A little birdy told me that Google reader would be closing shop soon. Actually I think I heard it first from Janetha a couple (a few?) months ago.
At this point I wasn’t using any type of reader except for the one that automatically comes with the hosting site I use, Blogger. I even decided to try the Google reader out to see what it was like. It was pretty nice to be able to sort out all of my blogs that I followed into different categories, although I still didn’t really use the reader and mostly read from links on Twitter or my Blogger reader.
Then I found my beloved bloglovin’ reader. It’s a little more fun and (to me) user friendly. You can even import all of your blogs from your Google reader!! Which is obviously nice so that you don’t forget anyone. It’s also easy to search for your favorite blogs, you can like blog posts and if you set it up to open the post with the bloglovin,’ you can share via social media! I also got serious about sorting out blogs.
Yes, I put labels on them. Labels like “Blends” “Nutrition” “Fitness” “Mommy Blogs” and even some into a category of “Maybe” where I do read their blog, but not very often..even though I try, I can’t read everyone’s every post! Or frankly I add blogs after reading one good post and they go into the Maybe category until they prove themselves. Blog reading is serious.
So, if you are a serious blog reader, you should definitely consider switching over to bloglovin’!! And you should definitely consider adding Diary of a Semi-Health Nut to your list of lovely blogs you read!
And I totally understand if you add me to your own “maybe” category. Especially when I add photos like this to Instagram after my sister and I made shoelace headbands…yeah.
BUT if you check out my yummy post from yesterday or my workout from Tuesday…you might consider keeping tabs on my blog. 😉
In other news…this blog has an important anniversary coming up. I can hardly believe it, but it was almost three years ago when I wrote my first post that I was sure would change the world…okay not really. There will be some fun giveaways in July to celebrate the “blogiversary” so stay tuned!
Happy weekend! I’m off to hang out with the crazy gal in the picture above and then head out to watch Dave shoot things!
Have you switched yet? Are you upset about Google Reader ending?
Note: Although this seems like a promotional paid post, it is not. I just wanted to give a friendly reminder to all of you lovely people that Google Reader will be done soon and that you should switch to my new favorite reader site. 🙂
I just started using Bloglovin’ and I am LOVING it! 🙂
Good!! Thanks for the feedback and yay for finding a new way to read blogs, right??
I just started using Bloglovin’ and I am LOVING it! 🙂
I will have to check out bloglovin’. I use feedly right now and I enjoy it but not married to it. =) Congrats on 3 years Amanda! That’s awesome. I have lots to learn from you!
Aw thanks Amber!! That really means a lot coming from a successful gal like you! <3
I will have to check out bloglovin’. I use feedly right now and I enjoy it but not married to it. =) Congrats on 3 years Amanda! That’s awesome. I have lots to learn from you!
I love me some bloglovin, and all your categories makes my little OCD heart sing 🙂
I had to re-read that last line but once I did I smiled all over again, watching boys shoot things never gets old, does it?
haha yay for organization!! I was wondering if anyone would comment on the shooting things!! We went to the Nebraska state shoot and it actually is pretty fun to watch! 🙂
I love me some bloglovin, and all your categories makes my little OCD heart sing 🙂
I had to re-read that last line but once I did I smiled all over again, watching boys shoot things never gets old, does it?
I like Bloglovin’ as well, though I have to admit not as much as Google Reader. Since when does anything google stop working haha?
haha that’s so true Christine!!
I like Bloglovin’ as well, though I have to admit not as much as Google Reader. Since when does anything google stop working haha?
haha that’s so true Christine!!
haha yay for organization!! I was wondering if anyone would comment on the shooting things!! We went to the Nebraska state shoot and it actually is pretty fun to watch! 🙂
Good!! Thanks for the feedback and yay for finding a new way to read blogs, right??
Aw thanks Amber!! That really means a lot coming from a successful gal like you! <3
Blog reading IS serious. I can’t even keep up!
I was bummed about Google Reader leaving, but I’m way happy with Bloglovin. I love how you can comment within the reader. So nice!
Blog reading IS serious. I can’t even keep up!
I was bummed about Google Reader leaving, but I’m way happy with Bloglovin. I love how you can comment within the reader. So nice!