Hey guys! How’s your week going? Mine has flown by..I seriously feel like today could be Monday.
So about this tantalizing smoothie.
This fruit smoothie has been on my menu for the past few weeks and I finally decided to photograph it and write it up for another lovely blogger. It has 2 ingredients–yup. Just two! You can see why this has been a regular smoothie recipe as of late! This fruity protein smoothie will give you that kick of energy you need to accomplish everything you need to for the day!
The two ingredients are also shelf stable. This is so important when you are a sick walking zombie who can’t sleep at night because of the incessant coughing (me the past two freaking weeks) and can barely manage driving to work so there’s no way she’s doing a big grocery shopping trip for fresh fruits and veggies and almond milk to whip up a healthy fruit smoothie.
It also has caffeine. This is another reason why this smoothie has been frequenting my face lately. The whole no sleep thing makes for one cranky Amanda..unless she has her caffeine!
This tasty smoothie also has real fruit in it from my favorite V8 V-fusion energy drink plus healthy protein from my favorite protein Skoop B Strong! (<-affiliate links)
Check out the full recipe and instructions for my Fruity Energizing Protein Smoothie over on Anyonita’s blog!
[Tweet “Check out this Fruity Energizing Protein Smoothie on @anyonita’s blog!”]
And if you will allow for me to complain more about my lack of sleep…
Aside from taking way to long to get to sleep at night (and then waking myself up coughing or doing a weird moaning thing…seriously what the what?), Sunday night our apartment’s fire alarm went off at 11pm. I had just finished up sending this smoothie post off to Anyonita after Dave and I saw our friend from Nebraska off after hanging out with us all weekend. I was getting ready for bed when
Ugh. So. LOUD.
This happened about a month ago and we had to get out of bed, get dressed and go outside for about an hour. This time when Dave and I were done arguing about acceptable attire to wear outside of the apartment (slash debating on taking a winter coat), the alarm stopped.
We got back into our pjs, I got into bed with a million pillows propping me up (in an attempt to keep the coughing to a minimum…I think it helps to be propped up?) and coughed myself to sleep. Then we were awoken to another SKREECH SKREECH SKREECH for about two minutes while we debated on getting up and getting dressed..then it stopped.
This happened randomly for the next three hours. Mind you, both Dave and I had to get up at 4:30am. So I’m pretty sure we got less than 3 hours of sleep.
The next night I was up late half waiting for Dave to get home and half trying to get allthethings done like running my 7-mile long run on the treadmill (more on that later) folding three loads of laundry and working on freelancing slash blog things.
I ended up clocking another measly 3 hours of sleep that night. I really felt like I couldn’t complain though because Dave had to pull an all-nighter at work. The poor guy didn’t get home until 10am the next morning and slept until I got home at 5:30. He woke up for some dinner and The Walking Dead with me (who else is excited the new episodes are starting Sunday?! I’m so obsessed with the show I made up a workout for it!) and we promptly crashed into bed at about 8pm.
I wasn’t scheduled at the cafe this morning so I set my alarm for 6am (I mean..in case I didn’t wake up on my own earlier), but guess what? I freaking slept through my alarm and didn’t get up until 8:30 this morning.
Solid 12 hours of sleep. Apparently my body needed it!
Now after all of that venting (which I’m super thankful you listened to), I am determined to turn around my mindset on sleep. I’ve been telling everyone lately “I don’t sleep at all because of the coughing” and I think saying things like that over and over could make it continue to happen. The brain’s a funny thing like that. I also plan to value sleep above all else for at least the next week. If possible.
Priorities: sleep.
And if all else fails, I have my Fruity Energizing Protein Smoothie or maybe even my Pumpkin Spice Latte Smoothie to keep my eyeballs open during the day! 😉
Thanks for listening to me ramble! Wish me luck and don’t forget to check out that recipe on Anyonita’s blog! 🙂
Do you drink smoothies year round?
How do you get to sleep when you’re up coughing all night? I’ve tried tea, honey, niquill, mucinex, cough drops…I’m at a loss!
PS I’m all about Pinterest this year, so I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images!
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Linking up to:
Meatless Mondays with Tina Muir + Confessions of a Mother Runner
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I drink smoothies year round! To me they aren’t just seasonal. 🙂
Me too!! I was just curious since they seem like a summer thing if I should be sharing recipes for them in the winter. 🙂
Those smoothies just look so thick, and I love thick things in my mouth.
OMFG – I couldn’t resist! LOL!
bahaha leave it to you, GiGi!! 😉
Seriously!? It doesn’t get easier than this smoothie. BRAVO! 🙂
haha thanks! Simple and delicious is good, right??
Moaning in your sleep?!?! Sounds like Alex!!! LOL 🙂 🙂
haha omg that’s totally what I thought about!!
This smoothie is exactly what I need right.now. Looks amazing!
Thanks, Trish! You should definitely try it out!
Gotta love a good smoothie! Great job running 7 miles!
Thanks, lady! I was pretty proud I managed it while being sick!
mmmm this sounds lovely! Thanks so much for joining us for meatless monday, I love when you linkup with us 🙂 This sounds very refreshing, and a way to trick myself into thinking the summer is coming…..if only for a few moments 🙂
YES smoothies are perfect for feeling summery..even in the winter! 🙂
I have a quilt that looks just like that. My Great Grandmother made it. I keep it in my chest because it has more wear and holes. I get it out every now and then. I also have 2 beautiful quilts from my Mother-in-law. I can use them. I love the look and comfort of a quilt. I feel the love that goes into it.