Just checking in with you lovely folks to share my moves from last week! And a little story.
As usual, I was pretty far from the planned workouts. This is partly because my back was hurting so I switched to some back strengthening moves and stretches I learned when I hurt my back at work a couple of years ago. I even photographed some of them Sunday with my self-timer (since Dave was working…again) after I finally posted my SHN Favorites .
I might share the pictures tomorrow…although I feel weird posting pictures of me working out…I should probably get over that, right?
The other part was because…I got attacked. By a friggin bird.
I heard my friend Becky talk about how a bird attacked her two days in a row and thought there must just be a mean bird in her neighborhood. From her story it seemed like kind of a funny occurrence…maybe. But let me tell you, it’s downright terrifying when it happens!
I was so excited to be running on Monday. You know, getting into a routine and enjoying the beautiful scenery. I mean seriously, it was gorgeous. Very humid, but breathtaking. I was in my own little world, listening to my ipod when all of a sudden I felt like I brushed up against some branches above my head.
Oops. Better watch where I’m going.
Then all of a sudden I felt it again, but this time I heard loud squawking and somehow I realized it was a crazy bird!
Of course this had to take place when I was running by a fairly busy street. So there I was, waving my arms above my head, trying to scare the bird off, making the weirdest noise (I think somewhat of a scream…trying to scare the bird away?), running… by tons of cars. I wish I could have seen their faces!
After about a minute, I thought I was safe… but the darned bird dive bombed again!! This time I ran for my life! I finally ran out of breath and slowed down to a jog, passing a couple of people who looked at me like I was nuts. I’m sure the look of sheer panic was still stuck on my face. My heart raced for the next hour…even after I made it into the apartment.
Of course you can laugh at this. My friends on Facebook did.
I’m trying to laugh it off. I tell the story in a comical way…but I might have a touch of PTSD because the rest of the day week I would touch the back of my head to make sure the bird wasn’t there. I just did it again thinking about it!! I can still feel the creepy talons grasping at the back of my hair!
But it is good to know I’m not the only one! Apparently the red-winged black birds up here in Minnesota are particularly evil. How I miss the lovely Nebraska robins!
I really was going to try to go out again just for a walk on Thursday or Friday OR Saturday…but it was rainy. At least that’s my excuse.
So aside from the couple of obstacles facing me this week (the back and the birds)…I think I will still be able to get some exercise in.
Also we are headed back to Nebraska this week so I will be able to get outdoors without fear of the red-wings! And see my family!! That qualifies this post as a Marvelous in My Monday (MIMM) post.
Let’s pray my back gets better and that I can get a nice run in!
How about you…ever been attacked by a bird? Or another random animal while you were minding your own business?
What are your fitness goals this week?
Have you weighed in on my font dilemma yet?
Linking up to the lovely Diva because it’s Monday and it’s going to be a Marvelous week because I say it is!
Also linking up to Katie from Talk Less Say More’s Fitness Friday later this week!
I have never been attacked by a bird, but I have been pooped on by a bird while running!! 🙁
Oh no!! I’m not sure which is worse!! That would stink to have to go home and shower if you weren’t done running!! Plus it’s just gross to get pooped on!
I tell ya – those dang birds are mean here!! Seriously need to wear a hair net or a hat while running, haha 😉
I think I’m gonna wear a hat from now on!
not sure if I could say it was a bird attack, but the other day as I was walking into the store and a bird literally came right at me. I probably looked like a fool as I was waving my hands at the bird. haha. lucky it stopped bothering me and I made it to the store. crazy bird!
haha what the heck is up with birds??
not sure if I could say it was a bird attack, but the other day as I was walking into the store and a bird literally came right at me. I probably looked like a fool as I was waving my hands at the bird. haha. lucky it stopped bothering me and I made it to the store. crazy bird!
hahaha. oh man. those dang birds. i bet they’re red-winged blackbirds. i’ve been attacked by those more times than i can count. they won’t hurt you. they’re just annoying!
Okay it’s good to know they won’t hurt people because I kept thinking…what if they go for the eyes or something?? Creeped out!!
hahaha. oh man. those dang birds. i bet they’re red-winged blackbirds. i’ve been attacked by those more times than i can count. they won’t hurt you. they’re just annoying!
Oh gosh… wish me it’s deer!! I walk on a forest preserve path on my lunch break and the first time I saw one I saw it move and stopped to look because I thought it was a horse at first. Then it stood really still and stared at me. Then I started getting paranoid and wondering if something was really there. I had to ask a girl that came walking up with her dog if she saw it too. Then a few days ago I came around a bend and one was right next to the path! It startled me and bounded off but there was a second deer in the bushes… staring at me… lol creeper deer.
I think the thing that weirds us out the most is that animals are usually scared of humans, right?? I mean that deer should have run off…not stared you down! So weird!!
Oh no!! I’m not sure which is worse!! That would stink to have to go home and shower if you weren’t done running!! Plus it’s just gross to get pooped on!
I think I’m gonna wear a hat from now on!
haha what the heck is up with birds??
Okay it’s good to know they won’t hurt people because I kept thinking…what if they go for the eyes or something?? Creeped out!!
I think the thing that weirds us out the most is that animals are usually scared of humans, right?? I mean that deer should have run off…not stared you down! So weird!!
I was riding a bike once when I ran into a bird. I don’t think it was trying to attack me, but it hit me square in the chest. Scared the beegeezes outta me!
I was riding a bike once when I ran into a bird. I don’t think it was trying to attack me, but it hit me square in the chest. Scared the beegeezes outta me!