Good morning beautiful friends!
I found this guest post I did for Heather over at Better with Veggies and thought it fitting for the “love yourself” half of the Love Challenge. Heather is actually the one who inspired me to join Challenge Loop because of her Move Happy challenge she did last year! Thanks, Heather!
One of the ways we can love ourselves is to workout for our health BUT in a way that is enjoyable–not using fitness as a way to punish ourselves. I hope you check out the Love Challenge (and the exciting giveaway just for entering) and enjoy my take on fitness!
My Thoughts on Fitness:
I have always been a bit lazy about the fitness aspect of my life. Well, lazy in my mind when I look at all of the people I follow via social media posting their workouts daily (and sometimes twice a day!) and blogging who are chasing triathalon dreams and fitness competitions. When you surround yourself with fit people (like Heather), you start to feel a little under-accomplished. I just have never felt that need to go out and punish myself in the name of fitness.
I honestly believe that if you are not a professional athlete or are not training for a competition, you really don’t need to go crazy at the gym. (My friend Calee did an amazing post explaining this.) Starting some crazy new exercise program only to “fall off track” is one of those endless cycles that aren’t great to get into.
I just try to move a bit almost every day in ways that I enjoy.
Fit History:
I’ve always enjoyed working in physical movement into my days. My mom used to run and do tons of workout DVDs when we were growing up. While it took me quite a while to like running (try a couple of years ago), I loved trying her fitness DVDs on the weekends which included Winsor Pilates and good ol’ Tae Bo.
When I got my first job in high school, I got a membership to the YMCA and would go watch The Ellen Show after school and slowly walk on the treadmill or get on the elliptical, being careful not to sweat. I had a fear of sweating in public. Crazy, right?
I also started subscribing to fitness magazines and which led to trying out different moves with weights. (edit to add: Those workout inserts are pretty much the only reason I still subscribe to those magazines today.) It was fun to “feel the burn” and I noticed a change in my body as well, which was pretty sweet as a vain high schooler.
When I started working two jobs after high school (seven days a week), any fitness routine I had going fell by the wayside. I was always far too tired to go to the gym at the end of the day and I wasn’t fueling my body properly. I finally realized after a couple of years of this nonesense that I was not happy and overall did not feel good about myself. I started working out more at my apartment gym and realized that I truly loved it and wanted to spread the joy. I decided to quit both of my jobs and go to school to work towards a career that would help people be healthy AND happy.
Through this journey, I started a blog! I also joined a gym and took a few fitness classes, which I’m hoping to do at my new gym job in the twin cities. (edit to add: I’ve only taken one…need to get on that!!)
Then I started reading other blogs and decided I wanted a try at this whole running thing. It’s funny how something that I detested 10 years ago, is something that I cannot wait to do (most days). It’s a challenge and I love creating training plans and watching at my mileage increase.
I’ve run a few races and even ran my first half-marathon this year, which felt incredible. There really is nothing like seeing your hard work pay off and to see what your body is capable of when put to the test. (edit to add: I need to sign up for another one this year…which one should I do??)
Currently I am training for my second half-marathon. I mostly signed up to run with some blends (blend=blogger + friend). At times it’s tough to stick to a training schedule. But you know what, I get my body moving a few times a week and that is good enough for me. I’m not looking to win anything.
Tips on How to Do Fitness:
Don’t make it mandatory.
I don’t know about you, but when I get all “I HAVE to workout tonight,” I have this rebelious side that responds, “Whatever, I’m going to stay in and catch up on my DVR.” You also won’t go into a shame spiral if you miss a workout.
Do things you like to do.
Of course you might not like working out more than watching tv and eating chocolate, but you really can find something fun to keep you active. It doesn’t even have to be a structured “workout.” It could be sand volleyball or walking to work every day. You will be more willing to stick to something you ENJOY.
Once you figure out what you like to do and a general plan on when you want to do this,
Tell someone.
Accountability on my blog is part of the reason why I get out and do my runs on days when I am feeling lazy or unmotivated (but there is no other reason for me not to run).
Schedule your workouts.
I have my workouts for this training session on a googledoc, I write it down in my planner in bright pink ink, and I even schedule it in my phone if I need to (or want to) do the workout at a specific time. Seeing the workouts in my schedule reminds me and even gets me excited for what’s to come.
Log your miles/workouts.
If you’re a numbers person like me, you will want to record and look back on your workouts.
I just started using Nike+ so I can run with just my phone (not my phone and iPod…nope I do not have an iPhone) and I like the fact that you get badges for completing certain tasks. These tasks include being active 3 days a week, working out earlier than 6am as well as badges for longest and fastest runs.
