These are my confessions…
1. Despite me working from home half of the week, our apartment tends to get pretty messy.
Sure I try to pick up and keep up with the daily things like dishes and laundry, but deep cleaning tends to get away from me. Especially when we travel a lot to Nebraska or have friends in town.
This becomes a problem when I find out Wednesday that Dave’s parents are coming into town for the weekend..for the first time ever since we moved here over a year ago! Eep!
2. I suffer from anxiety. Like sometimes I have freak outs or slight panic attacks over seemingly small things. I’ve learned different ways to manage it such as a supplement I buy from the café, trying to get sleep, exercising, eating semi-healthy and not over scheduling myself.
This is, however an issue when I have little notice for people coming over. And apparently little notice for me means days in advance..told you I have anxiety! I mean I was excited but thanks to my personality type, I was also extremely stressed out because of the state our apartment was in, not to mention trying to come up with things to do/see.
That all being said, we did have fun this weekend! And Dave’s parents did approve of our apartment. And called us spoiled.
3. I’ve had pizza every day for the past three days.
Saturday it was a take and bake Heggies pizza from a gas station (apparently it’s a Minnesota thing…and it was so good!) with jalapeños while watching the Nebraska game.
Sunday it was Pizza Luce.
Monday it was leftover Pizza Luce.
4. I’ve also eaten most of this chili. (recipe to come!)
The leftovers are almost gone and I was telling Dave “we ate that fast” only to realize he never had any of the leftovers….oops.
5. Something else I’ve gobbled up quickly was these delightful banana protein cookies. To quote Dave, “these are actually really good!” haha thanks? I’m guessing he said that because he knew they were healthy but sheesh Dave don’t ya have any confidence in my semi-healthy baking skillz?? (<-with a z)
(this recipe is also coming soon!)
6. I climbed these crazy stairs in Stillwater and my quads still hurt.
I may need more strength training in my life. There was actually another two flights after this with a spot to sit and rest.
7. I started watching Nightmare on Elm Street on accident and couldn’t stop watching even though I was so grossed out.
8. Along those lines, I am totally addicted to The Walking Dead, even though it freaks me out and I have to cover my eyes at times. I think sometimes I get so attached to characters and storylines I just MUST know what is going to happen. For those of you who watch..I have yelled at the tv the past 4 episodes, “WHERE IS BETH??!” (And moreover, why doesn’t anyone in the show seem to care?!)
9. I really don’t know the twin cities like I should after being here over a year. I still get turned around when we are driving places and use my GPS if I go anywhere new. Maybe having a GPS prevents me from learning?
10. I don’t usually allow myself to shop at Whole Foods because a. it’s pretty expensive and b. I find so many fun things to buy and rack up way too much for the grocery bill.
I definitely bought #allthethings this time.
11. I thought of the weirdest idea for a recipe while at Whole Foods. It will either be ah-mazing or an epic failure…I will let you know how it goes on Wednesday, National Oatmeal Day.
12. I didn’t run the Monster Dash on Saturday.
*phew* glad I got that out.
This was the main reason for this post because I have such anxiety when I say I’m going to do something and then I don’t do it. I feel like a total failure and in this case, a complete doofus.
Like I said, there was a lot of cleaning and organizing that needed to be done before Dave’s parents came. I also had a ton of blog/freelance stuff to do that I would normally have all weekend to work on. Mr. Dave said he would help clean on Friday, but of course he ended up being out of town for work (he’s tricky like that ).
I had so many things running through my brain that I spaced picking up my packet on Friday. I literally remembered at 6:59pm when it ended at 7. Gah. That meant an extra $30 to pick up my packet on race day…when I’d already paid $60!
Then Friday night we ate dinner at a home-style-comfort-food restaurant and I decided to have 3 cheese curds. I woke up at 4am with the sharp pains and bloating associated with my bad reaction to dairy. Sometimes I just do not get my body..some days I can eat certain cheeses or icecream, but other times my stomach is like, “oh he$# no!”
So I decided $90 to run 10 miles with a tummy ache was a bad idea. This was probably for the best since I haven’t run a lot in the past month being sick and all. And the fact that I ran 3 miles that Wednesday and was super out of breath…
I know I made the right decision for my body, but it still stinks! I was so looking forward to it and was excited about my costume and being able to say I ran the Monster Dash in the twin cities..and to be able to say I ran 10 miles!
PS. Sunday evening I noticed a huge increase in page views. It turns out my Semi-Healthy M+M Cookies were included on a round-up! Eeek! #soexcited Great way to end the weekend!
CLICK HERE for more of my confessions. 🙂
YOUR confessions! Make me feel better (and like less of a doofus)! 🙂
PS I’m all about Pinterest this year, so I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images!
Pin with me!
Linking up to:
What I Ate Wednesdays with Jenn at Peas and Crayons
Thinking Out Loud with Amanda at Running with Spoons
(All of the lovely link-ups I participate in here.)
First of all, congrats on getting your recipe shared on and going viral! I feel like only bloggers can really understand the excitement behind these circumstances. Haha. And don’t worry, I suffer from some anxiety issues myself, so I can relate. My problems stem from the fact that I’m an over-thinker and my mind has a hard time shutting off. Like, EVER. Looking forward to the banana protein cookies recipe! If they have sprinkles in them, bonus points! And thank you for the sweet comments on my blog today, by the way. I will get to replying on my own blog later, but I appreciate your words and reaching out if I want anyone to talk to about my long-distance relationship and figuring out my life situation. 🙂
No problem, lady! I can relate to your situation and long distance is rough stuff! Feel free to e-mail me anytime! 🙂
I’ve slept through a 5K before. Oops! Totally by accident… even if I had a little bit to drink the night before. =) Also, another 5K I almost missed because I missed my alarm. I arrived and just when I found the group I was going to run with, it was time to get to the starting line. So much for a warm-up!
