It’s time for another Inspire Me Monday! A link-up where you can inspire others with what you do best and also be inspired.
Cause we are all good at something…right?
I hope you had a great weekend and it was at least a little relaxing.
I’ve been inspired by a lot this past week, but here is a brief break down.
Podcast: Ask Pat
A new podcast I’ve been listening to is called Ask Pat by Pat Flynn who is also the mastermind behind a podcast I showed you guys last week called Smart Passive Income. Listening to these two podcasts gets my wheels turning! The Ask Pat podcast is based off of questions asked on and I think I might head over there this week and ask a couple of questions to see if Pat will answer them for me!
((Possible spoiler alert for the movie The Imitation Game ahead.))
Dave and I actually managed to make it out to a movie this weekend. It’s kind of crazy with all of the Mall of America terror threats because we were going to head there to see a movie but decided to see one in Hudson instead. The movie we saw was called The Imitation Game and it absolutely cut me to the core. I related a lot to the character only on a less extreme level…and I would hardly call myself brilliant at any kind of math (or science..gah).
I just get that feeling of not quite fitting in and not being able to communicate with others very well. I’ve certainly gotten better over time, but the way that we as Americans talk is very “high context” meaning that we rarely say exactly what we are thinking. I am the type that wants to say exactly what she is thinking, but I know I can’t, so often I just don’t say anything. I also have that thing where your mind is racing and someone is trying to talk to you and you can’t even hear what they are saying, so again, you don’t respond. Typing this is even making me question whether or not I’m actually “shy” or not. Or maybe that’s part of what being “shy” is..?
I was so affected by Alan (the protagonist)’s character to the point that tears were flowing down my face in a public theatre.
It didn’t help that it was revealed the number of thousands of homosexuals that were subjected to hormone therapy in Britain because it was illegal (yes, illegal) to be gay back in the day. I had no idea. I was literally a mess for the next hour because my mind was just reeling at how incredibly painful it must have been to live as a gay man or woman back then (and even today).
Call me ignorant, but I just thought that there were certain stigmas against these particular people due to religion and that they “just” weren’t allowed certain rights…not that they were actually punished.
I know this isn’t a political space, but goodness can’t we just accept people as people for crying out loud? I mean when they aren’t hurting anyone…why can’t we just love?
Not that I’m perfect; I’m asking everyone including myself.
Why is this such a hard thing for us to love someone who is different?
//end semi-political rant
Anyways, I highly recommend the movie The Imitation Game. It got my wheels spinning for sure!
I hung out with a couple of blogger friends in the area Kim and Emily and it always just makes me feel better about myself and my blog to hear that others are going through the same struggles as me.
Not that I want others to be struggling of course, but it’s that natural human want for empathy.
Plus they are just super cool gals. Who make yummy food like the buffalo chicken dip Emily made that I need to make ASAP.
We are even hoping to get a group together once a month just to blog and drink wine and hang out together! (so excited!)
Also I found another Walking Dead fan I can talk to.
Funny note: I happened to bring a variation of my Lemon Doodle cookies and it turns out one of the two people I was with is allergic to citrus. At least I know for next time! (another note…I need to update that recipe! Dave couldn’t follow it on his own, so that’s not a good sign!)
Posts That Inspire Me The Most From Last Week‘s Link-Up:
DIY Chocolate Bath Salts via Simplistically Living
I’ve definitely been treating myself to salt baths lately since I’ve started running again.
Funny note: Zoey likes to sit on the side of the tub and dip her paw in to drink the water. (can’t get much alone time these days!)
My Yoga is Not Your Yoga via Strength and Sunshine
I love this girl and this post! It’s so true that often times when we take a group class (like yoga) we focus on what others are thinking and try to push ourselves too hard. I’ve definitely done this and wrote this post about how to modify in a group fitness class.
I also love how she describes yoga because it can really be an enjoyable practice when we focus on the positive things like the relaxing benefits, focus on a task, becoming more aware of yourself and improving physically. Made me want to do some downward dog! (and I have been doing a little yoga stretching on a daily basis lately! feels awesome!)
Most Popular Inspire Me Monday Post From Last Week:
Inspiration from Diary of a Semi-Health Nut last week
(AKA how I’m trying to inspire YOU):
Sharing some of the recent ways I’m moving and fueling my body.
Juicing: Natural Way to Get Your Vitamins
I don’t support juice cleanses, but I totally support juicing as a way to add needed vitamins and minerals into your life!
Caturday: Why Kittens are like Furry Toddlers with Claws
A full post of my fluffy feline with some added cat mom humor. 😉
Now it’s your turn..Inspire Me!
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Do movies affect you greatly like this? What’s the latest one that’s gotten your wheels spinning?
Do you listen to any inspiring podcasts? Which ones??
Don’t Miss a Semi-Healthy Update!
PS I’m all about Pinterest this year, so I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images! Pin with me!
Linking up to:
(All of the lovely link-ups I participate in here.)
Be sure to visit all the hosts to see their favorites!
Amanda from Diary of a Semi-Health Nut (you are here) || Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest | Instagram
Erin from Table for Seven || Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest
CJ from Morsels of Life || Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest
Emily from Simple Life of a Fire Wife || Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest
Kori from Just Another Mom || Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest
Janice from Reflections || Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest
Brandi from Being Fibro Mom || Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest
Bridget from The Recipe Wench || Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest
Thank you for hosting this great party!
Thank YOU for joining in the fun!
Loved the Imitation Game! We watched all of the Oscar movies (minus Grand Budapest Hotel for me) and Imitation Game and Theory of Everything were my top favorites!
PS I’m so glad you posted a link to your lemon doodle cookies – I was going to text you for the recipe because Jason and I both loved them!
So glad you guys loved them! That recipe is actually a tad hard to follow (I wrote it in 2011 lol!) so I can send you better instructions if you want! 🙂
I saw Imitation Game this weekend too! It was really good. I was happy they picked up a few Oscars. Ps how about we bring the Blend parties to Winnipeg? It’s only 8hrs away!!
Omg seriously..I would LOVE that! And that’s really not too far that driving distance? We need to talk about this because Emily (in the post) has a cabin up north so that might be half-way between us!!
It’s totally do-able. I know because I’ve done it! I smell an awesome adventure ahead!
I love a blog hop with the theme INSPIRATION. Thanks for sharing with our Thursday Blog Hop! Please stop by to enter the very special giveaway on
So glad you like it! 🙂
I’m glad you guys remembered to take a group picture this time! I’m bummed I missed out, but I can’t wait for our next get together!
haha yes we did it right away so we wouldn’t forget later! You were somewhere sunny and warm…so I don’t feel too bad for you. 😉 <3 Yes so excited about our next shindig!
I have been listening to Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income podcast, but not askpat! I am so excited to check it out. Thank you! And, so awesome you got to hang with some awesome bloggers! I am trying to find some local ones in my area, and luckily, have officially found ONE! Better than none. YAY! Have a great week. : )
Gosh I love Pat Flynn! I actually tweeted about this post and he RETWEETED ME and thanked me. I nearly died. But that’s how down-to-earth he is!
I’m sure they’re there! I blogged in Omaha, Nebraska 3 years thinking there were no other local bloggers and lo and behold there’s now an official Omaha blogger’s group haha.
You are the second person to mention Pat Flynn so I NEED to check him out. Looking forward to it!!
YES. You have to check out Pat Flynn. So inspirational and down to earth!