Happy Monday, friends! Today I am so excited to have a lovely blend share some advice with you all for my Blogging 101 series.
Catch up on past Blogging 101 posts:
Getting Real with Heather from Kiss My Broccoli
Living and Learning with Katie
Free, User Friendly Tools to Make Your Blog More Awesome
I have followed Lindsay’s blog for a couple of years now and am in love with her passion for God as well as her kind heart. She is also pretty blog savy, so soak up her advice!
Blog Growth:
Money and Sponsors:
I definitely agree with the last point. We tend to put pressure on ourselves as bloggers because we think that our readers will just DIE if we don’t keep to our regular posts or (heaven forbid) take a whole week off. Or if you’re like me, you also get overwhelmed by blog e-mails and feel like you need to answer each one ASAP.
The thing is, most of us are blogging for free or only make enough money to cover blog expenses. So although we want to make our readers happy, we should be working for ourselves, not for our readers. We also have to make sure we are taking time for “real life” and not let the blog take over. This is easier said than done, but just a reminder to those of you who are feeling overwhelmed with your blogging schedule. Readers will know when you are posting just to post versus writing about something you are really passionate about, right?
PS Make sure to check out the Thankful Thursday link up this week! Each link-up stays up for a week so you can even go back to last week’s if you have a post to link-up! 🙂
Tell me…
If you are a blogger or a reader, what do you look for in a blog? What makes you come back regularly?
Linking up to:
Marvelous in my Monday with Katie at Healthy Diva Life
Lindsey is the best!! And so true about remembering to LIVE life first! Very important 🙂
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
This is true, ladies! Not much to blog about if you’re sitting at your computer all day! 😉
Love this! Lindsay is awesome. The second I feel pressure to post is when I know I have to take a step back. Blogging is supposed to be fun and when it stops being fun I know I’ve done something wrong. Great advice Lindsay!
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
I’m with you on taking a step back when I feel pressure to blog! Because the moment I feel that pressure, I know it will only get worse if I keep down that road!
Lauren @ Sweat The Sweet Stuff
Great post Lindsay! I feel the same way about a lot of that! Although I wish I was making more money from it. I think I need to look into Glam. I remember the twins telling me about it at Blends.
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
I have heard good things about Glam, but it is one of those that requires certain numbers (I have no idea what) to have their ads on your blog. I applied earlier this year (I think before Blend?) and was rejected without a real reason as to why. It never hurts to apply though!
Kim Turner
Great post – I think that last point is the best – it shouldn’t be a chore to blog!!!
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
This is so true! It’s funny how much pressure we can put on ourselves though!!
lindsay cotter
thanks for letting me voice. REally enjoying all these posts amanda! cheers!
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
Thank YOU Linsday! I really enjoyed hearing from you! 🙂
Grab Your Kicks
I love Lindsay’s last point. I don’t think bloggers should ever apologize for not blogging or even taking a break. If you don’t live you’ll have nothing to post about! Plus, everyone gets busy so it’s completely understandable. Better posts come when you have the time and wherewithal to write them!
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
I agree! It honestly annoys me when bloggers apologize for not posting…some even apologize when a DAY goes by without a post haha. And yes the best posts come when you have something you really want to talk about! 🙂
Tara Gantz Newman
As someone new to blogging I really appreciated Lindsay’s point of view on living life first and not pressure posting. I read her blog often and it was great to hear some of the behind the scenes stuff. Thanks for sharing.
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
Thanks for reading! Linsday really does a good job at balancing life and blogging!
<3 Lindsay! And you! And this series! 🙂
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
haha thanks, Ari! I’d love to have you contribute to this if you’d like! E-mail me if you’re interested! 🙂
Katie Arnold
Love it! Love Lindsay and loved having the chance to meet her at Blend this year! She’s got such a big heart and full of knowledge!
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
She really does have a big heart and five years of blogging experience lends to a wealth of knowledge! Plus the fact that she is knowledgeable about fitness and cooking super healthy meals! 🙂
Ashley @ Power, Love, and Self
Hi Amanda, I thought of a question!! In one of your posts you mentioned that at a conference they said you needed to be an LLC. Can you talk more about this?
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
Hey Ashley! Pretty much all I wrote about the LLC in that post is all I know. You don’t HAVE to be an LLC, but if you are getting serious about blogging and/or you have a lot of assets, it’s good to consider in case someone decides to sue you for stealing a recipe or photos or something. I don’t personally have one set up YET as I don’t have a house or considerable assets, but I am considering getting one in my name so taxes will be easier for blogging and free lance writing. Thanks for bringing that up and reminding me!! 🙂