Alternate title: That One Time I Wrote That Post That Got Everyone Riled Up
As I was going over some of my old Blend Retreat posts for the purpose of linking with my Blend Retreat button on the sidebar (we now get referrals for $ off of our tickets so I added a little note to the bottom of my “I’m going” button–>), I came across this lovely number:
Should Your Workout Leave You Sore For Days?
Some things came to mind:
- I still stand behind it because it was HOW I FELT… even though it got some people riled up. People love their GPP!
- I definitely didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings and I did remove the trainer’s name whom I mentioned in the post.
- It taught me a whole lot about blogging…and to be careful about naming names…you never know who might be reading!
- This makes me nervous to workout at Blend again. I mean my arms were so sore that, as I said in the post, it hurt to put on my shirt or brush my teeth.
- It frustrates me when I can’t get a point across and I have to re-explain myself in comments. Not that I get mad at readers, but I get frustrated at myself that I’m not a better writer who can make all of her thoughts crystal clear. (Something similar happened in a recent post where readers thought I was trying to say what was right and wrong to blog about when I was really saying bloggers shouldn’t feel pressure to bare all.)
- I remember very vividly being with Dave in KC (where he was working at the time) and not being able to sleep because I wasn’t used to the comments I was getting.
Anyhow, I wanted to do a little follow-up to the post to explain things that I might have only talked about in the comments. Working at a gym and studying for the NASM has me thinking about all things fitness lately. Plus Blend is coming up very quickly!!
I also wanted to open it up again to see how the current readers feel about this type of group fitness class. aka intense boot-camps with lots of fitness gurus.
Other notes:
(some of these things I found out/realized after I wrote that post)
- I was in a room full of fitness gurus doing workouts I hadn’t done in months (both when I was at GPP fitness and at the bootcamp). I had been training for a half-marathon so was more focused on running longer distances.
- Usually GPP fitness classes are 30 minutes. The boot-camp was an hour…so basically twice as long as their normal workouts.
- Usually the GPP instructor will tell newbies to do half the reps and half the weight. When I was at the gym I was not told this probably because the instructor thought we were all fitness buffs.
- I did take things personally like the instructor asking me if I was okay and then walking over to my friends and telling them they were “so strong.” I’m human. My ego gets hurt on occasion.
- I thought the trainer at the boot-camp was telling me to work harder when she was really helping correct my form. If I hadn’t misinterpreted her intentions, her correcting me probably wound’t have been a big deal.
- For the boot-camp: I did modify, sit out, enlist a blend to go slower with me AND left the workout early (I specifically remember the last part because I wasn’t in the group photo at the end..sad day).
- At the GPP gym: I also modified and took breaks. I wasn’t being totally wreck-less or giving in completely to the group pressure.
- Just because my first experience with GPP was less-than-awesome..doesn’t mean it is a bad company or anyone working for them had bad intentions.
- The comments on old posts get repeated since I switched from Blogger to WordPress. So if you go back to read the comments…it gets a little confusing.
My main reasons for writing the post:
- To share my feelings/opinions. What else is a blog for? It made me crabby I was so sore and upset I felt the pressure to kill myself with a workout. It was also hard to do life the next few days since I could hardly move!
- I totally understand it’s my fault for giving in a little to the pressure around me. I am human. Sometimes I care about what others think. (Although as I mentioned above, I did modify and sit out at times.) I just wanted to address the fact that the pressure in group fitness exists.
- To suggest modifiers for group fitness workouts. Or at least have instructors say what a modification is for each exercise.
- To tell everyone that you don’t need to be sore for DAYS in order to get a good workout. In fact, that’s probably not a good sign…at least on a regular basis.
- To remind everyone that you don’t need to do 1000 burpees, lunges, squats, jumps, etc to be healthy or fit. Fitness and health comes in many different forms.
- To give virtual hugs and high-fives to the ladies who also felt less-than-adequate at the workouts. I feel you! I went in super proud I had just run my very first 13.1 mile race and left feeling out of shape.
You Should Also Know:
I can’t wait to attend Blend this year! I might sit out a boot-camp (or two) but you can bet I will be there trying my best to make friends (with my limited people skills 😉 ), hike the mountains, do the fun run that is now organized (yay!!), connect with my dear blends, and encourage first time attendees. I really did overall enjoy my time at Blend Retreat…that’s why I’m going again for the third year in a row!
