Hello Friends! This title works two ways.One: Chobani’s catch phrase is “just add good” for their new baking with Chobani campaign. I received a bunch of plain and vanilla Chobani greek yogurt to experiment with, and experimenting is what I’ve been doing. Especially Friday.Two: I had a grumpy morning ranting post, so this one will…
{WIAW #52} Moving Fuel + Giveaway Winner
Hello Friends! So this whole moving thing…my idea? And this whole going to school at the age of 25 with a bunch of smarty-pants teenagers…my idea too? Just kidding. It’s not that bad! Just a lot of changes. I now have classes five days a week. And with awkward spaces in between them where I…
{WIAW #51} Mini-Blend Weekend
Hello Friends! I’m stopping in to chat with you about my lovely weekend! You might know that I’m moving this weekend AND starting back to classes this week…I’ve had some crazy early mornings driving to classes and late nights with packing, so I’ve had some awesome guest posts (with more to come!) to keep me…
{WIAW #50} Blackberry Phone Food
Hello Friends! Yes, I still have a Blackberry phone. I just can’t seem to get into the touchscreen typing. It drives me nuts getting wrong words from people because of their phones. Although I would like some of the cool phone features…can we please come out with a slide-out keyboard for the iphone or Android?…
{WIAW #49} Christmas Farm Edition + Popcorn Balls Recipe
Hello Friends! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and that Santa brought you everything your heart desired. I also hope you took some time to focus on the true meaning of Christmas and/or spent time soaking in your loved ones. PS Have you checked out my Teach Me Tuesday link-up? As I begin…
{WIAW #48} December Eats
Hello Friends! I realized when I tried to figure out what number my WIAW post should be at today that I haven’t done one of these in almost a month! The last one was November 20th! (WIAW=What I Ate Wednesday. Click here to see more about why I do this.) I thought I’d share a…
Semi-healthy Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins
Dear Friends, The post below is actually a post I had written over break, but not yet published. I was going to do Thankful Thursday yesterday, WIAW the day before and a Faithful Friday post today, but friends, it’s been a rough week. Speeding ticket Sunday on my way to church, a day of everything…
Brownie Cookie Dough Pie
Hello Friends! Oh yes. Combining two wonderful things into one magnificent creation. Brownies + Cookie Dough = Death by Awesomeness. Gotta love math, right? Would you believe that this is a semi-healthy dessert? It is!I got the idea to make this from my friend Emily at our last baking day who is hosting a giveaway…
Thanksgiving 2012
Hello Friends! I took a surprisingly small amount of photos this holiday….okay I took some, but seriously, remember last Thanksgiving?? Lots of pictures…like this sweet one! My sis Rachel and I hung out the night before to do some baking and like last year…she didn’t really do much of anything except be a goofball. What…
{Recipe Round-Up} What to Take to Thanksgiving
Hello Friends! Are you a host or an invader? This is the question I overheard someone asking at school the other day while talking about Thanksgiving break. I’m assuming it was a cheeky way of saying “Are you having people over for Thanksgiving or going over to someone else’s house?” If you are a host,…