Sometimes when things go wrong on the holidays though, it seems to be even worse than it would be on a regular day. Because this is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year.
Everyone else is happy…why can’t I be happy? Everyone else has smiling wonderful pictures on Facebook with twinkling tree lights and jolly Santa hats…why am I not having the best time ever?
There is simply too much pressure to have the perfect Christmas.
To buy the perfect gift.
To make the perfect cookies.
To cook the perfect turkey.
But what if something goes wrong?? What if it’s NOT perfect??
Although the holidays are usually spent enjoying loved ones, for some, it brings up bad memories.
Or showcases the fact that they don’t have the closest family like others seem to have.
Or brings up old feelings of regret.
And sometimes, like on birthdays, we look more closely at our lives and wonder why we aren’t where we thought we’d be at this point in time.
I think we just need to cut ourselves and our family/friends some slack.
We need to realize that no one is perfect and that we all have the best intentions for each other.
We also need to realize that usually people are only posting the good memories of their holiday celebrating…not the ritual family arguments or bitter feelings. (Social media and blogs can be a blessing and a curse around the holidays.)
I know Christmas isn’t for another year, but let’s try to remember this for next year. And for any family get togethers. Let’s try to focus on what we DID get this Christmas and not on what we WISH we had gotten.
We ALL have something to be thankful for and although it is completely fine to have a few moments of sorrow and grieving, let’s look forward and focus on the new year to come!
I know what you mean about things going wrong… half of my family was sick! When I heard we had to postpone our Christmas brunch and I was super bummed out and just wanted to cancel Christmas altogether! Seriously! :p but it all worked out in the end… went to a movie with family members that weren’t sick and it was a lot of fun and no stress because it was just a casual unplanned kinda thing and was kind of nice because a smaller group of us meant I got to see some of my nieces open presents already and the rest on Saturday so I get to see all of their reactions instead of the crazy ribbons flying event that usually occurs.
Dang it seems like a lot of people got sick! I hope you didn’t catch anything and I’m glad you ended up having a good experience! 🙂
Ding, ding, ding, ding, DING! Why didn’t you post this BEFORE christmas when I was crawling out of my skin with stress? 😉
Ha sorry lady! It was looking back at my own experience and a couple of “scrooges” that gave me the idea for this post. At least we know now! 🙂
haha ditto.
I know what you mean about things going wrong… half of my family was sick! When I heard we had to postpone our Christmas brunch and I was super bummed out and just wanted to cancel Christmas altogether! Seriously! :p but it all worked out in the end… went to a movie with family members that weren’t sick and it was a lot of fun and no stress because it was just a casual unplanned kinda thing and was kind of nice because a smaller group of us meant I got to see some of my nieces open presents already and the rest on Saturday so I get to see all of their reactions instead of the crazy ribbons flying event that usually occurs.
thank you so much for this post…i thought i was alone in feeling this way
Ding, ding, ding, ding, DING! Why didn’t you post this BEFORE christmas when I was crawling out of my skin with stress? 😉
Ha sorry lady! It was looking back at my own experience and a couple of “scrooges” that gave me the idea for this post. At least we know now! 🙂
Dang it seems like a lot of people got sick! I hope you didn’t catch anything and I’m glad you ended up having a good experience! 🙂
haha ditto.
oh man. i got home and i had mice in my kitchen, so scrooging is still happening. i still have christmas with Mark’s family tomorrow. they’ve got a pretty good track record, so hopefully that will go well. 🙂
Love ya lady! can’t wait to see you and @twitter-298850813:disqus next weekend. And guess what? You’re going to see the CLEANEST apartment I’ve ever, ever had (okay, assuming the boys don’t jack it up). Currently washing the sheets for the guest bed and cleaning out the guest room (slash craft room).
I’m so excited!! You have no idea!! <3 <3
Hope your Christmas with Mark's fam is awesome!!
oh man. i got home and i had mice in my kitchen, so scrooging is still happening. i still have christmas with Mark’s family tomorrow. they’ve got a pretty good track record, so hopefully that will go well. 🙂
Love ya lady! can’t wait to see you and @twitter-298850813:disqus next weekend. And guess what? You’re going to see the CLEANEST apartment I’ve ever, ever had (okay, assuming the boys don’t jack it up). Currently washing the sheets for the guest bed and cleaning out the guest room (slash craft room).
I’m so excited!! You have no idea!! <3 <3
Hope your Christmas with Mark’s fam is awesome!!