This refreshing blueberry pie latte protein shake will boost your brain power with tons of antioxidants especially if you use coffee as the base and it will fuel you through your busy day.
Hey friends! I know my last post was a tad gloomy, but it felt really good to write. Thanks for letting me vent!
Today’s post is much happier as I’ve had the privilege to guest post over on the Table for Seven blog today! You should definitely check out the post AND all of Erin’s yummy recipes.
You may already know that I am a tad obsessed with smoothies and shakes. I even started an Instagram account entitled Smooothielovers (<-you should follow it right meow). That’s a HUGE part of my cafe job, afterall. I love coming up with different flavor combinations and this blueberry pie version has been a regular occurrence around here lately.
Here’s a little taste of the Blueberry Pie Latte Protein Shake post:
I tend to need a break mid-morning and this Blueberry Pie Protein Shake with Coffee has been saving my life lately.
Not only does it give my eyeballs a break from the glow of the screen and gets me up off my booty, it also fuels my brain with tons of antioxidants and my belly with filling protein. I don’t know about you, but I cannot focus when I’m hungry. Or tired. This tasty blueberry pie protein shake does the trick on both accounts!
Basically what I do is I either save my leftover coffee from the morning and stick it in the fridge when I’m done with breakfast, or I’ll brew a fresh K-cup and stick it in the fridge for about an hour in anticipation of this recipe. I doctor up the coffee how I like (usually with a splash of creamer) and then throw everything into a blender.
Easy peasy.
I usually like to sneak some veggies into my smoothies and with ones like this that have dark fruit (and coffee), you can’t even tell. Why not, right??
This blueberry pie latte tides me over until lunchtime and keeps me awake and motivated. Try it for yourself!
[Tweet “Try this Blueberry Pie Latte Protein Shake to boost your brain and fuel your day! #fitfluential #smoothie”]
Check out the full post on Table for Seven here!
In other news…
My half marathon is less than two weeks away! I’m so excited because I’m running with my sister, but I’m a tad nervous since I’ve had a couple of rough runs lately. Courtney is battling some knee issues to the point where she’s been wearing a brace and I’ve had IT band issues AND an episode where I had to run to the bathroom mid-way through my long run. No bueno.
It will be my sister’s first half-marathon though, so either way it will be a PR for her, right?? And it will be fun to run the race in Nebraska together! 🙂
Tell me…Are you a smoothie fan? Anyone else have races coming up?
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PS I’m all about Pinterest this year, so I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images!
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Wow! YUM!!! This sounds so amazing!
Thanks, lady! And thanks for sharing on Twitter!! <3 <3