I don’t know about you, but sometimes I need to focus on the happy things in my life. I have one of those weird brains that naturally seeks out the negative in pretty much any situation, but I think with practice (and with these types of posts) we can train our brains to focus on the GOOD.
Merry Christmas + Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Dave and I!
5 Things I am Thankful For
There are so many things to be thankful for but these are 5 of them.
Crashed Ice + Fun Things Jar
After a fun-filled weekend including attending Crashed Ice 2014 in St Paul, I added a few items to my fun things jar. Read more here!
Thankful Thursday Link-Up #3
I’m thankful for the cloudy days since they show me how truly great the sun is. This is more than just literal, although I do love me some sunshine! It’s those days that we feel down or even have a nagging headache that remind us how good things really are on the good days. We need the dark to appreciate the light.
Thankful Thursday Link-Up #2
Have you heard of the 30 days of thanks challenge? Check out this link-up to see what it’s all about!
#30DaysofThanks Thankful Thursday Link-up #1
Finding time each day of November to be thankful. Share what you are thankful for!
30 Days of Thanks Challenge: Finding the Silver Lining
There is a silver lining to every situation, we only need to look for it. Join me in my 30 Days of Thanks challenge!
{MIMM} Giveaway Winner + Guest Post Request
Hello Friends! Friends, I feel infinitely better today than I did on Friday. I so appreciate words of encouragement on the post, Facebook and Twitter. I KNOW your prayers helped me right myself! As did church today, but I’m saving that for a Faithful Friday post this week. Life can be rough, but God is…
Brownie Cookie Dough Pie
Hello Friends! Oh yes. Combining two wonderful things into one magnificent creation. Brownies + Cookie Dough = Death by Awesomeness. Gotta love math, right? Would you believe that this is a semi-healthy dessert? It is!I got the idea to make this from my friend Emily at our last baking day who is hosting a giveaway…