Summer shape up.
This sounds like something from a fitness magazine promising you will lose 5 pounds in 5 days.
I thought the same thing when Balance Bar proposed we team up to promote their summer Shape-Up Challenge.
Rest assured, this is NOT a weight loss challenge nor is it about changing your body’s shape. Although those two things may happen as a result, that is not the end goal. The end goal is a better, healthier you!
Here are Balance Bar’s suggestions to Shape Up this summer:
(in my own words. see original here.)
1. Workout outdoors. Here in Minnesota, the winter dragged on for MONTHS. It was my first winter here and I probably asked Dave on a daily basis “why do we live here??” Welp, that all changed when the sun came out and I could finally get back out on the nearby path for some refreshing walks and/or runs. Seriously, it feels like a whole different place and I’m so happy to finally get outdoors to move now!
2. Eat your fruits and veggies. Preferably seasonal ones to obtain the most nutrients. Try to mix up the colors too in order to get a variety of vitamins and minerals.
3. Find a friend to workout with. I really should do this…any takers??
4. Drink more “fun” water. It’s easy to do this with an infused water bottle OR a Ball Mason Jar Infuser. (You have an opportunity to win one with the giveaway!)
5. Eat many small meals. Multiple smaller meals helps to rev up your metabolism. Balance Bars can help you keep your metabolism going when you’re on the go!
So, “Shape Up” in this instance means shaping up in any area of your health and fitness you personally would like to work on.
I was also inspired to come up with my own summer shape up list!
Amanda’s Personal Shape Up Challenge:
1. Getting in movement on a daily basis. Happy movement. At the bare minimum this means I want to get outside for a walk or do a 15 minute body weight workout in my apartment. Sometimes when I’m working from home I sit and sit and sit. My fitbit does help motivate me to get up!
- Speaking of which…I would like to average 10K steps per day on my fitbit and at the minimum do 5K each day. 10K steps is the preset goal for all fitbits and if it’s good enough for the majority of people, it should be good enough for me! Especially if I do sign up for a half-marathon this year…which I am really leaning towards. I got the itch.
3. I am determined to try paddleboarding this summer. I’m pretty sure I will love it so much that it will become a regular activity. Then I will start doing yoga paddleboarding…
4. Fruit every day. For some reason it is easier for me to get veggies in on a daily basis, but unless I’m at work and whip myself up a smoothie, I’m sans all of that delicious vitamin C.
5. Something I’ve already been working on: no diet soda. I was addicted to diet dew for years and I’ve successfully broken the habit for about the past month as I found it was the source of my frequent headaches. So glad to be done with those! Since I dislike restricting or telling myself I cannot have any item food/drink wise (yes, even diet soda) for fear I will start to obsess over that very thing, I will say it is okay every other time I dine out.
Twitter Chat!
In celebration of summer and the Shape Up Challenge, Balance Bar is hosting a Twitter chat on July 31st at 3pm if anyone is interested in discussing!
Solution to No Diet Soda:
To help deal with the last item on my shape up list, I’ve been changing up my drinks. The new Ball Mason Jar Infuser I received has been helping a lot!
I mixed up this little mocktail last night and it rocked my world. Super light and refreshing!
Balance Bar has generously offered to giveaway a whole Shape Up kit including the lovely Ball Mason Jar Infuser, headphones and two varieties of Balance Bars: Cookie Dough and Peanut Butter–two of my all time favorite things.
While the Cookie Dough bar doesn’t taste as good as the cookie dough I mix up at home with full butter and sugar…it is a satisfying snack that has a good balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat.
Excited to Promote Balance:
I’m actually really excited to promote this ratio of macronutrients because JUST yesterday a member at the gym I work at told me he had been on a high protein diet to lose weight and “lean up” (so so common these days). He did in fact look like a decently healthy and muscular man. The problem? His doctor told him his high protein diet was causing problems in his kidneys and he needed to turn this around ASAP. It’s not all about looks, people! Your body’s main source of fuel should be carbohydrates and fat, NOT protein!
Okay, rant over! Enter to win this lovely prize pack! (US only.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck, friends!!
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Linking up to:
Share Your Stuff Tuesdays with Erin at Table for Seven
Show and Share Wednesday with Kelly at Mostly Homemade Mom
Disclaimer: I had my first Balance Bar on the Blend Retreat hike this year so I was delighted to write this post for them. In exchange for my honest review, I received a box of bars, a fun Ball Mason Jar Infuser and a giveaway of the same things for my readers. All opinions are 110% my own as per usual!
Disclaimer 2: I am a fitbit affiliate, but all links in this post simply go to my fitbit one review.
Definitely cutting back on the ice cream. I’m all about indulging once in a while, but I’ve gotten a little TOO indulgent with how hot it’s been! I just discovered how to make a delicious “milkshake” with chocolate milk, protein powder and a frozen banana, so that will help appease my chocolate ice cream needs!
