I don’t know about you, but sometimes I need to focus on the happy things in my life. I have one of those weird brains that naturally seeks out the negative in pretty much any situation, but I think with practice (and with these types of posts) we can train our brains to focus on the GOOD.
It Is Good to Have a Partner in Crime to #shareyoursummer
Hey friends! Today, I want to take this opportunity to tell you how awesome Dave (aka Dave Cakes) is. #shareyoursummer
Five Thoughts + Some News!
Apparently I like sharing news on the blog. Especially the teaser aspect of the title that involves the word “news.” That way I know those who like to know stuff about me personally will read it. Ha. I actually had a totally different post planned. One involving hiking in Colorado, but that will have to…
Duluth, Lake Superior + I Made a Movie!
I was finally able to explore Duluth and Lake Superior this week—my last week in Minnesota! Dave and I made a whole day of it and I even compiled a fun movie with our adventures. If you’re visiting the area…these are some places you will want to check out!
[IMM #10] Inspiration from Blend Retreat 2015
Blend Retreat 2015 was amazing! I am coming away from the experience refreshed, full of inspiration and ready to take on the world.
Honey Roasted Almond Butter + Some News!
This homemade honey roasted almond butter is slightly honey sweet and dreamy creamy goodness on your morning toast. I’m pretty sure this stuff disappeared in 4 days flat. And Dave barely had a taste of it…it was just this nut butter monster slathering it on toast, tortillas, a cookie (ohmigosh)…really anything.
Lemon Snickerdoodle Funfetti Cookies
The light, airy, buttery cookie gives off a bite of tart lemon and is offset perfectly by the signature snickerdoodle cinnamon/sugar coating. This is the perfect dessert to welcome in spring, bring to your family Easter shindig, or just to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Merry Christmas + Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Dave and I!
Happy Things #3
I just tend to stress about eve-ry-thing.
To remind myself that life is good, I’m doing another Happy Things post.
WIAW #76 Farmer’s Market Fun + #HLS Excitement
I have SO MUCH to do to prepare for #HLS13 (Healthy Living Summit 2013), plus I already posted my thoughts on 9-11, but when preparing for a blogging conference, one can’t help but think about their blog!!Or am I the only one? [If you are attending your first blogging conference and are a bit nervous,…