This makes me feel a little better. Much appreciated. 🙂
Where is Beth? It’s killing me. I also yelled at the tv; Maggie why are you not asking about Beth???? CONGRATS on the publishing of your recipe, so exciting.
Omg she was so annoying like “I must save Glen!!” for a whole freaking episode but never once mentioned Beth!!
Congrats on being included in the Glamour roundup! That’s awesome!
I know this is kind of a personal question, but I also suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and was wondering what some of your coping mechanisms were. I’ve been exercising and sometimes taking medicine but I don’t want to have to live on medicine so I was hoping you could share some of your tips. Thanks!
Thanks lady! I listed out a couple of things, but you can always e-mail me so we can chat more! I’m no doctor so I can only tell you what works for me! semihealthnut at yahoo 🙂 That might be a good post idea too!
Ugghhh who can say no to pizza?!? That is totally understandable! 🙂 i also get anxiety here and there and it is usually due to minor things which annoys me..short walks and music usually work for me!
Whole Foods dilemma but if I splurge on something it is usually that! Ha!
Love me some pizza!! I think it’s okay to splurge every now and again!
Would you mind sharing the supplement you take that helps with anxiety? I suffer from it too and would be interested.
It’s called relora. It’s made from a root and it usually helps a lot!
As a crazy, over the top Type A I work really hard to keep anxiety at bay. Working out keeps me sane!
It’s definitely good to find what works for you!
HEGGIES!!!!!! So glad you’ve had their amazingness. To further explain, many of the small town bars close their kitchens at 9 or 10 pm. So if you want a late night snack, you order a pizza around midnight. They only have frozen ones, and they’re delicious! Personally I like plain pepperoni, or the inferno (probably the one you had). My friends tend to like the 6 pack (which I think is all meat) but there is also a Delux (aka supreme). I have friends who have moved to Oklahoma and Kansas so when they come home they bring a few back and on their worst days they make Heggies for dinner as a pick me up…..And clearly I should do a whole Heggies post soon.
Also, no worries about the 10 miler. That race is definitely only to do when you’re having fun with a big group, otherwise I think its overrated/you feel lost in the crowd. We missed you at MN Blog Con, glad you were out having fun instead!
haha I think you have to do a Heggie’s post! Glad you explained it because I had no idea the significance!
I wanna be right there with you eating pizza every day or at least 3 times a week lol my body would not like that though. Whole Foods is heaven. I try to avoid it because it is super expensive, but sometimes I just can’t hep but slip in when I go to work.
I think it depends on the pizza because neither one was too greasy. The Margherita pizza was actually deliciously fresh! 🙂
We sound very similar, I also get stressed even though I have plenty of time to prepare.
Food looks amazing!
Glad you can relate but sorry you go through that too! Then I get stressed that I’m so stressed haha
mmmmm pizza! I too tend to freak out over the littlest of things (writing a simple report, sudden changes in weekend plans) it leave me irritable and tense so I try my best to stay calm, yoga helps as does convincing the BF I need a neck rub. And if all else fails I start organizing like a mad woman as if that will make my life easier… hence the current state of papers all over my office and an unwritten report on my computer 😮
Hope you got your report done! I try to do the organize everything thing but sometimes I feel like it’s just procrastination. That being said…I do need to sit down and figure out a better system. I kind of fly by the seat of my pants slash random to-do lists most of the time unless I have something due the next day.
Haha I love number 9 and 10. I have been living in Minneapolis for over a year now and still get lost ALL the time! I rely on my phone for all directions. And yes, Whole Foods is a dangerous place! There are so many things to try yet it leaves you with so little in your wallet. Sometimes you just have to splurge though!
I’m so glad it’s not just me that still gets lost! So confusing compared to where I came from where there were like 2 interstates..there are at least a dozen here..gah!
Congrats on being recognized on! I can eat pizza every single day – we will get some next time I see you! Races are super nerve wracking for me. I want to do a Turkey Trot 5K but I’m not into waking up so early.
Thanks lady!! Come visit me and we will eat Pizza Luce for breakfast, lunch and dinner!! <3
I’ve lived in MN my whole life (yet on the near-Canada end) and will probably never know my way around the cities! The traffic intimidates me but there is SO much to do. I’ve heard good things about Pizza Luce…. and I’m totally cool with eating pizza every day at least for this week 🙂 That sounds sooo good right now.
Love your zebra costume and congrats on being featured by the round-up!!!
I’m glad I’m not the only one!!
You must try Pizza Luce! So many creative pizzas!
And thank you! 🙂
Oh, anxiety…that’s a tough one. I get situational anxiety and races make me anxious. I haven’t run a race in over a year between healthy issues and just not wanting to feel anxious about it. Congrats on the pageviews. That’s always fun!
Yes races can cause a lot of anxiety! You train for months and then everything depends on that one morning…
Thank you! I do love when that happens and sometimes I have no idea why lol
Congrats on the Glamour mention that’s so exciting! I noticed a spike in mine on my birthday and still haven’t found out what from. It was a nice bday gift at least!
Thanks lady! Maybe it was because it was your birthday and everyone wanted to check on you! 😉