Man I hear ya about over-indulging with sweets at times! Hopefully the substitute helps but it’s okay to have the real deal every once in awhile! ๐
By playing outside more with fun things that don’t seem like exercise, such as soccer, jump rope, or dancing!
For sure!! Move happy, girl!!
I am planning to go on more frequent walks and eventually work my way up to running after my surgery.
Glad you’re trying to ease back into it!!
Taking advantage of the nice weather and going outside for more walks will definitely help me to shape up!
Yes!! I adore walking on the nearby path! Walking is one of those things that’s so simple but great for your overall health!
I just moved near Lake of the Isles and that has definitely helped to get me out on the trails more! That spritzer looks amazing!
By getting extra activity in at the pool in addition to other workouts and eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies!
I’m training for a fall marathon so that will keep me going!
I’m training for a half this summer, so I’m hoping that will help me shape up and tone ๐
I have been trying new workout routines
I am also trying to move every day and log my food intake ๐
We can be gym buddies via snapchat ๐ At least we’re in close to the same time zone. I feel you though, I’m looking into jumping onto the BF’s gym membership but afraid I won’t want to go by myself!
I think all your goals for the summer sound awesome and I can’t wait to hear about your adventures paddelboarding. Plus that infuser jar/mug is just adorable.
I’m training for a FULL! So I’m making sure to not only run the distance, but enjoy it, keep it injury free (lots of PREhab), and most importantly keep it fueled properly! I’ve tried the dark chocolate coconut balance bar and it was great to push me through my workout that night! And I totally agree – the laying off the diet soda has been one of my challenges. Happy Summer!
I changed my fitbit this summer to 12000 step goal and have been working on keeping up with my water intake. I can’t wait to try your spritzer recipe. Thanks
I run… a lot ๐ And chase my toddler around!
I have the HARDEST time drinking all of my water! I typically add a crystal light to one of my bottles during the day to help me out, but I know its not the best for me! I would love to try the infused water bottle!
It really does help! Even if you don’t win, it’s not super expensive on the Ball Canning website!
Love being outdoors during the summer. While I don’t always have the time I love to hike as often as I can during the summer months
I really need to find some hiking trails around here! I have a nearby running trail, but I really enjoyed hiking in Utah!
Thanks for entering, Kate!
Great tips on how to make infused flavored water. I’ve tried that recently with raspberries I had in the freezer.
Like you, I also have a goal for 10K steps per day! I have a Body Media Armband. ๐
This is a great Giveaway from Balance Bar! I hope I win!
Have a great weekened!
~Amy ๐
I love using frozen fruit because it’s like a 2-in-1 haha. Keeps it cold and infuses with flavor! ๐
Love summer and taking advantage of the outside weather.
I’m eating more fresh fruits and vegetables and spending more time outside
I intend to stay active – tennis at least every other day.
I like to get outside and walk!
Right there with ya! It’s going to be PERFECT outside this week in Minnesota!!
eating better…. getting back on track with my running and cross training.
I’m training for a fall marathon!
I just received a fruit infusion water bottle and I am PUMPED for it!!! ๐ ๐ Limes – meet your demise! ๐
I have seriously been using it every day!! I should probably wash it…. ๐
Full marathon training,so drinking lots of water!
Get outside! Being outside often requires you to get physical but also happy. I live in a colder area and being outside in the summer makes the winter tolerable!
I am working to be more prepared- If I have meal ideas, I won’t wonder around in the grocery store buying junk. If I have snacks on hand, no need to eat oreos….
Preparation is so key to sticking with your goals! Good luck!!
go swimming! I love to be in the pool so swimming would be perfect for me!
Drink lots of water! I’m hoping to clear up my skin.
Water certainly helps! I’ve found water and REST to be super important in keeping my skin healthy. And lots of healthy fats!
I love working out outdoors! I had some friends over for an outdoor yoga class in my backyard. It was the perfect morning, just a light breeze in the air. La Croix is my favorite. I’m definitely going to try your spritzer recipe.
Oh my gosh that sounds amazing!! You could make spritzers for the post yoga cool down, too! ๐
Constant swimming and skateboarding!
I love infused water. It helps me get down all of the oz I need to stay hydrated!
Take advantage of the nice weather and get outside to do your workouts!
I make veggiesand detox juices ! and I stay active by running and playing basket ball with the famโฅ
We planted a garden and are eating fresh greens.
Oh man I can’t wait until I can plant a garden! Apartment life haha. Good work!
I try to walk early in the morning before it gets too hot and stay well hydrated!
That’s essential in the summer! We were spoiled by a week of weather in the 70s but it’s heating up so I need to remember this as well!
Love the idea for the spritzer! I try not drink soda at all…I’d rather drink plain water. Thanks for sharing!