(edit to add: You can also get a fitbit! Mine motivates me to get up and move when the numbers are low and has a zillion different stats!!)
I also can upload this information onto DailyMile, which is a social media site for runners. I love giving encouragement to others as well as receiving virtual back pats for my workouts.
Another tip: even if you are training for something, listen to your body. If you need a rest day or two, it’s okay! You will come back with even more energy and will surprise yourself at what your body can accomplish when it’s given time to heal.
You might also like: Exercising to Compensate for Bad Eating
Tell me….
What is your favorite fitness activity? Currently mine is running on the treadmill while watching The Walking Dead.
Have you signed up for the Love Challenge?
Linking up to:
Thinking Out Loud with Amanda at Running with Spoons
Fitness Friday with Jill at Fitness, Health and Happiness
PS I’m all about Pinterest this year, so I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images. Just hover over the image to reveal the “pin it” button or use the handy dandy buttons at the bottom and top of each post to display the whole list of pins.
Also follow me so I can check out YOUR Pinterest account! 🙂
Follow SemiHealthNut
Nice work girl! I hope you don’t feel pressure to compete with others, but glad you find ways to move that make you happy! I’m happy when I’m working towards a goal and seeing the pieces come together. But everyone is different! P.S. Are there writing prompts for the 2 times a week check in for the challenge?
No writing prompts! Just share how you are loving yourself or loving others on that particular day! And you can check in more than twice a week as well! The twice a week just allows you to enter the giveaways. 🙂
Crap, I wrote my comment and then logged in, so it’s gone now! 🙂
Anyway, I love this post! I’m working on finding my joy in exercising, rather than slaving away for calorie burn, so I haven’t worked out much lately. It’s hard to change your perspective!
I totally get what you mean! It’s a balance between knowing you need to work out for health and not forcing yourself to work out or feeling awful if you don’t! If that makes sense haha
That makes complete sense to me!
I love this post, Amanda! It’s exactly how I feel about exercise. It shouldn’t be a chore and whenever it starts to feel like a chore to me, I know it’s time to step back or change things up.
I started scheduling my workouts and I really do look forward to them and the satisfaction it brings to cross off a workout and know that I’m a tad bit closer to my goal (which is currently to run a 5k). To keep exercise fun, I also just signed up for the Pro Pandora account so those pesky commercials don’t interrupt my music. It’s the little things!
Pandora is flipping amazing! I listen to it on my outdoor runs AND on those looonnng road trips home! When is your 5k?
Did you sign up for my Love Challenge?? I’d love to have you join in!! <3
Oh my gosh – how did I miss that! Signing up riiiight now 🙂
Oh and my 5k is March 9th, so I have about 4 weeks to kick some running butt…or not…and enjoy the race anyways 🙂
You will do fine! I see those fitbit steps!! 🙂
I feel like I’m in a pretty good place with my fitness right now, but it was definitely a struggle to get here. From overexercising to not exercising at all, and everything in-between… it took a while for me to figure out what works, but I think what helped me the most was changing my mindset and focusing on health rather than aesthetics, and never pushing myself to do a form of exercise I didn’t enjoy.
I so agree! It’s makes it stressful to workout for looks since our bodies change so much as we grow older! Glad you found your happy medium!! <3 <3
I absolutely love this challenge! I used to “punish” myself. It’s hard seeing bloggers on social media run everyday then do hard core classes. At the same time, I love the motivation of those who do short, intense workouts because I do have time for that. I figure, I’ve exercised for almost 4 years and the longest amount of time I haven’t worked out is 3 consecutive days. A day here or there is no big deal because I’ll get back to it sooner or later.
Exactly! Daily intense workouts are not necessary for health! So glad you have a more balanced mindset now!
Love this post! The “love yourself” challenge is a great idea. Fitness is so much easier and FUN when you don’t make it a punishment or mandatory.
Thanks, Calee! It starts excited!! 🙂
Great job on the running! I’ve been doing way too much treadmill running/Netflix watching lately thanks to this nasty coldness 🙁
haha same here!! But yay for Netflix for making the time pass!!
LOVE this post. I like your story a lot. I do agree that it’s not necessary to work out 6x a week for normal people who don’t have fitness as their career choice. A few times a week is fine and that keeps it FUN and realistic!
Thanks Kammie! Exactly, you don’t have to go crazy like working out is your job!! (unless it is haha)
Great post! My all time favorite fitness is running! Followed by strength training and yoga. Off to check out the challenge!
Yes I hope you join in the challenge!! Starts today!
I love running on the treadmill and watching Smallville!