Oh how glad I am that I saved a couple of posts like this in my draft folder.
No, I didn’t already fill out the questions, but just having a supply of easy post topics can be a life saver. Such as when you take far too long updating and tweaking things on your blog that aren’t urgent or even necessary when you were going to use that time to write a thoughtful and compelling blog post. (100 points to the person who recognizes any of the changes…)
This one also seems to fit perfectly with my current theme of running. Win!
PS You need to enter my current giveaway if you haven’t already. Hint: it has to do with running. π
I’ve already done one of Cori’s Would You Rather Running Questions, but I saw this one on Calee’s blog a couple of months few months ago and knew I wanted to answer these questions at some point.
1. Would you rather run a 5k or a marathon?
Yeah…I’m gonna go with 5K since the longest I’ve run in the past 6 months is 5 miles. Really though, I fear injury with that distance because I just don’t think I’d be diligent enough to keep up with strength training, recovery AND the number of miles necessary.
2. Would you rather run in the heat of summer or the icy winter?
It’s funny because I would choose cooler rather than warmer temps…but I didn’t run outside at all this winter. Snow is a whole different ball game though. I tend to fall when ice or snow is in the picture. Like I did the ONE time I tried to run outside this past winter.
3. Would you rather have new running shoes or a new running outfit?
Probably running shoes since those seem to be the most expensive. Shoes also help prevent injury more so than a running outfit.
4. Would you rather run alone or in a group?
I usually run alone. My last roommate always seemed to run in a group or with at least one other person (which was weird to me) so I ran with her a couple of times, but for the most part I either feel bad for running too slow or for running too fast. Maybe I just need to find the perfect running partner…
[Tweet “Would You Rather: Running Survey #2”]
5. Would you rather run next to someone in a race who tries to talk to you constantly or someone who breathes heavy and grunts?
This is a tough one. In a race I wouldn’t want to talk too much since obviously talking takes oxygen and that’s energy that could be put towards the run. On the other hand, heavy breathers and grunters weird me out. Especially in a group class when they are behind me. I suppose it depends on how close the heavy breather slash grunter was. Can I pass on this question?
6. Would you rather run a race because of the convenience (location, price, travel) or the swag?
I don’t think I have ever run a race because of the swag. I do, however, usually run due to convenience either races close to home or close-ish where I know friends. Like the Color Run in Des Moines and the Hot Chocolate Run in Chicago.
7. Would you rather run a race with a group of friends or by yourself?
Um..see question 4? I guess this question says “race” so I would say I’d rather race solo unless it was some sort of a relay.
8. Would you rather run a PR but result in an injury or finish strong and missing a PR?
I am one of those runners that can still walk two miles after a half marathon because I don’t overexert myself. I know there are many who disagree with finishing a race like that since I could have shaved off a few minutes from my time…but if you get injured…you may NEVER run again! Not worth it in my humble opinion!
9. Would you rather eat a big meal the night before or a big meal after a race?
It depends on the distance we are talking since a 5k or a 10k doesn’t really require a whole lot of refueling. Let’s say for a 10+ mile run. Both. Ha! My stomach doesn’t tend to get too crazy so it really would just depend on how hungry I am either time.
10. Would you rather be chased by a swarm of bees or a pack of dogs?
Probably bees. I’ve been chased by one too many dogs on runs around neighborhoods and even on the nearby trail. Put a leash on ’em! I know they are your BFF but they are still animals! //end rant
Tell me….
Answer as many of these questions as you like in the comments!
What is different about my blog? (remember…100 points if you can answer! π )
Linking up to:
Did You Know a monthly nutrition/fitness/health-related link-up
Thinking Out Loud with Amanda at Running with Spoons
Fitness Friday with Jill at Fitness, Health and Happiness
PS I’m all about Pinterest this year, so I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images. Just hover over the image to reveal the “pin it” button or use the handy dandy buttons at the bottom and top of each post to display the whole list of pins.
Also follow me so I can check out YOUR Pinterest account! π
Follow SemiHealthNut
Love it Amanda! it is always interesting to learn about others running preferences! It sounds like you have a lot of sense as a runner; choosing shoes over clothes, not running a PR but staying healthy…..that is one mistake I have made a few times from overdoing it. I need a lesson from your book!
Is it the Hello! Section? π
YES that was one of the changes!!
You might not want to learn from me if you want to stay an elite runner though..you would laugh at my mile times!!
I love it… always my favorite posts to read. I haven’t done one recently but I think I have seven different versions I created already! Feel free to check any of the other old ones out if you’re interested π
I actually did a search on your blog and only a couple showed up. Is there a tab or a page for all of these??
With my blog transfer some things got messed up but this post: http://olivetorun.com/would-you-rather-running-style-survey-7/ has the 7th and links to all of the first six… unfortunately the pictures don’t seem to have transferred but you can at least access the questions.
Thanks, Cori!
Oh girl I know what you mean about those tiny blogging tweaks… I think I’ll probably take tomorrow off just so I can work on some myself. And since I’m not much of a runner, I’ll just answer the first question — I’d much rather run a 5k because a marathon would probably kill me at this point lol.
I’m glad it’s not just me! It’s the little behind-the-scenes stuff that takes the most work at times!
Has anyone ever told you that your blog name makes you seem like you might be a runner ;P
Great questions! I actually like a 10k, I like to race alone and I’m all about sneakers but I don’ tlike having to break them in AT ALL so I will go with race outfit! I need some blog tweeks well really I need an overhaul but we will see!
I think a 10K would be a great race right now! Not too far but a little challenging!
Yeah I usually just walk around my apartment with my new shoes. I thankfully haven’t had much of a problem yet!
I know a lady who does blog stuff if you need help!
I unfortunately can’t enter your giveaway ): (their races aren’t near me/in Canada).
I too rather run alone. something about doing it on your own and being lost in your own thoughts just works better for me. This also includes racing haha. My boyfriend and I have discussed that he if ever signs up for a race, it’s every man/women for themselves and we’ll see each other at the finish line haha.
YES many a revelation comes about during a run. Good thinking time. Outdoor runs usually…I tend to watch Netflix on the treadmill haha
I’d love to find the perfect running partner too! I love running with people (sometimes) but also hate feeling like I’m slowing them down.
I wish there was like a match.com for that haha.
that was a fun survey!
I’m with you on the whole dog thing. One bite is enough for me! Not gunna lie, I freak out a wee bit every time I hear a dog bark on my run. And then I pray that they really do have an invisible fence.
They do. Thank god! π
haha seriously sometimes you can’t tell if it’s an invisible fence or the dog is going to catch up with you!!