The first alarm goes off in the morning.I set the first alarm to radio because I tend to not hate the world so much when I hear KLove early in the AM. SNOOZE.Nine minutes later it goes off again. SNOOZE.One minute after that my second alarm goes off. The annoying beepbeepbeepBEEPBEEPBEEP (progressively louder) so now…
Organize Your Life! {Back to School Chaos}
Yay for back to school!I was in Chemistry class today, paying very close attention of course, and heard something that I decided to stick in my blog. Entropy: the tendency toward disorder in the universe or any system (like my life) Speaking of back to school…found this awesome pic in my Algebra book…math is fun? …
Why blog?? And other questions to ask yourself in the blogging world…
Well I’m keeping at running and I am proud to say I have no injuries!! Buckle in for my longish diary of a post… Yesterday I ran 4 miles. Getting ready for my 10K! And when I say I ran…usually I walked a little in there. I ran most of the first 3 miles at…