Hello Friends! How’s your day going? Mine feels busy, but it’s all relative right? TGIF! I had to get up early this morning to go babysit a cat before I headed out to school. Yes, babysit a cat. 😉 My friend is out enjoying some sweet oceanic views so I get to pretend to be…
WIAW #19 Beautiful day…of homework
Hello Friends! Let me share a story with you… It was a lovely Saturday morning. I had a 4 mile run planned that day. And a lot of homework. You see, I take an online class that has a quiz due each Saturday. So naturally I wait until the last minute to finish my studying…
Happy Pancake Day! Oatcakes Recipe
Happy Pancake Day Friends! Little did I know when I was preparing and tweaking this recipe from Lee at Fit Foodie Finds that it would be on the very day of National Pancake Day! (Who thinks of these holidays? How can I get in on that?) I made the original recipe for the BF and…
Goal Achieving Awesomeness
Happy Monday, Friends! I have this habit of creating extra long posts (have you noticed this?). So I decided to split up my food post and goals post. You’re welcome. I can’t believe that we are coming to the end of February. This means that it is high time to check out my New Years…
Are you a Fairweather Runner?
Dear Friends, I used to be somewhat of a fairweather runner. Sometimes I just wanna stay inside when I see this! But something has changed recently. It could be all of the inspiration I am finding on the Dailymile.com or Twitter. It could be the need to complete my miles, and the quickest way is…
{WIAW} + {Love Yourself February} = Happy Eating
Hello Friends! I have been debating on how to go about this union of themes…I feel the need to address a couple more topics for this month’s Love Yourself February. (For the last post click here.) One of them is food. We often get the idea of food skewed in my mind when we are…
{Love Yourself Feburary} {Guest Post} Lindsay Wright
Hello Friends! I hope you all had a lovely weekend! I have a treat for you this Monday morning! Keeping with the theme “Love Yourself February” I have asked another fellow blogger to share her input on the subject. Catch up on other “Love Yourself February” posts here: Intro Post (My Heart on the Subject)…
{Friday Five Foodie Finds # 16} Here’s to Feeling Better!
Hello Friends! Well Friday is already half-over, but I’m sharing these lovely foodie finds with you just the same! I wasn’t feeling too hot this morning. I realized it was really bad when I could barely hobble over to my alarm clock(s) (that are positioned across the room to force me to get up.) I…
{Love Yourself February} You are Beautiful
Hello Friends! I hope you’ve chosen to take the 21 Day Challenge. It’s pretty informal, 21 Days of Loving Yourself, and you can decide what that looks like to you. Feel free to use the image below (with link love!) and blog about your experiences. {If you do and have an inspiring story about what…
{WIAW #17} Valentine’s Day Eats
Hello Friends! I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine’s Day! Or perhaps you just want everyone to shut-up about the whole thing? Well maybe come back tomorrow because this WIAW episode is all about what I had to eat yesterday on V-day. WIAW {What. I. Ate. Wednesday.} I like to give people a break down…