Hey guys, how’s your week going? I’m back with another round of SHN Moves where I share the ways I’ve been moving the past week (slash 3 weeks if it’s like today and it’s been awhile..).
I’m adding on the word happy, too. Cuz it’s fun.
Today’s Rambles
So for the past couple of years I’ve done this challenge called the Love Challenge in February (read the Love Challenge posts here). I thought about it this year…and then forgot about it. (<-I’m awesomely focused like that.)
Here we are mid-February and since I usually do it for 21 days (the amount of time needed to create a habit), it won’t be happening in February.
So…I’m thinking about doing it sometime later this year. What do you guys think?
I’m also starting on a project that’s pretty freaking exciting having to do with the whole love subject. More on that later!
I also found this awesome post all about my thoughts on fitness that you should check out. It’s the reason behind my new sign-off “eat and move happy.” Another reason to add the word “happy” to this post.
Now I also want to mention the fact that I had intended on doing these SHN Moves posts every week. Guess what? That might not happen.
Focusing on Health as a Healthy Living Blogger
I’ve been working on this thing where I try to get sleep instead of staying up late working on a post I feel like needs to get out.
For the past few months I’ve been getting better and better about not sacrificing my health for the blog. It’s actually pretty nuts how much health and life can be sacrificed keeping up a blog. That’s another reason why I took my dates off of my posts so that I don’t try to sacrifice sleep getting up a new post because I feel pressure to have a very current post on the blog.
I’m not trying to complain about blogging when I talk about stuff like this. What I’m really trying to do is let you know what’s going on in my brain. And letting you know why I’m not always consistent with posting days.
And hoping some of the bloggers that are reading will either be able to empathize or realize that they, too, need to focus on their health on occasion and stop killing themselves over a blog. It drives me batty when I realize I’m sacrificing sleep and exercise to work on my healthy living blog. (Right??)
Okay now that we’ve talked for a good while I feel better about sharing my moves for the past 3 weeks. You obviously care enough if you’ve read up until this point.
Here’s a break down of my happy moves (+ eats) this past week:
[Monday] Steps: 17,647 Miles: 7.13
Café. Busy busy.
[Tuesday] Steps: 3,472 Miles: 1.4
REST day. Worked on my e-mail subscription automation with my fluffy coworker. (and spilled my entire cup of coffee on my breakfast)
[Wednesday] Steps: 15,126 Miles: 6.11
Café. Busy busy.
[Thursday] Steps: 13,346 Miles: 5.36
Closed the café. Made pesto. Did a happy dance.
[Friday] Steps: 10,818 Miles: 4.37
3.5 mile walk listening to inspiring podcasts. Ate a [ banana funfetti protein ] cookie for breakfast.
[Saturday] Steps: 5,851 Miles: 2.36
Chilled with Dave Cakes watching movies. Ate a lot of Mexican food.
[Sunday] Steps: 13,017 Miles: 5.34
3.5 mile Run-walk while listening to some inspiring podcasts.
Total fitbit steps: 79,277 Total fitbit miles: 32.07
Average fitbit steps: 11,325 Average fitbit miles: 4.58
-I use a fitbit to track my steps and highly recommend it! Check out my review here.
-For fitbit steps on dailymile.com, I subtract 1.5 miles since this is about how much I walk on a low movement/rest day.
[Tweet “Check out Amanda’s happy moves! #fitfluential #sweatpink”]
Thoughts on my Workouts:
I won’t lie. It’s a tad embarrassing to share all of these weeks with you.
I’d rather just share the last one where I actually got off my booty a few times. Not the one where I only went a total of 6 miles. To put that 6 miles into perspective, my goal is to move an average of 4 miles per day. So..yeah.
On that particular 6 mile week, I was driving to and from Nebraska, so I had two days where I had to sit most of the day. Seriously, traveling takes it out of me so I feel for those of you who travel a lot for work!
I do realize that it’s good to show that I’m not always super active. To be real. I try to be real, but there’s always that instinct to try to act perfect. You guys know I’m not perfect though, so I might as well share it all!
Workouts planned for the week:
Monday: depends on cafe (I’m writing this Monday night and an official workout is a no-go)
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday: 2 mile run/cross-training
Thursday: 3 mile run/strength (probably just the run. or I might switch strength training to non-cafe days)
Friday: REST
Saturday: 4 mile long run
Sunday: 30 min cross-training
Did anyone catch the “long run” and “cross training”?
Yup, I’m training for a race! A half-marathon to be exact. The same half-marathon I ran two years ago! And a 10K that’s in a couple of weeks..eek!
Want more? See the last SHN moves post. 🙂
Any races coming up?
What food makes you do a happy dance?
What workout makes you do a happy dance?
Don’t Miss a Semi-Healthy Update!
PS I’m all about Pinterest this year, so I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images!
Pin with me!
Linking up to:
Thinking Out Loud with Amanda at Running with Spoons
(All of the lovely link-ups I participate in here.)
Pavement Runner
I can definitely relate to staying up late to get a post out (types this at 11:43 pm). Sometimes when I’m on my runs I’ll think out an entire week of posts. If I have a general outline of what I want to write, it helps me layout the upcoming week. If something happens, then push it to the next week.
I also have AMAZING weeks and not-so-amazing weeks. Sometimes life happens or we need a mental/physical break. Either way, forward progress.
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut
Thanks for the empathy! Good to know I’m not alone here!
I’m working on writing a lot on Fridays and the weekend so I don’t end up staying up late. Or I just wait till the next week (like I did twice with this post!).
Rest is good, right?? 🙂
AHHH SLOWING DOWN has made me do the happy dance.
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut
YES slowing down does have its benefits!
GiGi Eats
DAT BAGEL DOUGH….. Mmmmmm!! I saw that on a snap chat and drooled myself into dehydration! LOL!
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut
haha I don’t want to dehydrate you..but it was freaking delish!
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl
That egg and bagel sandwich sounds SO good right now. I’ve been obsessed with them lately, especially on everything bagels!
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut
Ooohh I haven’t had an everything bagel in so long!
Miss Angie
Good job! Looks like you did pretty well and ate pretty well-that sandwich looks yum!
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut
Thanks, Angie! I do try! 🙂
I really like your blog and that egg sandwich looks so good! Thanks for sharing with the Thursday Blog Hop!
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut
Thank you so much for the compliment!
I’m so confused though because the past couple of weeks you’ve said thanks for sharing with the Thursday Blog Hop and I haven’t shared with your blog hop at all. I’m wondering if someone else is linking my post…?