A couple of years ago I was training for my first half. I never got around to running it because a month or so before, I hurt my back at work. While there was a whole lot of heavy lifting, now I think part of the reason I hurt myself so badly was due to a weak lower back.
When I visited the doctor, I was surprised to find out that I wasn’t supposed to just lie around until it got better…I was supposed to keep up with moderate movement, go on walks, AND do strength training moves. I also saw a physical therapist who did something called muscle activation. At the end of three months I was surprised that not only did I have no pain, I was much stronger than before.
Alas, some of the lower back pain is back again. This is most likely due to:
- pushing and lifting of heavy things that comes along with moving,
- lack of strength training,
- standing most of the day with no shoes on (unpacking the kitchen in one day I nearly died of foot pain and back pain)
- sleeping in a different bed, and
- poor sitting posture
Since I am currently without insurance and I know the pain isn’t as bad as before, I’m trying to resolve this issue myself.
[If you do hurt your back badly (shooting pains or when things like walking hurt or you can’t sleep at night), it’s best to see a doctor before trying to fix yourself. I am no doctor and cannot diagnose you.]
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Bridge tips: Make sure to squeeze your glutes to raise your hips up. You can either hold in this position or repeat the move a set number of reps. (ex: hold 30 seconds 3x or do 20 reps)
Back Extension tips: Keep knees bent, stomach tight, and back straight as you move forward towards the floor and back to a standing position. (Do 20-30 reps)
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Single Leg Kick tips: Make sure to keep your stomach tight as you bring each foot back, kicking towards the glutes. (do 20-30 alternating reps)
Knee Raise tips: Make sure you are tightening your abs as you raise each knee up in a controlled manner 10 times on each leg (going from one leg to the next is best as opposed to 10 on one side and switching). For more of a challenge, raise your opposite arm straight up over your head and hold pose 10-30 seconds on each side. (do 20-30 alternating reps)
(hold at least 30 seconds at a time unless your back starts to get sore)
Roll Like a Ball: This is a move I learned from pilates where you balance yourself on your butt, and attempt to roll back and up, hitting each vertebrae as you go down and back up. My brother and sister and I used to do this for fun when we were little but really it can help to get some kinks out in the back.
Another note: When sitting for long periods of time- sit up straight and make it a point to get up and move once an hour!
If we do these moves on a regular basis, we will have strong lower backs in no time!
Do you ever experience lower back pain? What have you done to fix it?
Tell me…how do you like my self-timer photos? They were hilarious to shoot! Set the timer, run over to where I think the camera is pointing, camera snaps a shot, run over to see if it was lined up correctly…took some time but it was worth it if it helps someone out!
(Again: I am not a doctor. If you feel any discomfort doing these moves, stop and consider going to a doctor. These moves are meant more for mild sore backs OR for strengthening and prevention.)
Some of those moves are go to for me, but a few of those are new and I’m glad to have extras to try the next time my back acts up (sitting for long periods in class followed by sitting in the car or chasing kids around the clinic will do that to a girl).
Thanks so much for sharing
So glad you can find some use from this post!!
Some of those moves are go to for me, but a few of those are new and I’m glad to have extras to try the next time my back acts up (sitting for long periods in class followed by sitting in the car or chasing kids around the clinic will do that to a girl).
Thanks so much for sharing
Thankfully I have the option to see my chiropractor, so that’s usually my go-to. I think it’s definitely important to strengthen your core as that has to carry you everywhere you go. It’s also important to make sure when you’re doing things like heavy lifting to use good form so as to not put additional strain on your back.
I would LOVE to see a chiropractor!! I know I used my legs as much as possible when lifting, but sometimes I still feel it in my back unfortunately. And I just slept in my own bed at my dad’s….oh how I miss it! I’m pretty sure Dave’s bed is bad for my back unfortunately…
Thankfully I have the option to see my chiropractor, so that’s usually my go-to. I think it’s definitely important to strengthen your core as that has to carry you everywhere you go. It’s also important to make sure when you’re doing things like heavy lifting to use good form so as to not put additional strain on your back.
oh man. you have no idea how much i needed this post. i need to strengthen my lower back and butt.
Good!! I felt so weird putting pictures of me like that up (I’m a blogger…you’d think I would have gotten over putting pictures of myself up…), but I kept telling myself if it helps ONE PERSON it’s worth it!! <3
oh man. you have no idea how much i needed this post. i need to strengthen my lower back and butt.
Good!! I felt so weird putting pictures of me like that up (I’m a blogger…you’d think I would have gotten over putting pictures of myself up…), but I kept telling myself if it helps ONE PERSON it’s worth it!! <3
I would LOVE to see a chiropractor!! I know I used my legs as much as possible when lifting, but sometimes I still feel it in my back unfortunately. And I just slept in my own bed at my dad’s….oh how I miss it! I’m pretty sure Dave’s bed is bad for my back unfortunately…
So glad you can find some use from this post!!
