I came across some old photos on Facebook that a high school friend had shared the other day and I had one of those “yikes!” moments.
I’ve never been overweight, in fact I’m about the same weight as I was in high school. I’m not saying this to brag…just bear with me here.
(Confession: I had to google whether it was “bear with me” or “bare with me.” The general consensus is that the last phrase means “get naked with me.” Good to know!)
A friend recently saw my senior picture and told me that she had also lost weight since high school. I was a little confused, but looking at these other pictures makes sense. I looked so bloated!
It’s amazing how much food and fitness can change a person’s appearance…even at the same weight!
My lifestyle in high school versus now is insanely different.
I used to down REGULAR Mountain Dew and candy bars for snacks. I used to have poptarts for breakfast and Chimichangas, Easy Mac or instant Ragu for dinner. I had chips and a cookie with each lunch at school. I thought it was pretty cool that I could eat crappy food and not gain weight.
I wouldn’t really over eat, but I definitely did not think about getting my veggies, fruits or whole grains until after high school.
My exercise was typically walking from class to class. Don’t get me wrong, we had 4 levels at our school, so stairs were involved most of the time.
Senior year I think I did start going to the gym, so I looked a little less puffy, but I had this complex where I didn’t want to get sweaty in front of other people.
I’m not perfect now, by any means. But I think I’m heading in the right direction.
I focus on getting veggies in each day. I love spinach. I try new and healthy foods all the time.
I try to work movement into my schedule a few days a week. I’m no longer afraid of getting super schweaty when I workout…which is quite helpful when I need to run a 10K race!
And I have switched to diet dew…always with a side of water. Lots of water.
These throwback pictures just remind me that it DOES matter that we try to eat healthy. It also goes to show you that the number on the scale doesn’t matter as much as you think, right?
Happy Thursday all!
Do you ever look at old photos?
Do you feel better when you are eating healthier and exercising?
Linking up to Tina’s Saturday Shares!
It’s always so funny to look back at old pictures of ourselves and see how different we look. I’m about the same size/weight I was in high school too but I’m much more fit and HEALTHY.
Yes I think I read something about when you first started being a vegetarian, but not really a healthy one. I’m glad we’ve figured out a good balance for ourselves…and that it shows!
Hey Amanda! I love this post. It is so much fun to look at old pictures and see how you’ve changed. I’ve stayed the same weight for the most part since high school, but when I see old pictures, I think the same thing as you. And then when I think about what I used to eat for lunch (a cheeseburger and cherry soda), it all makes sense. It’s funny how our tastes change! 🙂
haha yes cheeseburgers and sugary soda on a regular basis isn’t the best thing for looking our best! I remember I ate the burger king chicken sandwiches like once a week…I can only finish half now and its not really as good as I remembered!
Hey Amanda! I love this post. It is so much fun to look at old pictures and see how you’ve changed. I’ve stayed the same weight for the most part since high school, but when I see old pictures, I think the same thing as you. And then when I think about what I used to eat for lunch (a cheeseburger and cherry soda), it all makes sense. It’s funny how our tastes change! 🙂
It’s always so funny to look back at old pictures of ourselves and see how different we look. I’m about the same size/weight I was in high school too but I’m much more fit and HEALTHY.
Love this post, Amanda! My gosh, you look so adorable in high school (and do now obviously!).
I weigh about 5-8 pounds more than I did in high school and college and I think I look so much better. My skin looks healthier and I don’t look quite as puffy or bloated. This is such a great reminder of why we need to eat healthy and why the scale doesn’t matter at all.
Thanks Maria! 🙂
Isn’t it great to look BETTER now than in high school!! 🙂
Love this post, Amanda! My gosh, you look so adorable in high school (and do now obviously!).
I weigh about 5-8 pounds more than I did in high school and college and I think I look so much better. My skin looks healthier and I don’t look quite as puffy or bloated. This is such a great reminder of why we need to eat healthy and why the scale doesn’t matter at all.
haha yes cheeseburgers and sugary soda on a regular basis isn’t the best thing for looking our best! I remember I ate the burger king chicken sandwiches like once a week…I can only finish half now and its not really as good as I remembered!
Thanks Maria! 🙂
Isn’t it great to look BETTER now than in high school!! 🙂
Yes I think I read something about when you first started being a vegetarian, but not really a healthy one. I’m glad we’ve figured out a good balance for ourselves…and that it shows!
That is so interesting! And come to think of it I’m probably the same weight as I was in high school too but a lot different looking. Huh. Definitely shows that the scale number is stupid and what matters is living a healthy and fit life!
Exactly!! Let’s get the word out!!! 🙂
That is so interesting! And come to think of it I’m probably the same weight as I was in high school too but a lot different looking. Huh. Definitely shows that the scale number is stupid and what matters is living a healthy and fit life!
Exactly!! Let’s get the word out!!! 🙂