Today has been…well interesting.
I had the “day off.” So of course I had a to-do list!!
It involved going to the city where I go to school (is it weird that I still don’t want to disclose that personal of information on my blog??), which is an hour away.
The reason for this started out because I have this nutrition teacher for my online classes who WILL NOT show us our tests. I know. Weird right? She doesn’t want people to steal the test questions…which..okay, but how will we know what we did right or wrong??
After much debate about this subject on our class Facebook group and through e-mail with her, we found out that we could see our tests if we went to her office hours. Which are on Tuesday 9-12. That’s it. The only time we could see the tests, which really frustrated me because I babysit during that time!
I got excited when I realized I had the day off and could actually make it to see my tests and take notes and study for the final. (Mind you, the excitement came only after I fretted about money a little…you don’t get paid when you don’t babysit…and I had a week and a half “off.”)
I decided that since I would be making the hour-long trip, I should make it a productive one.
- I scheduled an appointment with my academic adviser,
- I’ve been researching apartments to move into in that city so I decided to make my final list to check out,
- I had our lab group meet up in the afternoon to finish our lab early,
- Plus I was going to be super awesome and study for my nutrition final two weeks early!
Sounds like the makings for a great day, right?
Well, I woke up to a phone call from my adviser’s office saying she was sick, so my appointment was cancelled. I cringed because this is what happened last time I scheduled an appointment and I ended up in the wrong Chemistry class.
But then I realized I could sleep a little longer.
But you know how when you hit snooze a lot of times you just get sleepier? That’s what I did. I also have super weird dreams when I do that…drat.
Still felt okay, though. I got my breakfast to eat in the car and made my way to campus.
I finally found my Nutrition teacher’s office, but I had to wait for her to finish talking with another student. I decided to ready my paper and pen and was ready to learn from my mistakes.
But it turns out…the only thing my teacher was willing to share with me was the questions I got wrong. And she was showing them to me on her laptop which I could barely see..and she wouldn’t let me take ANY notes!
Seriously?? I was shaking mad by the time I left her office because I learn by writing things down. That’s just how I am. I was here trying to learn and she was acting as though I was trying to pull something by taking notes.
And what if I guessed on a question and got it right? I never got to see those questions!! Waste of time!
I cooled down in my car and finished my breakfast, then reviewed the list of apartments. I decided to go to the one that I thought I really wanted last, and tried to work with my GPS to find the closest ones first.
The first one was super close to the campus I was at (which wasn’t the main campus), but there was no apartment office. I’m not used to that…when I looked at apartments here, I just went in to each office without making an appointment, which I’m realizing I probably should from now on. Not only was there no office…it was a pretty rough part of town. I was at a stop light and instinctively locked my car doors. Yeah, I’m not living in a neighborhood like that.
The second one was pretty similar.
The third one was almost perfect except for the old appliances. Oh, and the price was about $100 more a month than I was budgeting.
The fourth was the one I thought I wanted. Good location, close to school, restaurants, stores, reasonable price. Then I realized that “garden level apartment” meant in the basement. I also remembered this was an apartment I had read a review on that said there were ginormous spiders (which I had hoped was just one dweller’s unfortunate experience.) And I felt that same creeped out feeling as the first apartment…like I needed to stay in my car with the doors locked. I wanted to cry a little because it was then that I realized my price was not in the right range for what I wanted…to feel safe and comfortable where I live!
I decided to call it quits and get some lunch at school while I waited for the lab meeting time. Good ol’ Subway sandwich.
I asked for my usual egg white on flatbread sandwich, saying please and thank you and smiling…my mood had taken a turn for the better! It was about 2:30pm so I was excited that there was only one other person in line! Yesterday I waited in line for 15 minutes and was SO HUNGRY to begin with!
The gal who was helping me, however, threw me off by asking me if I wanted meat on the sandwich. I looked down and saw only cheese on it, so I thought she must not have heard me.
I repeated “egg white please.” She glared at me and kind of snarled, repeating, “meat! Do you want meat!?“
It took me a minute to register the fact that eggs aren’t technically meat. I mean they are animal protein, but not meat. I told her no and apologized..laughing awkwardly because of how rude she was. I mean she was looking at me like I had personally attached her or like I was the stupidest person in the world.
She slammed the sandwich in the toaster and walked away. Yikes. Maybe she was having a bad day…but goodness! I have that sandwich twice a week and have never heard that question!
I was so relieved to sit for awhile and read some blogs, catch up on Facebook and browse Twitter. Sometimes I just need to zone out from my issues for awhile!
I bundled back up to head over to the Chemistry resource center to work on our lab. I was determined to get something done today! I had my diet dew in hand, ready to conquer Chemistry.
If you guessed that we didn’t finish the lab, you are correct. It is the most rediculous lab and to top it off, my group didn’t really feel like doing much. It was fun to goof around a little bit. Laughter really is the best medecine!
