Did you guys know National S’Mores Day was this past Sunday??
I do love me some s’mores! Usually s’mores are put together with a roasted mallow (over a campfire of course) and chocolate sandwiched between two grahams. (Sandlot, anyone?)
The three s’mores recipes to come all have a slight twist on the classic recipe. Don’t miss out. Makes these ASAP!
I attended a wine tasting shindig at Mellissa’s house and decided we needed to celebrate S’Mores Day with a delicious s’mores cookie bar.
The idea was similar to my S’Mores Cookie Dough Pie except I made the graham cracker crust myself this time (don’t worry—super easy!) and used ginormous chocolate morsels with the cookie dough. And of course it wasn’t in a skillet this time.
S’Mores Cookie Dough Pie
The morsels are essential for your daily dose of chocolate. (or is that just me?)
Even Mellissa enjoyed these ooey gooey bars…and that’s saying something if you know her!
Yes, we ate right out of the pan. I blame the deliciocity of the bars because there’s no way wine has anything to do with decisions like that. Right?
S’Mores Cookie Bar
Since I literally only got one photo of the S’mores Cookie Bar, I decided I would also share a recipe I’ve been holding in my arsenal for a few weeks….my S’mores Croissants.
S’Mores Croissant
This one is super simple. Just grab some Pilsbury croissant rolls, stuff in some chocolate and mallows, roll-up and sprinkle with graham cracker crumbs. I personally love anything that requires me smashing up graham crackers.
This is a perfectly healthy way to get out pent up aggression.
All of these s’mores recipes are a perfect way to wrap up the summer and possibly celebrate some back-to-school fun!
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Speaking of which…I think I need to do some back-to-school shopping myself. And no, I’m not actually going back to school…I just can hardly help myself around fresh notebooks, colorful folders and a shiny new set of pens! Remember my Target office supply shopping spree? I might have a problem.
For more fun summer things, check out my Food [ Summer ] Pinterest board! I am kind of in denial summer is coming to a close. It hasn’t really even felt like summer here in Minnesota!
Follow SemiHealthNut’s board Food [Summer] on Pinterest.
In current life news:
I’m excited to be heading to Chicago this weekend to hang out with my dear blog friend, Katie! We are running a mud run together (don’t ask me why I’m doing another one..ha!) then we are all going to party it up for Mr. Dave’s birthday. It’s his birthday today, by the way. We’re celebrating today at Chili’s. Cuz that’s how we roll! [ insert cute couple pictures of us. obviously we look super dressed up like this on a daily basis. ] Happy Birthday Dave Cakes!! <3
PS Don’t forget to enter the giveaway!! Ends soon!!
Are you a fan of s’mores?
Do you have any fun runs planned this month?
PS I’m all about Pinterest this year, so I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images!
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Linking up to:
Share Your Stuff Tuesdays with Erin at Table for Seven
Treat Yourself Tuesday with Becky at Olives n Wine
That picture of me is hilarious! Love it and you guys!!
I left out the one of you doing crow pose by the fire ha!
The way you make this look should be illegal
This comment just made my day! 🙂
Yum! I really need to make the croissant ones, too easy not to try! I’ve got a triathlon next weekend (the 24th) after that I have no races so I need to get life figured out!!
I was thinking of doing a half this year but I haven’t been running at all..it would have to be in October! Good luck on your half! Although I’m sure I’ll talk to you before then. 🙂
dang!!! i need to try those croissants!!
Seriously so easy!! Try em!
Yum! Love the S’mores Crescents idea! Very easy recipe, especially for a girl’s night or party. 🙂
That’s a perfect idea! So easy and tasty!
Is it weird that I never liked smores? I loved graham crackers and marshmallows by themselves but I hated them together. LOL! Oh and… I don’t like chocolate at all! HA! Maybe peanut butter would have made it DELICIOUS!
Well, I thought you were a weirdo before…but now…I’m sure of it! 😉 😉
Have you tried s’mores with a reeces in the middle? I die!
This looks dangerous – as in make every single week dangerous 😉
Thanks for sharing!
haha yes so dangerous!!
I’m so excited!!!!!!
I miss you already! 🙁
Funny I just posted my Frozen S’mores Bars recipe link on my FB page before I read this. Ooh-wee Ooh-wee!
I feel like I haven’t talked to you in forever. That needs to change! 🙂
Seriously!! When are we doing our Google hang-out?? Also frozen s’mores bars sound amazing!!!
Well, that really knocked s’more’s day out of the park! We have been camping this weekend so I ate a TON of s’mores. Sadly, no run plans. Still taking it easy.
S’mores are basically essential when camping!! And taking it easy is probably a good thing in your life now!! 🙂 <3
Mmmmm now I want some marshmallows (that’s always my favorite part of the s’more). Hope you had fun in Chi-town this weekend, sorry the weather wasn’t the best for you.
I do love me some mallows! I think my favorite part is the chocolate though…although I could eat roasted mallows plain. Especially when they are almost burnt. Is that weird?
HOW DID I MISS S’MORES DAY!?? Guess I’ll have a belated celebration! lol
haha yes get on it Diana!! I’m headed to check out that turkey burger recipe you linked…YUM!!