It’s time for another Inspire Me Mondays Link-Up where we can all shine!
Because we’re all good at something…right?
Check out the past Inspire Me Mondays Link-Ups here.
Good morning lovely people!
Fun fact: I just discovered that only 51% of my readers are female.
I kind of assumed the female readers would be more like 90% because I definitely let me feminine energy show here and I feel like the blog look overall is sort of feminine..not to say you shouldn’t be reading this if you are a dude of course! I’m so glad I haven’t said anything dumb like “hi ladies.” Or maybe I have..oops.
I honestly just thought that I have been alienating male readers by being myself but I’m so happy I’m not!
//end random fun fact session that no one probably cares about except me
Okay, it’s time to show you all the stuff that has been inspiring me lately!
Foodie Inspiration:
Lindsay at The Lean Green Bean showed us how to blend up spinach and freeze it into little ice cubes for smoothies. Mind = blown. Now I’m thinking about all the different veggies I can freeze into cubes to use for sauces or to throw in smoothies.
I pinned her awesome pin here on my Food [Tips + Tricks] pinterest board. (<-ps this is a group board..e-mail me if you want to join!)
Blog Inspiration:
I have been crushing hard on this blog called The Nectar Collective. Every post I read seems to inspire me to either think a different way about a process, to be more creative or to just have more fun with blogging. Literally just going there to grab the link for this post took me 15 minutes because I found three posts I HAD to read.
Sponsor Inspiration:
I wanted to give a shout-out to the current sponsors on the blog! Currently, these are all blog button swaps, but I still consider them sponsors since they are showing off my blog on their sites.
Love, Laurie just did a drool-worthy post Oatmeal Cranberry White Chocolate Chip Cookies.
Femme Fitale Fit Club does a Workout Wednesday link-up you should check out.
Katherine’s Corner is joining the blog a second month and just posted a handy tutorial on cleaning cutting boards. I pinned it here.
My So Called Chaos does a lot of book reviews and made me want to read Wicked, although I’ve definitely heard of it before.
(If you’re interested in swapping or sponsoring, click here!)
Reader Inspiration:
I recently started a group on Facebook so that I could bounce ideas off of blog readers, have some recipe testers and just have a space filled with people who care about the semi-healthy community. I was literally beaming all last week because..people actually joined it! (note: I need to work on my blog-esteem!)
Not only that, we’ve gotten some great discussions going and one rockstar participant in particular tested out my Banana Funfetti Protein Cookies and shared them on her Facebook wall. I’m pretty sure I did a happy dance when I saw that and immediately shared it on my personal and blog page Facebook accounts.
So, big shout-out to Sarah for being awesome and giving me some feedback on the recipe!
If you’d like to join in on the fun of helping this blog be more awesome request an invite to the Secret Semi-Healthy Club. Yeah, I know it’s not a secret, but it still makes me feel cool to have a “secret club.”
Semi-Healthy Inspiration:
aka inspo from the blog last week.
Last week’s Inspire Me Monday which got a little deep, but that needs to happen every once in awhile, right?
A delish recipe that grew very popular in a short amount of time: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Protein Balls. Seriously guys, you gotta try these.
Last Week’s Most Inspiring Link:
aka the one most clicked on.
I’m not gonna lie…I’ve never had lamb so this sounds weird to me.
My Favorites from Last Week’s Link-Up:
I actually don’t know exactly what a shamrock shake Green? I want to find this out and make a healthier version!
Apparently I’m into mint right now? This would make your face smell so fresh!
Okay, your turn! Inspire me!
[Tweet “Inspire and be inspired at this amazing link-up! #inspiration”]
Are you a fan of mint?
Have you ever made your own body scrub? I haven’t, but I really want to try!
Don’t Miss a Semi-Healthy Update!
Linking up to:
Thinking Out Loud with Amanda at Running with Spoons
PS I’m all about Pinterest this year, so I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images! Pin with me!
Be sure to check out all the other hostesses to see their favorite links:
Erin from Table for Seven || Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest
CJ from Morsels of Life || Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest
Emily from Simple Life of a Fire Wife || Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest
Kori from Just Another Mom || Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest
Janice from Reflections || Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest
Brandi from Being Fibro Mom || Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest
Bridget from The Recipe Wench || Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest
I am happy to be your blog button swapper sponsor xo
Good! I’ve had a great experience with you as well! 🙂
Hi Amanda! Thanks for featuring my oatmeal cranberry while chocolate chip cookie recipe!
Yes! I am a fan of mint. And, I have made homemade body scrub too! Here are two different types that I made:
Oh so fun!! Those sound good enough to eat!!
thanks for the link love!!
Absolutely! Loved the idea and am going to try it out very soon here! 🙂
I love the spinach cubes idea!! This is a fun new linkup and all the inspiration is awesome 🙂
Right?? Lindsay is a freaking genius!
You should join in the fun! 🙂
I need to work on my blog-esteem as well…and maybe my self-esteem while I’m at it…lol
Your blogs are awesome so you should definitely have some good blog-esteem (and self-esteem because YOU are amazing)! 🙂 It’s easy to doubt ourselves though. <3 <3
I’ve been blending up extra spinach for smoothies – it’s awesome. Apparently you can freeze spinach straight up too – that way you can use it whole in soups/curry etc. Ps can I join your food tips and tricks Pinterest board!?!
I feel like straight up frozen spinach would be a weird texture though once thawed, don’t you think? I’m already super picky about my greens being mushy…wilted greens are even a hit or miss for me.
Of course you can join! 🙂
Just sent the invite..let me know if you don’t get it!! 🙂
I just joined your group! I love fb groups because they feel much more personal– what a great idea.. looking forward to joining in.
I need work on my blog self esteem too– one of my greatest challenges is not comparing myself and staying true to who I am.
I’m so happy to have you!!
Yes it’s SO hard not to compare because there are so many amazing bloggers in our circles!