Park City!
blogging + writing
Restaurants in Utah [ Salt Lake City + Park City ] for Blend 2014
I sampled many restaurants in Utah in Salt Lake City and Park City. Here are the high lights!
15 Smoothie Recipes You Should Try This Summer
Check out the 15 smoothie recipes I found that are both healthy AND scream summer. Must try!
On My Brain + Giveaway Winner
All things currently on my brain plus the winner of Shape Diva Dash announced!
Blogging 101: Recipe Plugin + Recipe Organization
I am sharing my preferred recipe plugin and means of organizing my recipes on the blog after an incident that left my WordPress site unable to post.
Testing…Windows Live Writer
Testing this post from Windows Live Writer since I am unable to post from WordPress. Fun stuff.
9 Things Women Need to Stop Apologizing For
Women tend to apologize…a lot! But sometimes you just need to stop apologizing and accept yourself.
[ How Sore is Too Sore Part Deux ]
Should your workout leave you sore for DAYS?? Part 2.
RIP Photos + Justin’s Giveaway Winner
Is it overly dramatic to go through the five stages of grief over lost photos? Weigh in here.
Blogging 101: The Good, The Bad…The Ugly?
How much is too much to share when blogging? Discuss here!