Hello Friends! I’m having another lovely guest poster this Wednesday to prevent me from spending time on WIAW {What I Ate Wednesday} when I have a Chemistry final today!! Eek!! I will be back next Wednesday with some of my tasty WIAW eats, but for now, settle in and enjoy this inspiring story from my…
Happy 50th Birthday (Grand)Mama Sue
Hello Friends! Mama Sue turns 50 today. A young grandma if you ask me. 😉 We threw my dad a surprise 50th b-day party, so we thought we might as well do the same for mom. Yep, we got her some “old people” items..including depends! In anticipation of sister Courtney having baby Aaron Philip, we…
{MIMM #2} Motivation Monday [Guest Post]
Need some motivation to get off the couch and do some work? Check out this guest post filled with motivation!!
{Faithful Friday #2} Crazy!
Hello Friends! What are you crazy about? My pastor asked this question on Sunday and it really made me think. He listed off things like “your kids, cooking, working out, sports…what are you CRAZY about??” He also asked what people would think we are crazy about if they looked at our social media sites like…
Aunt Amanda
Hello Friends! Today I had the day off from babysitting, so I had planned on working on my Nutrition paper ALL DAY LONG. Just one day to type it all out, get the rest of the facts I wanted and then I would have Friday and Saturday to edit. It’s due Sunday (originally I flipped…
{Guest Post} 5 Things Every College Student Needs
Hello Friends! I am so grateful to have some awesome blogging friends to cry out to when I am in need of help in the blogging department. Finals are next week, and I have a HUGE paper due this week, so I really really need to focus! Then I’m all yours and will dazzle you…
{MIMM} Giveaway Winner + Guest Post Request
Hello Friends! Friends, I feel infinitely better today than I did on Friday. I so appreciate words of encouragement on the post, Facebook and Twitter. I KNOW your prayers helped me right myself! As did church today, but I’m saving that for a Faithful Friday post this week. Life can be rough, but God is…
Semi-healthy Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins
Dear Friends, The post below is actually a post I had written over break, but not yet published. I was going to do Thankful Thursday yesterday, WIAW the day before and a Faithful Friday post today, but friends, it’s been a rough week. Speeding ticket Sunday on my way to church, a day of everything…
One of THOSE Days
Hello Friends! Today has been…well interesting. I had the “day off.” So of course I had a to-do list!! It involved going to the city where I go to school (is it weird that I still don’t want to disclose that personal of information on my blog??), which is an hour away. The reason for…
Brownie Cookie Dough Pie
Hello Friends! Oh yes. Combining two wonderful things into one magnificent creation. Brownies + Cookie Dough = Death by Awesomeness. Gotta love math, right? Would you believe that this is a semi-healthy dessert? It is!I got the idea to make this from my friend Emily at our last baking day who is hosting a giveaway…