Happy Blend posts:
Foodie Fun (2013)
More Than Blogging (2013)
Get Uncomfortable (2013)
Blend Retreat: Out of My Comfort Zone (2012)
Blend Retreat: A Foodie’s Dream (2012)
Blend Retreat Kicked my Booty (2012)
Uncomfortable (<- the post where I almost didn’t go out of fear! 2012)
Hope to see you there!!
(PS Click the image on my sidebar to sign up and let the lovely ladies know I referred you. With this awesomely convincing post..ha!)
Tell me….
Your thoughts!! Speak your mind!
Linking up to:
Thinking Out Loud with Amanda at Running with Spoons
Did You Know a monthly nutrition/fitness/health link-up
Fitness Friday with Jill at Fitness, Health and Happiness
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I like what you said about fitness coming in many different forms. I consider myself pretty fit, but really intense bootcamp style workouts definitely aren’t my thing; and to be honest, I’m not even sure I’d be able to handle one… so you definitely might have some company if you decide to sit any out this year. I’m a big fan of doing what’s right for -our- bodies and not comparing ourselves to anyone else around us… It’s good to push ourselves to improve, but not at the cost of injury or unhappiness.
haha glad I’m not the only one! There is still the hike and then I think they usually have yoga or zumba or something so maybe we can join those groups. 😉
I am not sure what happened, but I feel bad for you if people were being nasty for you giving your honest opinion, that IS what blogging is about, at the end of the day, it is for YOU, and if others do not want to read, they do not have to!
I have not done intense workouts like that, but I definitely push my body to its limit in my training, so I understand. That being said, I do not really get sore anymore as my body is so used to it.
Oh no one was being nasty, but there was definitely some debate! And I got quite a few e-mails from people who supported my opinion (but for some reason didn’t want to comment about it?) so that made me feel a little better. The one thing I did wrong was probably calling out that trainer by name. I’m sure she wouldn’t have gotten so defensive if I had thought about that.
That was another point I was trying to don’t have to be crazy sore for a good workout! Glad you understand, Tina!
Woah! I don’t think I followed you when you posted the part 1. Quite the debate…(I went back and read the comments). I struggle with how to teach my own yoga sculpt classes. I’ve got regulars who know the drill, and I want to keep challenging them, but at the same time I have beginners and need to introduce them to the workout and not overwhelm them. I do remember the bootcamp mingle at HLS on friday and I had a little negative self talk to myself during that workout, but group fitness is also a mental game. You really need to stop listening to the instructor and listen to your own body. The instructor is just giving suggestions for the workout. (at least that’s what I tell myself).
Exactly, Katie! There will usually be a good mix of fitness levels in any given class! Very true about just listening to your own body. I’d love to take your yoga class sometime!!
My highly introverted self isn’t really a fan of group fitness. It reminds me too much of gym class and boy did I hate gym class (argh – the mile run. I’d be nervous all day long). I have no problem going at my own pace or taking a breather when I need it, but I’ve also been stubborn enough to push through even if I’m feeling out of it or light headed for the sake of my pride. So yeah, not a huge fan unless it’s spinning or yoga.
On the topic of soreness, I’ve definitely experienced soreness to where I couldn’t workout, walk, sit down, or get dressed without wincing in pain. I don’t like that feeling AND it prevents me from working out effectively a few days later. A good soreness is motivating instead of debilitating.
Also, a good workout buddy or group of friends will encourage you and make you feel good in a group setting. I’m not saying that the fitness classes you attended during Blend were not doing that, but I’ve been in situations where I was definitely the weakest link, running with friends, and they made me feel great about my running despite how much slower I was than them.
Oh my gosh it is kind of like gym class!! Except what I remember is playing tag games when I was younger and then slacking in Aerobics with friends in high school. But the part where we were all jumping, cartwheeling, etc from one end of the room to the other..totally reminds me of gym! The only negative thing for me back in the day was YES the friggin mile run (which seemed so. far!) AND a boy telling me girls shouldn’t play basketball haha.
There were ladies at the boot camp that I sat out Heather who had just had knee surgery. And I guess a lot of the ladies will be pregnant this year, so maybe I will hang with them! 😉
I so wish you were going this year!! If you go on more trips this year you should somehow stop in Minneapolis and we can have coffee! (<–genius, no?)
I wish I could make it! We do want to go back to Park City, but it might be the fall instead of Spring.
I’ll put Minneapolis on the travel bucket list 🙂
Honestly, I am scared to sign up and go to Blend. It feel intimidating to a new blogger. I’m not sure why? Where are people at the end of the day.
Read my first post! I wasn’t even going to go!! Like I was thinking of excuses the night before my flight. Lots of bloggers are nervous to get out from behind their blogs so you are definitely not alone. You can also try to connect with some of the gals who are attending beforehand so you can try to meet up in person!