I love these. I have had lower back pain from trying to sleep on my couch once. I did look up a few exercised online that helped but you have even more that I will definitely try out. I was going to try one right now but there is a spider on the wall…..
so I will wait until I get home lol
hahaha hope you got that spider!! And I hope these can help you!!
I love these. I have had lower back pain from trying to sleep on my couch once. I did look up a few exercised online that helped but you have even more that I will definitely try out. I was going to try one right now but there is a spider on the wall…..
so I will wait until I get home lol
I love this post! I have a horrible time with my lower back aching, so this is great help. Another tip that I find good to know is that sometimes, when lower backs are sore, it’s because of tight quad muscles. I learned that a little while ago, and notice that if I roll out my quads, the pain decreases.
That is a great tip!! I JUST purchased a foam roller because I know that can help too but had no idea about the quad thing! Are bodys are so amazingly complex…and weird!
Hope these moves can help!!
That is a great tip!! I JUST purchased a foam roller because I know that can help too but had no idea about the quad thing! Are bodys are so amazingly complex…and weird!
Hope these moves can help!!
hahaha hope you got that spider!! And I hope these can help you!!
I have a pretty steady stream of lower back pain, although it’s not extreme by any means. I got a doctor to look at it and he discovered I have a couple bones fused that … shouldn’t be. Basically.
But his advice was to keep a strong core. Good motivation to (try) not to slack off!
Wow that’s crazy! I know I have a lot of issues because my right hip is basically out of line. When I did my physical therapy the guy basically had to re-set it once a week and I’m sure it’s out of line now….just one of those things we have to deal with and DEFINITELY more motivation to keep active and strength training!
I have a pretty steady stream of lower back pain, although it’s not extreme by any means. I got a doctor to look at it and he discovered I have a couple bones fused that … shouldn’t be. Basically.
But his advice was to keep a strong core. Good motivation to (try) not to slack off!
Wow that’s crazy! I know I have a lot of issues because my right hip is basically out of line. When I did my physical therapy the guy basically had to re-set it once a week and I’m sure it’s out of line now….just one of those things we have to deal with and DEFINITELY more motivation to keep active and strength training!
I totally have a weak lower back too! It all started about two years ago when I started lifting more. I started going to a physical therapist just this winter and it really helped. Problem is I went to BLEND and participated in those darn GPP workouts! that really tweaked it and took me back to square 1 again. Now i just need to be disciplined and keep up those moves and stretches without the accountability (and the $40 per visit co-pay) of the actual PT appointment. Thanks for this post. There are a couple new ones my PT hadn’t shown me. My biggest problem is I CANNOT sit still in my chair and straight with my feet flat on the ground. I’m just not comfortable sitting that way! I sit cross-legged or with one crossed over the other and she tells me not to do that
Oh man I feel ya on the pain!! It really stinks that the GPP workouts put you back at square one! But at least you know that with the stretches and strengthening moves it can get better! Hang in there girl!!
I totally have a weak lower back too! It all started about two years ago when I started lifting more. I started going to a physical therapist just this winter and it really helped. Problem is I went to BLEND and participated in those darn GPP workouts! that really tweaked it and took me back to square 1 again. Now i just need to be disciplined and keep up those moves and stretches without the accountability (and the $40 per visit co-pay) of the actual PT appointment. Thanks for this post. There are a couple new ones my PT hadn’t shown me. My biggest problem is I CANNOT sit still in my chair and straight with my feel flat on the ground. I’m just not comfortable sitting that way! I cross-legged of with one crossed over the other and she tells me not to do that
Oh man I feel ya on the pain!! It really stinks that the GPP workouts put you back at square one! But at least you know that with the stretches and strengthening moves it can get better! Hang in there girl!!
Thank you for this, I want to incorporate more things to help with my back pain and now sciatica. The Chiro helps a lot but I want to do as much as I can do, I want my life back.
I hope this helps!! I know what you mean…back issues can really take over your whole life!
Thank you for this, I want to incorporate more things to help with my back pain and now sciatica. The Chiro helps a lot but I want to do as much as I can do, I want my life back.
I hope this helps!! I know what you mean…back issues can really take over your whole life!
I need this desperately! Thank you! I hope I can adapt them to being on the bed. Due to a bad knee, weight, and age, I CAN NOT get on floor. (Last time I was unintentionally on the floor, it took 8 strong men to pick me up. And, oh yeah, I was naked. Fun times.)
Here from Inspire Me Monday.
Oh man I really hope this helps!! Take it slow and over time your back will get stronger and stronger!
Amanda thank you so much for these. I’m only 19 but I’ve been having a considerable amount of lower back pain in the past couple months and it’s starting to trouble me. I’m going to add these onto the end of my workouts to find if I feel an improvement!
You are so welcome, friend! I think lower back troubles are an issue for all ages! Hope these help! <3