Time for another Inspire Me Monday link-up where you can link your best work from the week AND be inspired by others. We all have something to offer, right?
Leprechaun Chase 10K Race 2015
I had the privilege of racing with sister Courtney at her first ever 10K race: The Nebraska Leprechaun Chase 10K. It’s a super fun race, but definitely not for those of us who don’t train very well.
Inspire me Monday #5: Pinspiration
It’s time for another Inspire Me Monday! A place where I share some of my current inspirations, and you can share yours as well.
Confessions of an Imperfect Blogger (and person)
The truth is…no one is perfect. Sometimes it’s good to be reminded of this fact in the form of a confessions post.
Inspire Me Monday #3
It’s time for another Inspire Me Mondays Link-Up where we can all shine! Because we’re all good at something…right?
Inspire Me Mondays Link-Up #2
It’s time for another Inspire Me Monday! A link-up where you can inspire others with what you do best and also be inspired.
Happy Caturday: Why Kittens are Like Furry Toddlers with Claws
What is caturday?
It’s basically Saturday slash cat day. Or share-all-the-cat-pictures-you-can-fit-into-one-post day.
ShN Happy Moves (+ Eats) 2-17-15
Hey guys, how’s your week going? I’m back with another round of SHN Moves where I share the ways I’ve been moving the past week (slash 3 weeks if it’s like today and it’s been awhile..).
Fab Feb Frigidaire Giveaway
Hey friends! I have a crazy awesome giveaway for you all…one I really want to enter myself! This giveaway is so awesome because I’m partnering with a bunch of other bloggers to bring you a prize worth 375 big ones. Now this is my first group giveaway, so bear with me. And as always you…
Fudgy Hot Cocoa Bars with Mini Mallows
What if you could have hot cocoa in the form of a fudgy hot cocoa bar? What if you could eat your hot cocoa? Well, thanks to a fun kitchen experiment conducted by yours truly, you can do just that!