E-mail me if you want to talk more!! 🙂
Do it! I did it the first year and my blog wasn’t about health and fitness, and I barely blogged. It’s a fun time. I’m not able to fit it in my finances this year, but it’s a great experience. You’ll meet so many friends.
Honestly I was scanning the comments on this to see if I needed to defend you again!
My thoughts on group classes are the following:
1) If I am ever an instructor, I want people to know up front — and feel comfortable — that we can modify moves, not only to make them less intense, but also more challenging if desired.
2) I would never use the language of “easy” or “beginner” because I’m not a beginner, and neither were you! and we’ve both had to modify things at times.
3) If taking a group class and needing to modify because of an injury, I would let the instructor know up front. I know that it’s frustrating to instructors to see people not following at ALL what the plan is (I was having to swap cardio moves for non-jump work for a while).
4) The biggest thing to remember is that YOU ARE NOT ON DISPLAY. Nobody gives a poop what level you’re at. They’re doing their own thing and trying to follow along as well. I would say the only person on display is the instructor. 😉
Also, writing that reminds me that I miss TRX class. It was at 4:30 for some reason this semester. That’s an asinine time for a class on campus. You’re missing all the staff by a half hour!
haha glad you have my back!
And I agree with all of the above…except you have to be honest that people do watch other people in class, but they probably aren’t judging you as harshly as you may think. 😉
I love group classes. There’s something about them that gets me all pumped up. That being said, I’m old. Not old, old, but certainly older compared to all you young HLBer’s so I will be the old(er) lady at Blend, which means I will happily modify any workout I see fit regardless of what people may think. I can always use the excuse to talk to me in 5 or 10 years, right?! And if there’s a yoga or spinning class, well then I’m all in. They’re much better for my knees and great for my mental game.
Just so you know, I’m equal parts excited and terrified about Blend, and the exercise portion isn’t even why. I’m hoping to meet a lot of great people, learn some things and maybe be an example for some in other ways. Fingers crossed.
I’m also very nervous I won’t be able to find any sugar (either “in the raw” or just the pure white stuff) for my daily cup of coffee. Tell me I’ll be able to get sugar….
Please be my workout buddy! And you’re not that much older, silly! 🙂
I would say there will be sugar…but to tell you the truth I remember feeling hungry at Blend the past couple of years and I’m hoping to remedy that this year. We do so many workouts and meals/snacks are while socializing so I think I just don’t eat as much as I should. Plus the whole nerves thing. I got super tipsy at the last happy hour as a result. Little fyi ha! 🙂 Can’t wait to hang with you!!
I stood behind you in that post and I still stand behind you today! Omg, just thinking back to the days after I got back from Blend…at times, I was so sore, I wanted to vomit! I like group fitness classes…I love the motivation that I get to push myself a little harder than I know I would if I were alone, but I also know there is a very fine line between that and peer pressure. I think a lot of it has to do with the mindset you have going in. You just have to own where you are in your fitness journey and be comfortable with that…which is something I was definitely struggling with since I was still recovering from my knee surgery. All that being said though, I really think they should have been more outspoken about modifications/half-reps to make us newbies feel a bit better!
PS, can’t wait to see you! Only two more months!! Woo hoo!
ahh can’t wait to see you either!! Thank you again for your support!! <3 <3 Let's try not to be so sore this time!!
I definitely know how you felt! I love to workout and I feel I’m pretty well rounded but I am not very good at all the intense moves! I modify a TON of stuff so if I was in a class that the instructor doesn’t tell you modifications I would feel frustrated. I also feel like the instructor should tell EVERYONE positive stuff!!! You were obviously trying your hardest and that is what matters.
Wish I was going to blend this year…. we would be perfect hangout buddies…. I’m pretty shy also so I totally get it!
Yeah I think it was just kind of assumed that we were all super fit (because A LOT of those ladies were).
I wish you were going this year too! Maybe next year! 🙂
I want to attend blend! Off to consider it a bit more 🙂
You should definitely attend, Jill! I’d love to meet you! 🙂
I wish I was going to Blend this year an so I could see you sooner than HLS14! I guess Paris is a good trade off though ; ) This reminded me of going to my first barre class where I was with a seasoned pro smack dab in the front. It’s safe to say I felt like I was on a sedative since my moves and flexibility veered faaaarr away from what these ladies can do. It was good to have something to look forward to though!
I’ve never been to a barre class but it sounds interesting!
And yeah…Paris seems like an alright trade-off haha