Still, I don’t feel like doing much tonight. Even with my to-do list looming over me.
- Chemistry homework (nope, not counting the lab)
- study for the test that’s in two days
- start my final nutrition paper
- finish my nutrition/fitness class assignment
- look for safe apartments
- figure out what to get people for Christmas
- shower?
- sleep?
Instead I am writing this post. Because sometimes you just need to vent a little.
It was just one of those days. Kind of like Sunday.
I don’t know what it is…but I still feel optimistic.
Maybe it’s the Christmas music I’ve been listening to.
Maybe it’s all of the caffeine I’ve had.
Maybe it’s the fact that winter break is so close I can taste it.
Or maybe it’s just because I have to do this.
I have to get through this. I know I can.
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
How was your day?
Have you ever had a day where everything just went wrong…despite good intentions?
On a more fun note…don’t forget to enter my giveaway!
Or check out my latest semi-healthy dessert!
Or add your thankful post!
Sending you love!! My CPT test was pass/fail – you don’t get to know your score or how you did, just if you passed. To an extent I like it but at the same time, I’m interested to know just what that test shows I need to keep studying vs what I think so that I can be the best possible trainer.
There was just something about today. Our espresso machine went down for a few hours today and when I had to tell one woman there was no way I could make her a salted caramel hot chocolate, it was like I had purposely gone out of my way to ruin her day by breaking the machine and not giving her a hot chocolate. What she failed to realize, was just how much it was bringing my day down by not having the machine working and instead having to have these awkward and frustrating conversations with EACH customer that came into the shop or pulled through the drive-thru.
Ohhh yuck!! I have definitely been there at my coffee job and my waitressing jobs when we are out of things or heaven forbid the computers go down at a restaurant!! Terribleness! Some customers get it, but others are quite rude. Hope the machine gets fixed!!
Thanks for the love. <3
First, why in the world do we have the most insane dreams ever after falling back to sleep after your snooze? Crazy.
Second, hugs. Frustrating days can even get to the best of us and I love your optimism despite it. Everything will work out in the end. If it’s not worked out, it’s not the end.
My day was well, just the same, frustrating, but with it came so much clarity….and for that I’m thankful.
You have the dreams too!? So funny!
Thanks for the hugs girl and I’m sorry you had a frustrating day too!!
First, why in the world do we have the most insane dreams ever after falling back to sleep after your snooze? Crazy.
Second, hugs. Frustrating days can even get to the best of us and I love your optimism despite it. Everything will work out in the end. If it’s not worked out, it’s not the end.
My day was well, just the same, frustrating, but with it came so much clarity….and for that I’m thankful.
Sending you love!! My CPT test was pass/fail – you don’t get to know your score or how you did, just if you passed. To an extent I like it but at the same time, I’m interested to know just what that test shows I need to keep studying vs what I think so that I can be the best possible trainer.
There was just something about today. Our espresso machine went down for a few hours today and when I had to tell one woman there was no way I could make her a salted caramel hot chocolate, it was like I had purposely gone out of my way to ruin her day by breaking the machine and not giving her a hot chocolate. What she failed to realize, was just how much it was bringing my day down by not having the machine working and instead having to have these awkward and frustrating conversations with EACH customer that came into the shop or pulled through the drive-thru.
If I had a teacher likes yours I would be upset too. How does she expect you to learn from your mistakes? Why are the questions such a huge secret? I mean… I get that she doesn’t want anyone stealing the test but at the same time it should cover everything you do in class and she should be reviewing areas people are struggling with. If I were you I would write out a formal complaint to her and the school about that. (maybe after you finish the class but yeah, I have known people to do that). Glad you still found positive things in what could have been a bad day!
Oh there is a review I will be filling out. 😉 I’ve had her twice now and have talked her to death about this, so it seems like the only thing to do is write it out in the review.
Thanks for the empathy Shari!
If I had a teacher likes yours I would be upset too. How does she expect you to learn from your mistakes? Why are the questions such a huge secret? I mean… I get that she doesn’t want anyone stealing the test but at the same time it should cover everything you do in class and she should be reviewing areas people are struggling with. If I were you I would write out a formal complaint to her and the school about that. (maybe after you finish the class but yeah, I have known people to do that). Glad you still found positive things in what could have been a bad day!
Ohhh yuck!! I have definitely been there at my coffee job and my waitressing jobs when we are out of things or heaven forbid the computers go down at a restaurant!! Terribleness! Some customers get it, but others are quite rude. Hope the machine gets fixed!!
Thanks for the love. <3
You have the dreams too!? So funny!
Thanks for the hugs girl and I’m sorry you had a frustrating day too!!
Oh there is a review I will be filling out. 😉 I’ve had her twice now and have talked her to death about this, so it seems like the only thing to do is write it out in the review.
Thanks for the empathy Shari!