These strawberry recipes seemed to call out to me, saying…summer will be here soon enough! Then I will have to start worrying about things like sunscreen and making sure I run outside before 10am.
Did You Know #17: Benefits of Compression Socks
There’s this fad nowadays in the fitness and running industry involving compression gear, more specifically, compression socks. But are they just fashionable or do they really serve a purpose?
[IMM #12] My Favorite Productivity Tools
When blogging is a real source of income however, you tend to put a little more pressure on yourself. (But of course, you still want to try to have fun with it!) Here are 4 awesome productivity tools that have helped me grow my readership by 50% by being more focused and efficient.
[IMM #11] Farewell to Minnesota Giveaway
Today it’s a Minnesota giveaway hosted by Q. Cumbers restaurant with two tickets to see Kat Perkins at a live outdoor concert at Centennial Lakes Park. This also includes a picnic dinner from Q. Cumbers!
[IMM #10] Inspiration from Blend Retreat 2015
Blend Retreat 2015 was amazing! I am coming away from the experience refreshed, full of inspiration and ready to take on the world.
Did You Know Link-Up #16: Fueling for Races
Let’s dig into proper fueling for races since this topic is on my mind (my half-marathon is in two days!!) and it’s Did You Know Friday!
[IMM #8] 7 Homemade Fruit Snacks + Blend Love
I was super inspired by a project I did for Mode Media last week where I decided to find different fruit snacks you could make at home with fresh fruit. These are all healthy, fun ideas the whole family will love!
Inspire Me Mondays #7: Grandma’s “Special Friend” John
Inspiration can come in the strangest places…even at a funeral. Share your inspiration and you can hopefully be inspired by all of the awesome posts that are linked up here each Inspire Me Monday!
Did You Know #15: Epsom Salt Baths
Today’s Did You Know Friday (<-find out more here) topic is Epsom salt baths. I’m mostly going to discuss the healing benefits for sore muscles, but I want to dig into a little bit of the other uses because there are many!
Inspire Me Monday #6: Netflix Shows to Watch
Time for another Inspire Me Monday link-up where you can link your best work from the week AND be inspired by others. We all have something to offer, right?