Hey there! How are you lovely folks?
I’m not quite sure how I am. I think I’m hungry or tired…I can’t quite decide. Maybe too tired to get up and get some food ha! And I’m at Bruegger’s getting some work done, so it’s not like I even have to make it!
It’s just been one of those weeks!
I’m not even sure why…life is pretty good. I just tend to stress about eve-ry-thing.
To remind myself that life is good, I’m doing another Happy Things post. These need to be a regular occurrence on the blog, what do you think?
[Tweet “Focus on the HAPPY in your life. #happythings”]
So here’s a list of all the things that are making me happy lately!
1. Blog Refresh. (!!)
I feel like I’m always trying to rework the blog so it’s more functional or pretty or profitable (hi ads), but sometimes you just need to hire someone like Julie to fix the design things you can’t figure out without going into scary html code. Such as the freaking amazing menu she arranged and some little details that were bugging me (like the “submit” button on the comments is now a pretty color instead of black and gray and the same for the drop downs on the menu. I know I know..it’s the little things though!).
What I’m really excited about is having my very own logo!
What do you guys think? I think Julie did a great job of capturing my personality and the feel of the blog. I’m so so grateful to have found her!! Also I went slightly gaga over the hand mixer! (yes, it is possible to get excited over graphics apparently!)
2. Got my hurr did.
I will admit I was a little bummed about this because I was trying to get some pink “peek-a-boo” highlights, but the pink washed right out!
The usual high-light and low-light I get every 6 months is cool and all, but I really wanted to add in something fun. Still, it is a nice luxury to get my hair done. I would probably pay the full price just to get the scalp massage when they wash my hair though…anyone with me there?
3. The Café is good.
I mean it is a job and has the normal job annoyances. Like…having to leave the comfort of my cozy apartment sometimes before the sun is up when it’s below freezing outside to deal with some carazy customers and walk away with protein powder in my hair and pureed strawberry on my arms (that I always mistake for blood) for very little pay… BUT for the most part I really do love my café job!
First of all, I never mentioned anything on the blog yet but I got a promotion at the café a couple of months ago! I’ve been working there about a year now and decided it was time to at least be a supervisor. 😉 Woot!
Secondly, I have been chosen two months in a row for the “shining star” award. I realize it sounds akin to getting a gold star on your homework (and it kind of is), but it still feels good to be recognized in an industry where everyone takes you for granted. Oh and it normally comes with a free lunch, but this month the manager of the gym’s spa chose me, so she’s offered me a complimentary spa service. I chose a massage! I’m waiting for an especially stressful or sore day though.
Lastly, I have a lot of regular customers that either make my day or I get to make their day. It totally makes up for the occasional crazies. Insert cheesy smiles and warm fuzzies.
Also work has good food. I’m getting even hungrier thinking about it!
[brief pause to order a bagel sammich]
4. Katie visited me!
Like I mentioned in Thursday’s post, I was visited by one of my bestest blends, Katie and her friend Sam during their trek through the 50 states!
The trip was cut short due to the snow (stupid snow!), but at least there were a few shenanigans and I got to give her a big hug and wish her luck!
5. Riding the chill wave.
We had some other friends visit the same weekend and we ended up going to an impromptu concert in downtown Minneapolis. We got to walk past a bazillion Garth Brooks fans to see Vacationer. The lead singer, Kenny, told us to “ride the chill wave” and we definitely did.
It was music that makes you sway, smile and feel downright happy in your soul. We bought both of their CDs, then Dave and JD got their picture with the lead singer who is also the singer for The Starting Line. He was super cool and friendly. Definitely riding the chill wave. I put that ticket in our fun things jar and am hoping to keep filling that thing up!
[Tweet “Just ride the chill wave.”]
6. Cute Cats.
If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen this gem. I am going through some kind of stage where every single little kid makes me go “awwwwe” and I want to share all the cat pictures. I’ve been wanting a little furry friend to keep me company at the apartment for awhile and I’m hoping the strong hinting I’ve been doing will mean I get one for Christmas!
7. This quote. Times a thousand.
[Tweet “Be your own kind of beautiful. #truth #beauty #justasyouare”]
This really spoke to me the other day (go Stitchfix!). It’s so challenging as a woman to embrace your beauty. Not society’s view of beauty, but embracing how wonderful we are right at this very minute instead of constantly pressuring ourselves to change “for the better.” This includes everything from the physical to our personalities.
Embrace those quirks! They make you unique and interesting! This has been a constant theme in my life lately!
8. The Daddio is coming to visit!
My dad is finally done with his master’s program (it’s been a grueling couple of years for him, but he totally rocked all of his classes!) so now he has time to actually come visit us in the twin cities from Nebraska. I’m pretty excited to show him around and we also might have a mini Christmas celebration since poor Dave has to work over Christmas.
And looking at my most popular posts of the day (in the sidebar), I’m reminded we should probably watch Elf. The best Christmas movie ever created. Check out all my favorite lines from Elf here.
So despite the little annoying things…life is pretty darned good! Thanks for looking on the bright side with me today!
PS Don’t forget..tomorrow is Semi-Healthy Saturday Link-Up! 🙂 🙂
What’s good with you??
What are you up to this weekend? I work at the café and then I will probably be cleaning…at least that’s all I can think about right now.
Linking up to:
Friday Favorites with Katie at Running 4 Cupcakes
Friday Favorites with Heather from Housewife Glamour
(All of the lovely link-ups I participate in here.)
Yay for the promotion and omg that bagel!
My dad is coming down to see me on Wednesday! Yay for daddy love 🙂
Aw that’s good! Yay indeed for daddy love! <3
Love the new blog logo – so perfect!! And congrats on the promotion and the award – feels so good to be recognized for good work, right? Happy Friday – thanks for linking up!!
Julie is super talented!! And YES, so good to be recognized! 🙂
I like your new blog logo! I think it suits you and the blog quite well, very lovely! Haha, the Purritos had me cracking up and “aww”-ing at the same time.
Thank you, Julie did such a good job on the logo!! Purritos ftw!!
-Better, yet…daughter love! ( :D) I get to read my talented daughter’s amazing work, online! (SO much better than Business Strategy or Managerial Accounting, etc.–Blah, blah, blah!) Great new logo! -Can’t wait to visit you! ~YD
Awww thanks, Daddio! Can’t wait for you to come visit our frozen tundra! 🙂
I need to do a BLOG make-over. It is time. I think over the Christmas holiday I am going to look into it. I am going to NZ for New Years, so perhaps I will figure it out and then someone can redesign it when I am gone, and I am left with a surprise when I return! 😉
That would be an awesome Christmas present! It’s always fun to have a new, refreshed look on your blog..especially at the beginning of a new year! 🙂