It’s finals week! I have a couple more guest post that I’m excited to share with you! One being from Dave (the BF) as long as I can get him to make the deadline …he’s gonna do his very own WIAW!
Okay onto today’s post…
This is a topic that we have been talking about in one of my nutrition classes. Quite frankly, I got a little depressed when my teacher talked about how she used to be a runner and was very active, but since she didn’t pay attention to her bones, she has osteoporosis. She walks very slowly with a bit of a limp sometimes and I know she wishes she paid better attention to her bone health when she was younger!
So even though you might think you are young and invincible…you should be taking care of your bones today.
Check out some details in this great guest post on why bone health is important for overall health…and be more prepared for what is to come!
Let’s start with the most obvious. When our bones aren’t healthy, they break more easily. And of course, healing from a broken bone is never fun, no matter where it’s located. Even after recovery, many people still experience recurring aches and pains.
photo sources:
Steven will be sticking around to answer any questions, so ask away! (And pray for me this finals week…eek!)
Have you thought about your bone health before?
Do you do consciously do anything to better your bone health?
Thanks again for the wonderful post Amanda. I’ll be happy to answer any questions anyone has.
Thanks again for the wonderful post Amanda. I’ll be happy to answer any questions anyone has.
I’m suuuuuuuper excited to see dave’s guest post!
I’m suuuuuuuper excited to see dave’s guest post!
I think about it because in my early days I smoked (UGGG) and drank diet soda like water. It was not until my late twenties that I realized a Healthy Life Style. When I turned 40 I had a bone density test. (came back GOOD) But you never know what you did early on that can effect things in dare I say….”Middle Aged Life.” Now I eat yogurt, healthy cheese and drink calcium enriched OJ. I also make sure my Daily has calcium. Life is short, Take Care of Your Bones.
I think about it because in my early days I smoked (UGGG) and drank diet soda like water. It was not until my late twenties that I realized a Healthy Life Style. When I turned 40 I had a bone density test. (came back GOOD) But you never know what you did early on that can effect things in dare I say….”Middle Aged Life.” Now I eat yogurt, healthy cheese and drink calcium enriched OJ. I also make sure my Daily has calcium. Life is short, Take Care of Your Bones.
Very good point Dena. Most of us neglect our bone health when we are younger and don’t ever really think about it til it becomes an issue. I’m hoping posts like this help create awareness.
Very good point Dena. Most of us neglect our bone health when we are younger and don’t ever really think about it til it becomes an issue. I’m hoping posts like this help create awareness.